
Peer workshop in the Seventh Belgrade Gymnasium


DX members continued to hold workshops to introduce their peers with the “Report on the state of child rights in the Republic of Serbia from the perspective of children and youth”, as well as with the Recommendations of the UN Human Rights Council regarding the second process of the Universal Periodic Review of human rights in Serbia. After the workshop held in May in the Club for healthy changes, on 11 June they held a workshop for the students of the Seventh Belgrade Gymnasium.

The workshop was facilitated by three members of DX, with the support of the coordinator, and it was attended by 28 pupils of the younger grades of this school, with the presence of school counselor and a teacher. The attendees showed great interest in some of the presented results and during the discussion they offered their explanations of the causes and reasons for such results. The workshop participants also expressed interest in organising surveys as a method of research and collecting the views of children and youth, asking about the technical details of the process of preparation of the research and data processing.

Representatives of the school administration of the Seventh Belgrade Gymnasium as a gift received copies of the printed Report, and the students who attended the workshop were given also the information on the DX and the invitation to join the group.