
Guidelines for the child participation in civil proceedings and the assessment of the best interests of the child


In July 2015, organised by the Child Rights Centre, a working group that brought together professionals from the judicial system, social and health care, citizens’ associations was established, in order to draft the ’Guidelines for the child participation in civil proceedings and the instrument for assessing the best interests of the child’

It is intended that these guidelines provide reliable support for the proper interpretation and application of legal regulations concerning the participation of the child in court proceedings by expressing opinions and implementation of the principle of the best interests of the child to judges who conduct proceedings relating to children. They represent a set of practical guidelines for the work and specific tools whose application ensures that the child fully and with as little trauma participate in court proceedings and that any action taken, measures and activity of the court, as well as the decisions a court makes are in line with the principle of the best interests of the child. Implementation of the guidelines can help increase the efficiency of court procedures and the provision of effective legal protection.

You can download document below:

Guidelines for the child participation in civil proceedings and the assessment of the best interests of the child