
Child Rights Centre marked 25th work anniversary


The Child Rights Centre celebrated its 25th work anniversary together with its associates who gave their contribution to the promotion of child rights in Serbia. It was an opportunity for those present to be reminded of the different stages the Centre went through during its twenty-five-year history.

In the first years of its existence, at the time of great social upheavals, the Centre was also involved in humanitarian activities and actions in emergency situations through the programmes of support for the most vulnerable groups of children. Nevertheless, despite numerous implemented projects that included direct work with children, the main action line has always been to create a social and legislative framework conducive for the full realisation of child rights in Serbia through the promotion of child rights, public advocacy, research, education and participation of children.

In this direction, the foundation for monitoring the realisation of child rights in the Republic of Serbia was laid, and for many years the Centre has been a very active participant in the reform of legislation in the field of child rights, social protection, education and the judicial system. More than a hundred projects were implemented; more than 200 reports, surveys, handbooks, newsletters and brochures were published; hundreds of trainings, workshops and other events were held for professionals, the civil sector, parents and children; numerous educational materials intended for children were created; and numerous advocacy initiatives were launched, both independently and in partnership with other organisations and networks; the development of a more favourable legislative and strategic framework in the field of child rights was influenced through participation in the work of many expert bodies. In addition, the Centre is a founder of the Coalition for Monitoring the Rights of the Child and a member of EuroChildPlatform of Organizations for Cooperation with UN Human Rights MechanismsNetwork of Organisations for Children of Serbia – MODS and the National Convention on the European Union.

Since its establishment, the Centre has supported and developed direct work with children through the DX Club. DX Club is a place that gathers children and youth and where they can get information about their rights in a language they understand, and can also engage in various activities, such as workshops, panel discussions, public actions and self-advocacy actions both at the national, and at the international level. Children and young people had the opportunity to participate in numerous campaigns and the production of informative materials intended for children and young people.

Following its mission and vision, the Centre will continue to promote the implementation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child through the promotion of the rights of the child, public advocacy, research, education and participation of children.Within its strategic priorities, it will continue to work in the area of prevention and protection of children from violence, policy monitoring, child-friendly justice, participation of children, protection of children from discrimination and realisation of child right to a healthy environment.