In order to enable comprehensive and continual monitoring of the situation of children in all domains, the Centre has been working on the development of indicators for each individual area of child rights. So far, we have successfully developed indicators for some specific domains or their parts. Based on these indicators, we have conducted research, publicised their results and compiled independent comprehensive reports on the situation of child rights in our country.
The Centre pays special attention to children’s participation in the process of monitoring and reporting on the situation of child rights.
- Second and Third Alternative Periodic Report on the Implementation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child in the Republic of Serbia (2008-2014) Drugi_i_treci_alternativni_periodicni_izvestaj_o_primeni_Konvencije_2008_2014_en
- Report on the Rights of the Child in the Republic of Serbia from the perspective of children and youth
- Initial Alternative Report on Implementation of Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Right of the Child on the Sale of Children, Child Prostitution, and Child Pornography in Republic of Serbia
- Initial Alternative Report on Implementation of Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Right of the Child on involvement of Children in armed conflicts
- Implementation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child in Serbia 2007
- Child Rights in Serbia – The Children’s Perspective 2007
- Child Rights in Serbia 2006
- Child Rights in Serbia 2005
- Child Rights in Serbia 2004
- Child Rights in Serbia 2003
- Child Rights in Serbia 1996-2002