
Saopštenje povodom tragičnog događaja u Banjskom Polju

U svetlu nedavne tragične smrti dvogodišnjeg deteta, želimo da izrazimo duboko saučešće porodici i zajednici koja je pogođena ovim teškim gubitkom.

Informacije koje su objavljene za vreme i nakon ovog tragičnog događaja, izazivaju duboku uznemirenost javnosti i potencijalno mogu imati štetne posledice po svako dete koje sa njima dođe u dodir. Svako dete je nosilac prava na privatnost, dostojanstvo i zaštitu od štetnih uticaja medijskog izveštavanja. Zbog toga je od izuzetne važnosti da se medijske aktivnosti sprovode u najboljem interesu svakog deteta. 

U skladu sa tim, pozivamo medije da se pridržavaju etičkih principa i da u svom izveštavanju poštuju međunarodne standarde i nacionalne propise u cilju zaštite prava, integriteta i najboljeg interesa svakog deteta.

Javni poziv za dostavljanje ponuda u postupku nabavke ekspertskih usluga za razvijanje i sprovođenje programa mentalnog zdravlja i psihosocijalne podrške za decu i prevencije nasilja

Centar za prava deteta u okviru projekta “Promovisanje dobrobiti dece u zaštiti od nasilja”, koji finansira Delegacije Evropske unije u Republici Srbiji kroz Evropski instrument za demokratiju i ljudska prava (EIDHR), raspisuje javni poziv za dostavljanje ponuda u postupku nabavke ekspertskih usluga razvijanje i sprovođenje programa mentalnog zdravlja i psihosocijalne podrške za decu i prevencije nasilja.

Kroz projekat želimo da unapredimo pristup i kvalitet usluga mentalnog zdravlja i podrške koja se pruža deci koja su riziku od nasilja ili su već izložena nasilju. Uključićemo 10 opština širom Srbije u rad na edukaciji stručnjaka iz sektora obrazovanja, socijalne i zdravstvene zaštite i podizanju svesti među decom i njihovim roditeljima/starateljima o važnosti mentalnog zdravlja i prevenciji i zaštiti dece od nasilja.

U okviru ovog javnog poziva, Centar za prava deteta traži 6 multisektorskih stručnjaka (iz sistema obrazovanja, zdravstvene i socijalne zaštite) za razvijanje i sprovođenje programa mentalnog zdravlja i psihosocijalne podrške za decu i prevencije nasilja.

Na sledecim linkovima je detaljniji opis poziva, kriterijuma i ekspertize koja je potrebna:

  1. Javni poziv za dostavljanje ponuda u postupku nabavke ekspertskih usluga za razvijanje i sprovođenje programa mentalnog zdravlja i psihosocijalne podrške za decu i prevencije nasilja
  2. Opis posla za pružanje ekspertskih usluga za razvijanje i sprovođenje programa mentalnog zdravlja i psihosocijalne podrške za decu i za prevenciju nasilja
  3. Dokumentacija za podnošenje ponude

Saopštenje Centra za prava deteta

U vezi sa trenutnim ali i ranijim pretnjama i napadima na radnike centara za socijalni rad koji postaju sve češći širom Srbije, ovim putem apelujemo da je potrebno voditi računa o poštovanju prava dece i pravilnoj primeni međunarodnih standarda, i to naročito jednog od ključnih principa Konvencije o pravima deteta da sve odluke koje se tiču dece treba da budu u njihovim najboljim interesima. 

U skladu sa Zakonom o socijalnoj zaštiti, centar za socijalni rad vrši usluge procene i planiranja, što podrazumeva procenu stanja, potreba, snaga i rizika, kada deca žive u okolnostima višestruke ranjivosti. Taj posao zahteva veliki nivo stručnosti i izuzetno je osetljiv, te zato stručnjaci centara za socijalni rad prolaze razne obuke. Takođe, važno je naglasiti da je jedino sud nadležan da donosi odluku o lišenju roditeljskog prava. Stoga je opasno kada mediji i javnost, koji nisu upoznati sa konkretnim okolnostima slučaja u konkretnim porodicama, daju svoja mišljenja i vrše pritisak na stručnjake da donose odluke u određenom pravcu. Svako dete ima pravo na poverljivost podataka i privatnost, te nije u najboljim interesima deteta da podaci o identitetu deteta i njegove ili njene porodice budu objavljeni u medijima.  Zato ne smemo da dajemo mišljenja o individualnim slučajevima o kojima ne znamo dovoljno i nemamo informacije da bismo doneli mišljenje, upravo zato što postupak treba da bude poverljiv kako bi se zaštitilo dostojanstvo i privatnost deteta. 

Standardi Ujedinjenih nacija (UN) i Saveta Evrope kao što su Smernice UN za alternativno staranje o deci i Preporuka Saveta Evrope o pravima dece i socijalnim uslugama koje su prilagođene deci i porodicama ističu ulogu porodice kao osnove društva i prirodne sredine za razvoj, dobrobit i zaštitu dece. Ovi standardi jasno nalažu državama da treba da ulože napore da se detetu omogući da ostane ili se vrati na staranje svojim roditeljima. Zato države treba da razviju usluge podrške porodicama u krizi, odnosno porodicama u kojima roditelju ili roditeljima treba dodatna podrška i dodatni saveti – kako bi deca živela u bezbednom i sigurnom okruženju i imala pristup kvalitetnoj zdravstvenoj zaštiti i obrazovanju. Srbija je četiri godine sprovodila program Porodični saradnik koji je podrazumevao upravo ovakvu uslugu, koja se pruža porodicama u cilju sprečavanja izmeštanja dece iz biološke porodice kad god je to moguće. Postojala je spremnost države da se data usluga uvede u sistem socijalne zaštite kroz osnivanje Centara za decu i porodicu koji bi pružali niz potrebnih usluga u zajednici. Izmene i dopune Zakona o socijalnoj zaštiti su u tom cilju i sačinjene ali nažalost ovaj zakon još uvek nije usvojen.  Centar za prava deteta zato predlaže da nadležni organi, uzimajući u obzir slučajeve u kojima je roditeljima potrebna dodatna podrška, uvede datu uslugu u sistem.  Ova usluga je ključna i u slučajevima kada dete treba da se reintegriše u biološku porodicu, ako je bilo izmešteno na određeno vreme.  

Centar za prava deteta još jednom poziva medije i druge aktere koji vrše pritisak na stručne radnike centara za socijalni rad, a koji su zaduženi da vrše procenu rizika dece, da to ne rade, i to naročito ne nasilnim putem. Uloga sistema socijalne zaštite i socijalnog rada je ključna za bezbednost dece, sprečavanje nasilja i zanemarivanja dece i obezbeđivanje ranih intervencija. Procena rizika kojima je izloženo dete i porodica je izuzetno ozbiljan i osetljiv posao koji zahteva veliku stručnost.  Ako nismo zadovoljni radom centara za socijalni rad, moramo svi zajedno vršiti pritisak za unapređenje date struke, njenog položaja u našem društvu i unapređenje spektra usluga koje pružaju socijalni radnici u zajednici.  


Konferencija „Unapređenje primene vaspitnih naloga i krivičnih sankcija prema maloletnicima“ Saveta za praćenje i unapređenje rada organa krivičnog postupka i izvršenja krivičnih sankcija prema maloletnicima („Savet za maloletnike“) održana je 12. marta 2024. godine.

Savet za maloletnike je formiran u novembru 2009. godine odlukom Ministarstva pravde i Vrhovnog suda, u skladu sa odredbama Zakona o maloletnim učiniocima krivičnih dela i krivičnopravnoj zaštiti maloletnih lica. Delokrug rada Saveta za maloletnike je podnošenje inicijativa, predloga, mišljenja i analiza Ministarstvu pravde i Vrhovnom sudu u cilju unapređenja zakona, politike i prakse u sistemu maloletničkog pravosuđa.

Ova konferencija okupila je 78 stručnjaka zaposlenih u sistemu maloletničkog pravosuđa iz različitih sektora, kako bi se razmenila iskustva i zajednički definisale preporuke za postizanje daljeg napretka u ovoj oblasti. U okviru dva panela, teme koje su posebno bile razmatrane su: rezultati istraživanja primene vaspitnih naloga i predlozi za unapređenje njihove primene, maloletna lica u krivičnim postupcima i mediji, realizacija vaspitnih mera s posebnim fokusom na dnevne boravke i posebne ustanove za lečenje i osposobljavanje, kao i primena mera bezbednosti obaveznog lečenja. 

Konferencija je podržana kroz projekat “Prava deteta u kontekstu unapređenja pristupa pravde za decu”, koji sprovodi Centar za prava deteta uz partnersku podršku UNICEF-a u Srbiji.

Saopštenje za javnost o stanju prava deteta u Srbiji

Koalicija za monitoring prava deteta u Republici Srbiji kontinirano prati ostvarivanje prava deteta na nacionalnom nivou. U redovnim izveštajima ističe ključne izazove sa kojima se deca i mladi trenutno suočavaju u našem društvu, pružajući istovremeno preporuke za unapređenje. Nedavni šestomesečni izveštaj za period od juna do novembra 2023. godine ukazuje na zabrinjavajuće trendove, uključujući nasilje nad i među decom, neadekvatnu pravnu zaštitu i nedovoljnu podršku mentalnom zdravlju dece.

Iako postoji Nacionalni program o zaštiti mentanog zdravlja u Republici Srbiji za period 2019‒2026. godine, usvojen krajem 2019. godine, službe za dečju i adolescentnu psihijatriju na svim nivoima zdravstvene zaštite su nedovoljno razvijene, a takođe nedostaje efikasna intersektorska saradnja. Isto tako, nedostaju centri za zaštitu mentalnog zdravlja u zajednici i druge vaninstitucionalne psihijatrijske službe, što je prepoznato kao cilj u Nacionalnom programu. 

Nakon tragičnih dešavanja u maju 2023. godine pokrenule su debate o zaštiti mentalnog zdravlja dece i mladih ugroženih nasiljem na društvenim mrežama, ali i zbog neodgovornog i senzacionalističkog izveštavanja medija koje je povezano sa njihovim problematičnim ponašanjem poput porasta agresije ili anksioznosti, nižim nivoom empatije i saosećajnosti prema drugima i osećanjem straha, nesigurnosti i bespomoćnosti do kojih dolazi zbog stalnog ponavljanja informacija o nasilju. Rezultati istraživanja koje je sproveo Užički centar za prava deteta o izloženosti dece štetnim sadržajima i lažnim vestima u medijima (što uključuje i nasilje na internetu) pokazuju da se 96% dece i mladih iz uzorka, prema sopstvenim izjavama, susrelo u medijima sa sadržajem koji ih je uznemirio, uplašio, naljutio ili izazvao neku negativnu emociju; trećina ovakav sadržaj vidi svakodnevno, a četvrtina barem jednom nedeljno. Većina dece i mladih, oko 90%, tokom poslednjih godinu dana, preko medija je bila u dodiru s govorom mržnje, fizičkim nasiljem, eksplicitnim seksualnim i pornografskim sadržajima, zatim opasnim ponašanjem i zastrašujućim scenama i iskustvima sa štetnim supstancama. 

Posebno je zabrinjavajući nedostatak koordinacije i efikasne saradnje između različitih sektora, uključujući zdravstvenu i socijalnu zaštitu, obrazovanje, policiju, pravosuđe i organizacije civilnog društva, u rešavanju problema nasilja nad decom. Propusti u usvajanju Nacrta Zakona o pravima deteta i Zaštitniku prava deteta, kao i nedostatak Nacionalnog plana akcije za decu od 2015. godine, dodatno otežavaju ostvarivanje prava deteta u oblastima obrazovanja, zdravstva, pravosuđa i socijalne zaštite. Iako je Srbija donela niz strateških akata u oblasti zaštite dece od nasilja, kao što su Strategija za prevenciju i zaštitu dece od nasilja 2020 – 2023. i Opšti protokol za zaštitu dece od nasilja usvojen 2022. godine, potrebno je dodatno ulaganje napora kako bi se efikasno adresirala ova ozbiljna pitanja.

Deca koja su žrtve i svedoci krivičnih dela često nailaze na teškoće u dobijanju potrebne podrške, izložena su sugestivnim pitanjima i suočavaju se sa ograničenim resursima. Na primer, deca u sukobu sa zakonom imaju pravo na besplatnu pravnu pomoć, dok to nije uvek slučaj za decu žrtve i svedoke krivičnih dela. Važno je naglasiti potrebu za kontinuiranom multisektorskom obukom svih stručnjaka koji rade sa decom žrtvama i svedocima u krivičnom postupku. Iako postoji Nacionalna strategija za ostvarivanje prava žrtava i svedoka krivičnih dela za period 2020‒2025. godine, sa Akcionim planom, potrebno je dalje jačanje zakonodavnog okvira i dosledna primena propisa kako bi se postigao napredak u ovoj oblasti. 

Kako bismo ostvarili sveobuhvatan napredak u oblasti prava deteta, neophodno je intenzivirati napore u jačanju zakonodavnog okvira i doslednoj primeni propisa. Imperativ je stvoriti sigurno okruženje za decu, gde se ozbiljno shvataju njihovi problemi i brige. Otvorena i iskrena komunikacija sa decom, pružanje resursa i podrška za njihov razvoj su ključni elementi postizanja pravednih uslova za rast i razvoj svakog deteta u Srbiji.

Izveštaj o stanju prava deteta u Srbiji za period od juna do novembra 2023. godine, je pripremljen u okviru projekta „Praćenje primene preporuka Komiteta za prava deteta Ujedinjenih nacija“, koji Centar sprovodi u partnerstvu sa kancelarijom UNICEF-a u Srbiji u periodu od jula 2023. do 30. juna 2025. godine.


It is with great sadness that we say goodbye to our friend and associate Dr. Damjan Tatić, a respected human rights expert and advocate and a member of the Assembly of the Child Rights Centre. 

Damjan had an impressive carrier in the field of human rights. He participated in the drafting process of the United Nations Convention on persons with disabilities, after which he was a member of the Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in 2 terms, from 2011 to 2018, as well as vice-president of this body from 2017 to 2018. In his work with the Committee, Damjan provided guidance to numerous countries on how to harmonize their law, policy and practice with the highest international standards on the rights of persons with disabilities.

In addition to his international career, Damjan made a great contribution to the advancement of the rights of persons with disabilities in Serbia. In addition to being a consultant to numerous international and national organizations on various projects and the author of a number of scientific studies, research and publications, Damjan was a long-term expert of the National Organization of Persons with Disabilities of Serbia – NOOIS, with whom the Child Rights Centre has excellent cooperation. During his collaboration with the Child Rights Centre, Damjan worked on the advancement of the rights of children with disabilities, especially for improving of their access to justice.

In our future work, we will be guided by Damjan’s ideas and principles for improving the rights of children with disabilities. We will strive to continue his work, and we will always remember his work, kindness, perseverance, modesty, kindness, charm and sense of humor and he will forever be an inspiration to us.

Centar za prava započeo je sprovođenje projekta “Promovisanje dobrobiti dece u zaštiti od nasilja”

Centar za prava deteta je započeo sa sprovođenjem projekta “Promovisanje dobrobiti dece u zaštiti od nasilja”, uz podršku Delegacije Evropske unije u Republici Srbiji kroz Evropski instrument za demokratiju i ljudska prava (EIDHR). Projekat se sprovodi u periodu od 1. januara 2024. godine do 31. decembra 2026. godine.

Više od milijardu dece širom sveta se suočava sa različitim oblicima nasilja, bilo da je reč o nasilju u porodici, školi, lokalnoj zajednici, ili institucijama socijalne zaštite. Ova iskustva mogu izazvati ozbiljne posledice po mentalno zdravlje dece, uključujući depresiju, anksioznost i druge probleme.

U Srbiji, sistem podrške deci koja su izložena nasilju kao i sa mentalnim izazovima je ograničen, a mnoga deca se suočavaju sa stigmom i ne znaju gde da potraže pomoć. Procesi procene i tretmana u zdravstvenom sistemu su često dugi, što znači da deca ne dobijaju odgovarajuću podršku na vreme. Poslednja istraživanja ukazuju na široko rasprostranjeno nasilje u porodici nad decom u Srbiji, što se delimično pripisuje tradicionalnim vrednostima koje podržavaju primenu fizičkih kazni. Više od 40% dece do 14 godina je doživelo nasilne oblike disciplinovanja, dok je u romskim naseljima taj broj čak 67%. Pored toga, zabrinutost izaziva i porodično nasilje nad ženama i decom, kao i nasilno ponašanje mladih.

Kroz projekat želimo poboljšati pristup i kvalitet usluga mentalnog zdravlja i podrške koja se pruža deci koja su riziku od nasilja ili su već izložena nasilju. Uključićemo 10 opština širom Srbije u rad na edukaciji stručnjaka iz sektora obrazovanja, socijalne i zdravstvene zaštite i podizanju svesti među decom i njihovim roditeljima i starateljima o važnosti mentalnog zdravlja i prevenciji i zaštiti dece od nasilja.

Kroz razvoj programa i saradnju sa decom iz različitih škola širom zemlje, razvićemo digitalnu platformu i brošure koje će edukovati decu o zaštiti od nasilja i očuvanju mentalnog zdravlja. Paralelno s tim, sprovodićemo kampanju kako bismo javnosti preneli ključne poruke o važnosti mentalnog zdravlja dece i potrebi za prevencijom i zaštitom dece od nasilja.

Cilj nam je da unapredimo pristup uslugama i rano prepoznavanje problema, kako bismo uticali da deca dobiju  potrebnu podršku u pravo vreme. Kroz jačanje kapaciteta stručnjaka iz različitih sektora i osnaživanje lokalnih zajednica u kojima deca žive, želimo da doprinesemo unapređenju prava dece i njihove dobrobiti, pružajući im šansu za bezbedniji i zdraviji život.

THE CHILD RIGHTS CENTRE STARTS IMPLEMENTING THE PROJECT “Promoting children’s well-being in protection from violence”

The Child Right Centre starts implementing the project “Promoting children’s well-being in protection from violence” with the support of the Delegation of the European Union in the Republic of Serbia through the European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights (EIDHR). The project started on January 1, 2024 and will last until December 31, 2026.

More than one billion children around the world face various forms of violence, whether it is violence in the family, school, local community, or social protection institutions. These experiences can cause serious consequences for children’s mental health, including depression, anxiety and other problems.

In Serbia, the support system for children exposed to violence and mentally challenged is limited, and many children face stigma and do not know where to seek help. Assessment and treatment processes in the health system are often long, which means that children do not receive appropriate support in time. Recent research indicates widespread domestic violence against children in Serbia, which is partly attributed to traditional values ​​that support the use of physical punishment. More than 40% of children under the age of 14 have experienced violent forms of discipline, while in Roma settlements that number is as high as 67%. In addition, domestic violence against women and children, as well as the violent behavior of young people, is a concern.

Through the project, we want to improve the access and quality of mental health services and support provided to children who are at risk of violence or are already exposed to violence. We will involve 10 municipalities across Serbia in the work of educating experts from the education, social and health care sectors and raising awareness among children and their parents and guardians about the importance of mental health and the prevention and protection of children from violence.

Through the development of the program and cooperation with children from different schools across the country, we will develop a digital platform and brochures that will educate children about protection from violence and preservation of mental health. In parallel, we will implement a campaign to convey key messages to the public about the importance of children’s mental health and the need to prevent and protect children from violence.

We aim to improve access to services and early recognition of problems, in order to influence children to receive the necessary support at the right time. Through strengthening the capacity of experts from various sectors and strengthening the local communities where children live, we want to contribute to the improvement of children’s rights and their well-being, giving them a chance for a safer and healthier life.

Održane dve radionice o mentalnom zdravlju i participaciji dece u Zavodu za vaspitanje dece i omladine u Beogradu

U decembru održali smo poslednje 2 radionice o mentalnom zdravlju i participaciji dece u Zavodu za vaspitanje dece i omladine u Beogradu.

Prva radionica je bila posvećena otkrivanju radosti i zahvalnosti kroz igru, smeh i razmenu emocija. Učesnici su istraživali trenutke radosti kroz neverbalno izražavanje, ali i kroz prepoznavanje razloga za zahvalnost. Ova interaktivna sesija omogućila im je da shvate važnost deljenja radosti s drugima, ali i prepreke s kojima se mogu susresti u tome.

Druga radionica je bila više usmerena ka introspekciji i planiranju. Deca su kroz vizuelno predstavljanje svojih želja za 2024. godinu stekla priliku da razmisle o onome što žele zadržati iz prošlosti, šta žele promeniti i koje ciljeve žele postaviti. Ovaj kreativni pristup je podstakao decu da se aktivno uključe u oblikovanje sopstvenih ambicija.

Obe radionice su omogućile učesnicima da se otvore, izraze svoje emocije i dobiju alate za upravljanje njima. Reakcije učesnika su bile pozitivne, a većina je izrazila želju za nastavkom sličnih programa. To ukazuje na to da su se osećali podržano i inspirisano da istraže svoje emocije i postignu svoje ciljeve.

Radionice su sprovele članica Kluba DX Olga Dević i supervizor psihološkinja Tamara Tomašević. Radionice su sprovedene u okviru projekta „Podrška dobrobiti dece i mladih i obrazovanje o pravima deteta“, koji sprovodi Centar za prava deteta i koji je finansijski podržan od strane International Women’s Club -IWC. 


It is with great regret that we say goodbye to our dear colleague Viktorija Cucić, professor at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Belgrade, retired.

During her career, for decades, Professor Cucić was involved in the treatment of persons infected with the AIDS, but also in the fight against their stigmatization. She was a guest lecturer at several world universities, including many years of cooperation with London’s Imperial College and the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Kuwait, as well as the organizer of numerous professional trainings, seminars and workshops.

Professor Cucić was a devoted friend and collaborator, as well as the president of the Management Board of the Child Rights Centre. In the field of children’s rights, she advocated for the improvement of  rights of children in health, especially in relation to the right to health and health care, the right to information, the right to opinion and participation in decision-making, the right to protection of privacy and dignity, and the right to protection from all forms of violence against children. She took part in numerous researches and studies in this field, in capacity building of health workers and associates who work with children, as well as in informing children and their parents and caregivers about their rights. Professor Victoria will be remembered for her bright and positive spirit, sense of humor, courage and great commitment to the advancement of children’s rights.


S velikim žaljenjem se opraštamo od prof. dr. Viktorije Cucić, profesorke Medicinskog fakulteta Univerziteta u Beogradu, u penziji.

Tokom svoje karijere, prof. dr. Cucić se decenijama bavila lečenjem osoba zaraženih virusom AIDS ali i borbom protiv njihove stigmatizacije. Bila je gostujuća predavačica na više svetskih univerziteta, uključujući i višegodišnju saradnju sa londonskim Imperial koledžom i Medicinskim fakultetom Univerziteta u Kuvajtu, kao i organizatorka mnogobrojnih stručnih obuka, seminara i radionica.

Profesorka Cucić je bila predani prijatelj i saradnica, kao i predsednica Upravnog odbora Centra za prava deteta. U oblasti prava deteta, ona se zalagala za unapređenje prava deteta u oblasti zdravlja, i to naročito prava na zdravlje i zdravstvenu zaštitu, prava na informisanje, prava na mišljenje i učešće u odlučivanju, prava na zaštitu privatnosti i ugleda i prava na zaštitu od svih oblika nasilja.  Učestvovala je u izradi brojnih istraživanja i studija u ovoj oblasti, u obukama zdravstvenih radnika i saradnika koji rade sa decom kao i informisanja dece i njihovih roditelja i staratelja o njihovim pravima.

Profesorku Viktoriju ćemo pamtiti po svom vedrom i pozitivnom duhu, smislu za humor, hrabrosti i velikoj posvećenosti unapređenju prava deteta.


The Child Rights Centre held the third in a series of dialogues on children’s rights in 2023 titled “Access to Justice for Children Exposed to Violence” in Novi Sad on December 14, 2023. The dialogue was dedicated to addressing access to justice for children, with a specific focus on those exposed to violence in various forms and environments. Access to justice represents a fundamental human right and a means to achieve and protect all other human rights as envisioned by the Convention on the Rights of the Child, other international standards, and the national legal framework.

The dialogue was opened by the Chairperson of the CRC Board, Ines Cerović, who also moderated the dialogue, and Jelena Paunović, the Director of the Child Rights Centre. The panel featured discussions by Olivera Pejak Prokeš, a judge from the Court of Appeal in Novi Sad, PhD Dejana Spasojević, a lawyer, Doctor Svetlana Ivanović Kovačević from the Psychiatry Clinic within the Clinical Center of Vojvodina, and Milan Dakić, a representative of the Provincial Ombudsman.

We focused on protecting children in cases of violence, considering how children can report violence in different procedures—criminal and civil—and what practical resources are truly available to them. Children face numerous barriers that hinder their access to justice, such as the complexity of the judicial system, lack of information, support from adults and trained professionals, and some obstacles of a financial nature, including travel costs due to distance from institutions and the absence of a functional system for free legal aid adapted and accessible to children. Children with developmental difficulties often lack adequate access to institution buildings, and those in alternative care systems, children in conflict with the law, children in street situations, minority children, and migrant children are particularly vulnerable. Considering the multidisciplinary nature of the gathering, we concluded that one of the key obstacles is the lack of coordination and insufficient collaboration among various services and institutions in the justice, social welfare, police, education, and healthcare sectors.

The discussion conclusions revolved around improving the accountability of institutions in protecting children when they come into contact with all these sectors, while simultaneously striving to empower children and their parents or guardians to take on the role of active and engaged citizens, fully entitled rights holders. As a result of the dialogue, an advocacy document will be prepared and submitted to relevant institutions with the aim of promoting improvements in access to justice for children exposed to violence.

The dialogue was organized as part of the project “Strengthening the capacities of civil society organisations (CSOs) to contribute to the fulfilment of Serbia’s human dimension commitments in the field of the rights of child”.

Statement on the held dialogue “The Role of the Social Welfare System and Social Work Profession in Ensuring a Safe Environment for the Growth and Development of Children in Serbia”

The Child Rights Centre held a dialogue in Kragujevac on December 12, 2023. The dialogue focused on the role of the social welfare system in ensuring a safe environment for the growth and development of every child.

The perspectives and opinions of practitioners providing social welfare services were of particular importance, along with consultations with experts in this field. Based on these discussions, a proposal was formulated to enhance the social welfare system and the social work profession. This enhancement is crucial for establishing a safe and nurturing environment for every child.

It’s imperative that the social welfare system not only responds to serious cases of violence and neglect but also acts preventively. Therefore, the development of local social welfare services, particularly the daily services prescribed by the Law on Social Welfare and provided by local self-government units, is necessary. These services need to be professionally managed, focusing on a comprehensive approach to working with families and their relationships within the community, including schools and access to other relevant services.

During the dialogue, specific examples of such services already being provided in several municipalities were presented. One such example is the family conference service, where a professional engages with family members and individuals significant to the child to collectively create a support plan for the child. If problems persist, the social welfare center, as the guardianship authority, takes further steps regarding the child’s well-being. Furthermore, Marriage and Family Counseling Centers are already operational in around 20% of municipalities in Serbia, offering various early intervention services to families in difficulty. These services encompass individual work with children, work with the entire family, organizing workshops for parents, and workshops for different targeted groups of children in need of support.

Based on consultations, it’s crucial for every municipality in Serbia to develop preventive social welfare services, as proposed earlier. This represents a critical step toward providing a positive and secure environment for the growth and development of every child. Although municipalities have autonomy in developing local services, there’s a need to change the approach and make them mandatory for the development of preventive services. Additionally, social welfare centers need an adequate number of staff to effectively implement defined procedures and provide proper protection to the most vulnerable children in Serbia.

In the upcoming period, the Child Rights Centre plans further advocacy efforts aimed at improvement within the education, judiciary, and healthcare systems. We believe that incremental progress in these crucial systems is necessary to effectively combat violence against children in Serbia.

This dialogue was held within the project “Strengthening the capacities of civil society organisations (CSOs) to contribute to the fulfilment of Serbia’s human dimension commitments in the field of the rights of child”.

Statement on the held dialogue: How to prevent violence in school: Learned lessons and possible steps

The Child Rights Centre held on November 30, 2023, in Belgrade, the first in a series of dialogues on children’s rights in 2023: “How to prevent violence in school: Learned lessons and possible steps” as part of the project “Strengthening the capacities of civil society organizations to adequately contribute to fulfilling Serbia’s obligations in the field of children’s rights,” supported by the OSCE Mission to Serbia.

The dialogue was opened by: Dragana Ivetić, representative of the OSCE Mission to Serbia, Jelena Paunović, director of the Child Rights Centre, as well as PhD Professor Nevena Vučković Šahović. The panel included speeches by: Biljana Lajović, a specialist in school psychology, PhD Professor Aleksandar Baucal, a psychology professor, PhD Professor Tamara Džamonja, a psychology professor, PhD Professor Dragica Pavlović Babić, also a psychology professor, and PhD Jelena Žunić Cicvarić, the program director of the Užički Center for the Child Rights.

Violence against children in Serbia takes many forms and occurs in various environments—within the home/private life, in schools, in institutions where children are placed for protection or rehabilitation, in the digital space, and within the local community. Harmful actions that endanger children’s survival disrupt their well-being and hinder their development due to numerous factors.

Throughout the dialogue, which gathered 40 representatives from relevant ministries, academic and other educational institutions, the civil sector, international organizations, and children, past education reforms and the legislative framework for preventing and protecting children from violence were discussed. Additionally, the quality of teaching, learning processes, the roles of psychological and pedagogical services, and the importance of implementing the highest standards of mental health in the education system were considered.

Previous education reforms often had limited duration and failed to maintain continuity, creating prerequisites for significant challenges in achieving long-term goals and realizing principles in advancing education. Furthermore, there’s an open question regarding the alignment of policies, laws, and strategies in education and child protection from violence, both domestically and in accordance with international standards. Overall, the achieved results of previous reforms highlight the urgent need for a sustainable, long-term approach enabling stable and continuous educational development to enhance quality and fairness within the educational system.

Moreover, it was emphasized that schools play a significant role not only in the learning process but also in developing prosocial skills, which directly contributes to violence prevention. A positive school atmosphere creates an environment where children feel secure, respected, accepted, free, and where freedom of expression is encouraged, alongside respect for rules and behavioral standards.

In line with this, the participants were presented with the results of a study on learning motivation, both of teachers and students, as a key factor in creating a positive school environment, showing remarkably low values. During the dialogue, participants emphasized the necessity to take measures to improve motivation among all stakeholders in the education system, creating an environment that encourages active participation, skill development, and a positive attitude toward learning.

It was particularly highlighted that early recognition and intervention are key factors in mitigating the consequences of violence against children within the education system. Hence, the importance of continuously enhancing the competencies of all school staff, especially psychologists and pedagogues, to effectively identify violent situations, was emphasized. Professionals working with children, possessing strong competencies, can offer efficient support to victims of violence and their families, facilitating the recovery process.

It’s crucial for all systemic reforms aimed at preventing and combating violence to encompass the entire school community, as only then can the desired results be achieved and continuity maintained. In this regard, education must seek and find new solutions by strengthening key institutional mechanisms, local protection systems, and raising awareness to change social norms, values, and attitudes regarding violence prevention and protection. On the other hand, for the school to become a center that fosters collaboration, recognizes one’s and others’ feelings, develops self-control, encourages community volunteering, and promotes constructive conflict resolution, it’s essential for all participants to be motivated to implement these values in their daily work.

As a result of the dialogue, a consultative process with dialogue participants is planned to address all the open questions raised during the dialogue, aiming to determine the extent to which the obligations set by the Convention on the Rights of the Child can be achieved in the Republic of Serbia, primarily in the educational system as a crucial area for the healthy development of individuals and society as a whole. Based on this consultative process, an advocacy document will be prepared and submitted to relevant institutions to promote the enhancement of the education system in the context of violence prevention and suppression.

Saopštenje povodom Svetskog dana deteta

Danas se obeležava Svetski dan deteta, koji je ustanovila Generalna skupština Ujedinjenih nacija (UN) 1954. godine, kako bi se skrenula pažnja javnosti na obaveze društva prema deci, kao i na aktuelne probleme sa kojima se deca suočavaju. Na današnji dan, 1959. godine, Generalna skupština UN je usvojila Deklaraciju o pravima deteta, a istog datuma 1989. godine usvojila je i Konvenciju o pravima deteta.

U po­sled­nje vre­me Sr­bi­ja se su­o­ča­va sa ra­stu­ćim bro­jem pro­ble­ma ko­ji zah­te­va­ju hit­ne re­ak­ci­je i ade­kvat­ne od­go­vo­re ka­ko bi se osi­gu­ra­lo po­što­va­nje pra­va de­te­ta i spre­či­la nji­ho­va po­ten­ci­jal­na kr­še­nja. Ne­dav­ni tra­gič­ni do­ga­đa­ji otvo­ri­li su oči jav­no­sti pre­ma ni­zu pro­ble­ma sa ko­ji­ma se de­ca su­o­ča­va­ju u sva­ko­dnev­nom ži­vo­tu. Ovi do­ga­đa­ji su isto­vre­me­no pod­sta­kli ras­pra­vu i po­sta­vi­li pi­ta­nje da li smo kao dru­štvo do­volj­no sve­sni iza­zo­va i pro­ble­ma sa ko­ji­ma se de­ca su­o­ča­va­ju. 

Tokom proteklih ne­ko­li­ko go­di­na, po­stig­nut je zna­ča­jan na­pre­dak u re­for­mi za­ko­no­dav­stva, po­seb­no u okvi­ru pro­ce­sa evrop­skih in­te­gra­ci­ja. To­kom pri­me­ne va­žnih za­ko­na kao što su Po­ro­dič­ni za­kon, Za­kon o ma­lo­let­nim uči­ni­o­ci­ma kri­vič­nih de­la i kri­vič­no­prav­noj za­šti­ti ma­lo­let­nih li­ca, kao i Za­kon o so­ci­jal­noj za­šti­ti, utvr­đe­no je da je po­treb­no iz­me­ni­ti od­re­đe­ne od­red­be ovih za­ko­na i uskla­di­ti ih sa me­đu­na­rod­nim i evrop­skim stan­dar­di­ma ko­ji se od­no­se na pra­va de­te­ta. Po­red to­ga, neo­p­hod­no je usva­ja­nje sve­o­bu­hvat­nog Za­ko­na o pra­vi­ma de­te­ta i za­štit­ni­ku pra­va de­te­ta či­me bi se po­sto­je­ći za­kon­ski tek­sto­vi usa­gla­si­li sa ra­ti­fi­ko­va­nim me­đu­na­rod­nim ugo­vo­ri­ma i preporukama međunarodnih tela za zaštitu ljudskih prava.

Je­dan od uče­sta­lih pro­ble­ma ko­ji se ja­vlja je­ste kr­še­nje pra­va de­te­ta koja dolaze u kontakt sa pra­vo­sud­nim si­ste­mom, i to na­ro­či­to ka­da su u pi­ta­nju de­ca žr­tve i sve­do­ci kri­vič­nih de­la ko­ji­ma ni­je obez­be­đe­na potrebna po­dr­ška i za­šti­ta. De­ca žr­tve i sve­do­ci kri­vič­nih de­la ne do­bi­ja­ju po­dr­šku, a za njihovu zaštitu se ne izdvajaju sredstva iz bu­dže­ta Re­pu­bli­ke Sr­bi­je. I na­kon 18 go­di­na od do­no­še­nja Za­ko­na o ma­lo­let­nim uči­ni­o­ci­ma kri­vič­nih de­la i kri­vič­no­prav­noj za­šti­ti ma­lo­let­nih li­ca, prak­sa po­ka­zu­je ne­do­sta­tak efi­ka­sne pri­me­ne me­ra za­šti­te i po­dr­ške de­ci. 

Od velike je važnosti da uslu­ge men­tal­nog zdra­vlja bu­du la­ko do­stup­ne de­ci u za­jed­ni­ci. Na­ža­lost, u mno­gim de­lo­vi­ma Sr­bi­je i da­lje ne po­sto­je od­go­va­ra­ju­će slu­žbe po­sve­će­ne prevenciji i za­šti­ti men­tal­nog zdra­vlja mla­dih, a mali je i nedovoljan broj pro­fe­si­o­nal­aca ko­ji bi se ci­lja­no ba­vi­li nji­ho­vim problemima mentalnog zdravlja.

Dalje, po­treb­no je obez­be­di­ti bo­lju so­ci­jal­nu i dru­gu po­dr­šku de­ci sa smet­nja­ma u raz­vo­ju i nji­ho­vim po­ro­di­ca­ma, kao i po­sve­ti­ti se prevenciji svake vrste nasilja prema ovoj deci, sma­nje­nju njihove stig­ma­ti­za­ci­je i bo­ljem uklju­či­va­nju u jav­ni ži­vot. U tom smislu je po­treb­no ade­kvat­ni­je in­for­mi­sa­nje de­ce u in­sti­tu­ci­ja­ma i al­ter­na­tiv­nom zbri­nja­va­nju o po­sto­je­ćim me­ha­ni­zmi­ma ko­ji im omo­gu­ća­va­ju da pri­ja­ve na­si­lje na je­zi­ku ko­ji de­te raz­u­me, ali i una­pre­đe­nje me­ha­ni­za­ma za pod­no­še­nje žal­be ko­ji je po­ver­ljiv, bez­be­dan i pri­la­go­đen de­ci. 

Ostva­ri­va­nje sve­op­šteg na­pret­ka zah­te­va ho­li­stič­ki pri­stup ko­ji uklju­ču­je otvo­re­nu i is­kre­nu ko­mu­ni­ka­ci­ju sa de­com, obezbeđenje re­sur­sa i po­dr­ške za nji­hov raz­voj, kao i stva­ra­nje sredine u ko­joj se de­ca ose­ća­ju slo­bod­no da iz­ra­ze svo­je mi­šlje­nje i u kome se osećaju bezbedno. Ključ­ni ko­rak ka ovom ci­lju je una­pre­đe­nje za­ko­no­dav­nog okvi­ra ko­ji šti­ti pra­va de­te­ta, ali isto ta­ko va­žno je do­sled­no spro­vo­đe­nje tih za­kon­skih od­re­da­ba. Sa­mo kroz za­jed­nič­ki na­por dru­štva, ro­di­te­lja, nad­le­žnih in­sti­tu­ci­ja i same dece mo­že­mo obez­be­di­ti sva­kom de­te­tu pra­ved­nu pri­li­ku za rast, raz­voj i ostva­ri­va­nje nje­go­vog pu­nog po­ten­ci­ja­la.

Na našem sajtu možete videti najnoviji izveštaj o stanju prava deteta u različitim oblastima:

Centar za prava deteta objavljuje oglas za plaćenu obuku projektnog asistenta/kinje u okviru programa ,,Moja prva plata”

Centar za prava deteta objavljuje oglas za plaćenu obuku projektnog asistenta/kinje u okviru programa ,,Moja prva plata”

Ako ispunjavaš sledeće kriterijume:

  • Pokazuješ interesovanje za oblast prava deteta i želiš da proširiš svoje znanje i veštine u oblasti projektnog menadžmenta;
  • Imaš manje od 30 godina;
  • Završio/la si osnovne akademske studije;
  • Nemaš radnog iskustva ili imaš manje od šest meseci;
  • Prijavljen/a si na listi Nacionalne službe za zapošljavanje. 


Više informacija o oglasu i načinu prijave pogledaj ovde.

Održane radionice o mentalnom zdravlju dece u Zavodu za vaspitanje dece i omladine u Beogradu

Tokom nedavno održanih radionica o mentalnom zdravlju dece u Zavodu za vaspitanje dece i omladine u Beogradu, fokusirali smo se na prepoznavanje rizika, ranjivosti i načina prevencije, sa posebnim naglaskom na strahovima i besu kao izazovima koje naši učesnici prolaze kroz svoje životne situacije.

Radionice su započele opuštajućim igrama, slušanjem pesama i otvorenim razgovorima kako bismo stvorili siguran prostor za razmenu tuga i strahova. Sa decom smo razgovarali o spoljašnjim i unutrašnjim mrežama podrške, istražujući koje su to osobe kojima se mogu obratiti u teškim situacijama.

U toku radionica smo se fokusirali na prepoznavanje izvora besa i konstruktivne načine za njegovo ispoljavanje, istražujući osnovna osećanja koja stoje iza besa. Kroz ove radionice deca su imala priliku da se osećaju sigurno i podržano dok su istraživali svoje emocije.

Na kraju, deca su naučila kako da prepoznaju izvore svojih emocija i razvijaju veštine za konstruktivno izražavanje svojih osećanja. Radionice su im pružile alate za upravljanje svojim emocionalnim reakcijama i bolje razumevanje sebe.

Radionice su održale Olga Dević i Anastasija Mirković članice Kluba DX i Tamara Tomašević, psihološkinja i trenerica.


Komitet za prava deteta, ugovorno telo Konvencije o pravima deteta koje, između ostalog, tumači, te tako daje doprinos uspostavljanja međunarodnih standarda u oblasti prava deteta, usvojio je dokument kojim se priznaje pravo deteta na čistu, zdravu i održivu sredinu.

Ovaj dokument – Opšti  komentar 26 o pravima deteta i životnoj sredini sa posebnim osvrtom na klimatske promene, treba da pomogne vladama širom sveta da bolje brinu o pravima deteta i osiguraju da deca ta prava i ostvare.

U narednom periodu, Srbija bi trebalo da iskoristi Opšti komentar 26 da unapredi sistem i zaštiti pravo deteta na čistu, zdravu i održivu sredinu, a nedostatak akcije značiće kršenje ovog prava. Analiza zakonodavstva Republike Srbije iz perspektive prava deteta na zdravu životnu sredinu ukazuje na činjenicu da je ova oblast nedovoljno prepoznata u zakonodavstvu naše zemlje, i da Srbija mora da učini više kako bi obezbedila da deca ostvaruju svoje pravo da rastu i razvijaju se u zdravom i bezbednom okruženju.

U Generalnom komentaru 26, Komitet za prava deteta konstatuje:

·  Planeta je zahvaćena trostrukom krizom, koju čine zagađenje, klimatska kriza i gubitak biodiverzitetaova kriza predstavlja kršenje prava deteta;

·  Propadanje životne sredine utiče na svaki deo života dece i ugrožava njihovu budućnost;

·  Nedostatak akcije da se kriza životne sredine spreči, bilo da su u pitanju vlade ili drugi akteri, kao što je poslovni sektor, dovodi do kršenja prava deteta i direktno ugrožava njihovu budućnost;

·  Deca širom sveta udružuju se da se bore za svoja prava, što dokazuje da su mnogo više od žrtvi ove krize sa nesagledivim posledicama.

Već sada, 2,4 milijarde dece širom sveta osećaju posledice klimatskih promena i njihovo zdravlje, domovi, porodice i budućnost su ugroženi klimatskom krizom, koja ima nesagledive posledice po život na planeti. Istraživanje koje je sprovela međunarodna organizacija Save the Children pokazuje da će, ako se pristup klimatskoj krizi ne promeni, današnja deca živeti u svetu u kojem će biti dva puta više suša, skoro tri puta više poplava, i tri puta više propalih useva nego u vreme njihovih deka i baka. Očekuje se da se broj šumskih požara udvostruči, a broj toplotnih talasa bude čak sedam puta veći.

Komitet za prava deteta u Opštem komentaru 26. poziva vlade :

·  da se bave problemima životne sredine jer je to neodvojivo od ostalih pitanja koja se tiču prava deteta u svakoj državi;

·  da podrže decu da se bave klimatskim aktivizmom, bez da zbog toga snose posledice;

·  da informišu i obrazuju decu o pitanjima životne sredine i uključe ih u donošenje odluka;

·  da regulišu aktivnosti u industrijama i generalno u poslovnoj sferj, kako bi postojale procedure koje će zaštititi decu i prava deteta u svim delatnostima.

Saopštenje pripremili:

Save the Children  

Centar za prava deteta

Održane radionice psihosocijalne podrške u Zavodu za vaspitanje dece i omladine u Beogradu

Tokom uvodne aktivnosti obe radionice fokusirale su se na istraživanje emocija kroz interaktivne igre. U prvoj radionici, deca su putem igre “Moja tajna” razgovarala o osećanjima povređenosti, stida i besa kada poverenje biva narušeno. U drugoj, deca su kroz igru prikazivala telesne manifestacije različitih emocija, ističući važnost prepoznavanja tih osećanja kod sebe i drugih.

Centralna aktivnost obe radionice bavila se veštinama emocionalne inteligencije. Prva radionica je kroz role-play scenarije osnaživala decu da iskažu osećanja povređenosti i traže podršku od institucija i organizacija civilnog društva. U drugoj, deca su kroz prepoznavanje načina izražavanja emocija učila o reakcijama okoline i potrebama za podrškom.

Završna aktivnost obe radionice podstakla je razgovor o važnosti uspostavljanja odnosa poverenja, bliskosti i otvorenosti u komunikaciji. Deca su razmenjivala svoja iskustva i izražavala želju za nastavkom ovakvih razgovora, pokazujući interes za dalje istraživanje i razvijanje emocionalne pismenosti.

Radionice su sprovele članice Kluba DX Olga Dević  i Anastasija Mirković uz supervizora psihološkinju Tamaru Tomašević. Radionice su sprovedene u okviru projekta „Podrška dobrobiti dece i mladih i obrazovanje o pravima deteta“, koji sprovodi Centar za prava deteta i koji je finansijski podržan od strane International Women’s Club -IWC. 

Nacrt izmena Zakona o zaštiti lica sa mentalnim smetnjama dehumanizuje decu u psihijatrijskim ustanovama

Grupa organizacija civilnog društva skreće pažnju javnosti na to da je u sredu, 9. avgusta, završena javna rasprava o Nacrtu zakona o dopunama Zakona o zaštiti lica sa mentalnim smetnjama koji je pripremilo Ministarstvo zdravlja Republike Srbije, a kojim se propisuju uslovi za prinudno zadržavanje dece koja zbog svog uzrasta nisu krivično odgovorna, a izvršila su dela koja su krivičnim zakonodavstvom kažnjiva zatvorom od najmanje deset godina, u posebnom delu psihijatrijske ustanove. Iako je izuzetno značajno pravno urediti položaj dece koja, zbog svog uzrasta, nisu odgovorna za teška dela koja su izvršila, smatramo da ovaj nacrt u potpunosti zanemaruje mnogobrojne aspekte ostvarivanja prava dece, te za posledicu može imati dehumanizovanje i izopštavanje ove dece iz društva, dok ne vodi unapređenju bezbednosti zajednice za šta su neophodni programi prevencije, unapređenje rane identifikacije dece pod rizikom i upućivanje na adekvatne intervencije.

Po oceni potpisnika ovog saopštenja, predložena zakonska rešenja nesaglasna su sa Ustavom Srbije i potvrđenim međunarodnim ugovorima o ljudskim pravima, pre svega sa Konvencijom o pravima deteta, Konvencijom o pravima osoba sa invaliditetom, Konvencijom protiv torture i drugih surovih, neljudskih ili ponižavajućih postupanja ili kažnjavanja.

Predložene izmene ni na koji način ne unapređuju zaštitu lica sa mentalnim smetnjama, što bi trebalo da bude njegova primarna svrha, već dodatno doprinose diskriminaciji i stigmatizaciji osoba sa problemima sa mentalnim zdravljem, s obzirom da se Nacrtom problemi sa mentalnim zdravljem dece olako dovode u vezu sa izvršenjem teških protivpravnih dela kažnjivih po Krivičnom zakoniku, što nije empirijski utemeljeno.

Nacrtom je predviđeno da se odluka o prinudnom zadržavanju deteta koje zbog svog uzrasta nije krivično odgovorno, a izvršilo je delo koje je krivičnim zakonodavstvom kažnjivo zatvorom od najmanje deset godina, donosi bez ograničenja u pogledu trajanja zadržavanja, uz obavezu suda da na svakih šest meseci vrši proveru ispunjenosti uslova za dalje zadržavanje i lečenje. Ovim je načinjen izuzetak u odnosu na postojeći režim prinudnog zadržavanja starijih (odraslih) lica po odredbama Zakona o zaštiti lica sa mentalnim smetnjama koji podrazumeva donošenje vremenski oročenih odluka o prinudnom zadržavanju (na mesec dana, tri meseca i šest meseci), koji nema nikakvo razumno utemeljenje i opravdanje, bilo medicinsko, tj. psihijatrijsko, bilo pravno. Ovim se deca uzrasta do 14 godina u psihijatrijskim ustanovama stavljaju u očigledno nepovoljniji položaj u odnosu na druge pacijente u tim ustanovama, što – osim njihove diskriminacije – otvara i pitanje prirode ove mere koja dobija punitivnu dimenziju.

S obzirom da se radi o postupku u kojem se odlučuje o lišenju slobode deteta, upadljiv je nedostatak Nacrta u pogledu zaštitnih mera od arbitrarnog lišenja slobode. Tako, Nacrt ne predviđa – kao uostalom ni važeći Zakon o zaštiti lica sa mentalnim smetnjama – obavezno stručno (advokatsko) zastupanje deteta u postupku prinudnog zadržavanja u psihijatrijskoj ustanovi.

Da je Nacrt u potpunosti sveden na represiju putem neograničenog zadržavanja krivično neodgovornog deteta u psihijatrijskoj ustanovi i njegovog izopštavanja iz zajednice proizlazi i iz predloga Nacrta da se posete i kontakti deteta smeštenog u posebnom delu psihijatrijske ustanove
mogu privremeno zabraniti iz bezbednosnih razloga – bez ikakvog zakonskog ograničenja trajanja te „privremene“ zabrane. Apsurd čini većim činjenica što se ova zabrana odnosi i na članove uže porodice i što se primenjuje u zatvorenoj ustanovi sa posebnim obezbeđenjem, zbog čega bi se režim držanja dece u ovom delu psihijatrijske ustanove mogao pretvoriti u nečovečan i ponižavajući.

Istraživanja dosledno ukazuju na to da je socijalna podrška zaštitni faktor u očuvanju mentalnog zdravlja i rehabilitaciji. Rešenje Nacrta koje dopušta mogućnost uskraćivanja socijalnih kontakta, kao i izolacije deteta od porodice i rodbine iz bezbednosnih razloga ne doprinosi njegovom oporavku, resocijalizaciji i rehabilitaciji, već predstavlja rizik za pogoršanje mentalnog zdravlja deteta i može imati negativan efekat na dalji razvoj njegovih ličnosnih i socijalnih kapaciteta.

Rešenja predložena Nacrtom otvaraju još jedno pitanje – u kom postupku će se utvrđivati da je dete na koje će se primenjivati restriktivan režim predložen Nacrtom zaista izvršilo teško kažnjivo delo koje je krivičnim zakonodavstvom kažnjivo zatvorom od najmanje deset godina, s obzirom da se protiv dece uzrasta do 14 godina ne može voditi krivični postupak u kojem se utvrđuje da li je ono predmetno delo i izvršilo.

Svekupno posmatrano, režim predviđen Nacrtom za decu uzrasta do 14 godina koja su izvršila teška dela za koja nisu krivično odgovorna i koja su zbog toga i “ispoljenih mentalnih smetnji” smeštena u predviđenim psihijatrijskim ustanovama je značajno – a neopravdano – restriktivniji od režima u kojem se mogu naći starija deca koja su krivično odgovorna za svoja dela.

Organizacije civilnog društva su zatražile od Ministarstva zdravlja da nakon sagledavanja primedaba i komentara još jednom razmotri odredbe Nacrta i produži, odnosno ponovo otvori javnu raspravu o njegovom tekstu, koja bi podrazumevala aktivan dijalog svih relevantnih zainteresovanih strana, uključujući stručnjake za prava deteta, profesionalce iz oblasti mentalnog zdravlja i socijalne zaštite, kao i organizacije civilnog društva koje se bave zaštitom ljudskih prava.

Organizacije civilnog društva koje su potpisnice ovog saopštenja će o sadržini Nacrta obavestiti međunarodna nadzorna tela, tj. Komitet za prava deteta i Komitet za prava osoba sa invaliditetom, kao i odabrane specijalne izvestioce UN za ljudska prava, i zatražiti njihovu reakciju.

Organizacije potpisnice:

A 11 – Inicijativa za ekonomska i socijalna prava
Beogradski centar za ljudska prava
Centar za prava deteta
Inicijativa za prava osoba sa mentalnim invaliditetom MDRI-S
Mreža organizacija za decu Srbije
PIN – Psychosocial Innovation Network

Centar za prava deteta nastavlja sprovođenje projekta „Praćenje primene preporuka Komiteta za prava deteta Ujedinjenih nacija“

Centar za prava deteta, u partnerstvu sa kancelarijom UNICEF-a u Srbiji, nastavlja sa sprovođenjem projekta “Praćenje primene preporuka Komiteta za prava deteta Ujedinjenih nacija”. Projekat se sprovodi u periodu od 27. jula 2023. godine do 26. juna 2025. godine. 

Ovaj projekat se fokusira na unapređenje praćenja preporuka Komiteta kroz saradnju između države i nevladinog sektora, s ciljem stvaranja održivog sistema koji će adekvatno štititi prava deteta. Partneri na projektu su članice Koalicije za monitoring prava deteta u Republici Srbiji, među njima: Užički centar za prava deteta, Beogradski centar za ljudska prava, ASTRA — Akcija protiv trgovine ljudima i Centar za socijalnu politiku.  

U prethodnom periodu Koalicija za monitoring prava deteta u Srbiji razvila je onlajn platformu sa indikatorima za praćenje primene preporuka, koja se redovno ažurira. Onlajn platforma doprinosi lakšem praćenju učinka sprovođenja preporuka Komiteta za prava deteta u Srbiji, kako za organizacije civilnog društva, tako i za državne organe, a samim tim olakšava proces izveštavanja.

Kao i u prethodnom periodu, Koalicija nastavlja sa praćenjem implementacije preporuka i periodičnim izveštavanjem. Kako bi se došlo do sveobuhvatnih i relevantnih podataka, Koalicija će nastaviti da održava redovne konsultacije sa članicama MODS-a, kao i da se sastaje sa relevantnim državnim organima. Pored toga, Koalicija će doprineti unapređivanju prava deteta kroz zagovaranje za poboljšanje u oblastima u kojima je prethodno identifikovan prostor za unapređenje. 

Centar za prava deteta će zajedno sa Koalicijom za monitoring prava deteta u Srbiji pripremiti i dostaviti Komitetu za prava deteta Ujedinjenih nacija, Četvrti i peti alternativni periodični izveštaj o primeni Konvencije o pravima deteta. Takođe će biti izrađen Dečiji izveštaj uz aktivno učešće dece. 

Saopštenje povodom određivanja mere pritvora deci u sukobu sa zakonom

U vezi sa nedavnim slučajevima dece kojima je određena mera pritvora, ovim putem apelujemo na poštovanje prava dece i pravilnu primenu međunarodnih standarda i nacionalnih propisa u ovim situacijama.

Određivanje mere pritvora i neophodnost poštovanja osnovnih standarda kada se ova mera primenjuje prema deci za koju se tvrdi, koja su optužena ili za koje je utvrđeno da su učinila krivična dela mora da bude u skladu sa zakonom, poslednja moguća mera i to na najkraći mogući vremenski period, uz poštovanje najboljih interesa deteta. Ukoliko se ipak odredi, pritvor treba redovno preispitivati, a slučajevi kada se deca nalaze u pritvoru treba da imaju prioritet. Tokom lišenja slobode deca treba da budu smeštena odvojeno od odraslih osoba, treba da im se obezbedi fizičko okruženje i smeštaj koji pogoduju reintegrativnoj nameni lišenja slobode te treba da se poštuju njihova prava na obrazovanje, privatnost, zaštitu fizičkog i mentalnog zdravlja, održavanje kontakata sa porodicom putem dopisivanja i poseta i druga prava.

Istraživanja ukazuju da pritvor može imati višetruki negativni uticaj na dete. Ograničenje životnih aktivnosti, skučen prostor boravka, ograničenje slobode kretanja se doživljava kao poniženje i degradacija, te ima za posledicu gubitak samopouzdanja i dovođenja do emocionalne napetosti koju mnoga deca ne mogu da savladaju. Deca naročito teško podnose prekid veza sa spoljnim svetom, pre svega porodičnih, zatim rodbinskih i prijateljskih. Takođe, pritvor pojačava pojavu depresije kod dece i izaziva simptome stresa, uključujući gubitak apetita, poremećaje spavanja, povlačenje, samopovređivanje, agresiju, pa čak i pokušaje samoubistava, bez obzira na uslove i trajanje pritvora.

Zato, umesto pritvora, mere privremenog smeštaja dece u sukobu sa zakonom moraju imati primat, na šta je posebno ukazao i Komitet za prava deteta u Srbiji u svojoj Preporuci povodom drugog i trećeg alternativnog periodičnog izveštaja o primeni Konvencije o pravima deteta u Republici Srbiji. U ovim preporukama se izričito navodi da Republika Srbija treba da nastavi i intenzivira rad na obezbeđenju pune primene standarda koji se odnose na decu u sukobu sa zakonom, obezbedi primenu alternativnih mera umesto pritvora, sprovodi dosledno obuku profesionalaca koji rade u u ovoj oblasti, ojača preventivne programe i osigura sprovođenje postojećih zakona.

Pozivamo nadležne organe, medije i društvo u celini da budu svesni dugotrajnih i često nepopravljivih posledica pritvora na decu i da svojim postupcima ne otežavaju njihov položaj tokom tog procesa. Posebno apelujemo na medije da poštuju pravo na privatnost i dostojanstvo dece i uzdrže se od objavljivanja informacija koje mogu ugroziti njihovu privatnost ili na bilo koji način kršiti prava deteta.

U skladu sa gore nadenim, ovim putem aplelujemo na nadležne organe da:

  • osiguraju primenu alternativne mere pritvoru, kao što je privremeni smeštaj dece u sukobu sa zakonom, kako bi se uz mere koje su usmerene na pomoć, brigu i nadzor deteta, predupredile smetnje za njegov/njen normalan i nesmetan razvoj i sazrevanje;
  • u slučajevima kada je pritvor neizbežan, daju najviši prioritet urgentnom procesuiranju kako bi se obezbedilo najkraće moguće trajanje pritvora;
  • omoguće efikasne procedure prilagođene deci, pružajući informacije, savete, podršku, kao i pristup nezavisnim procedurama za podnošenje pritužbi i žalbi uz neophodnu pravnu i drugu pomoć;
  • obezbede sadržajne aktivnosti i programe usmerene na reintegraciju i podsticanje razvijanja pozitivnih potencijala;
  • osiguraju prustup obrazovanju, zdravstvenoj zaštiti i odgovarajućoj psihosocijalnoj pomoći i podršci.

Saopštenje podržali:

Mreža organizacija za decu Srbije

Centar za prava deteta

Centar za kreativni razvoj – Knjaževac

Grupa za decu i mlade “Indigo”

UG ”NEXUS-Vranje”

Inicijativa za prava osoba sa mentalnim invaliditetom MDRI-S

Žene za mir – Leskovac

Užički centar za prava deteta

PIN – Psychosocial Innovation Network

Udruženje građana ,,KOKORO’’-Bor

Autonomni ženski centar

Centar za rad sa decom, mladima i porodicom Vrdničak 

Konjički Klub “Aranđelovac”

Centar za proizvodnju znanja i veština – Novi Sad

Evropski pokret u Srbiji


Građanske inicijative

Nezavisno udruženje novinara Srbije

Prijatelji dece Srbije

Komitet pravnika za ljudska prava YUCOM

Udruženje građanki FemPlatz

Beogradski centar za ljudska prava

Civil Rights Defenders

Centar za dostojanstven rad

ASTRA-Akcija protiv trgovine ljudima

Centar za samostalni zivot osoba sa invaliditetom Srbije

Udruženje građana ATINA

Two peer psychosocial support workshops were held at the Institution for Child and Youth Education in Belgrade

Two more peer psychosocial support workshops were held earlier this month as part of the “Supporting the children and youth wellbeing and child rights education” project, with financial support from the International Women’s Club (IWC), aimed at improving the mental health of children residing in the Institution for Children and Youth in Belgrade. The workshops were conducted by a peer educator and member of the DX Club at the Center for Pedagogical Development (CPD), Olga Dević, under the supervision of psychologist Tamara Tomašević.

The workshop topics focused on introducing children to constructive ways of coping with various emotions and expressing them in different contexts. Through the workshops, children had the opportunity to familiarize themselves with strategies for dealing with basic emotions and to attempt to apply them in different situations through conversation and play.

Additionally, the children had the chance to engage in group exercises and interactive games that helped them better understand and recognize emotions in others. Through bodily manifestations such as facial expressions, gestures, and body language, children learned how to interpret and interpret emotions in others.

Furthermore, the workshops provided children with a space to express their own emotions and gain self-confidence in expressing them. Through conversation and various creative activities, children learned to identify, name, and express their emotions in a healthy and constructive manner.

The children shared their impressions from the workshops verbally: “I never thought that we show the same emotion in so many different ways,” “I wish people could recognize when I’m sad even before I say it, like they did here at the workshop,” “This was great, when can we have another conversation like this?”

Saopštenje podrške Užičkom centru za prava deteta

Na inicijativu Centra za prava deteta, Mreža organizacija za decu Srbije, koju čini više od 100 udruženja iz cele Srbije koja su osnovana u skladu sa Zakonom o udruženjima građana, pruža snažnu, bezrezervnu podršku svojim kolegama iz Užičkog centra za prava deteta čiji je jedan od osnivača i direktor Radovan Cicvarić.

Užički centar za prava deteta je organizacija koja u skladu sa Zakonom o udruženjima ostvaruje svoje statutom određene ciljeve zaštite i unapređenje prava deteta u skladu sa Konvencijom o pravima deteta koji su saglasni sa Ustavom RS, a realizuje ih uz najviše standarde rada i uz punu posvećenost ljudskim pravima i pravima deteta, poštujući zakone Republike Srbije.

Radovan Cicvarić i Jelena Žunić Cicvarić sa svojim brojnim saradnicima, su dugi niz godina pažljivo i predano gradili svoju organizaciju i čuvali njen integritet. Užički centar za prava deteta je partner ministarstvima, obrazovnim ustanovama, UNICEF-u i međunarodnim organizacijama u velikom broju projekata koji se realizuju za dobrobit dece, a svoje partnersko mesto su zaslužili predanim i transparentnim radom na unapređenju položaja i prava dece.

Napad na porodicu Cicvarić i rad organizacije koji je od strane imenovanih lica Republike Srbije predstavljen kao izdajnički i rušilački, neprijateljski u odnosu na Republiku Srbiju, učinjen je radi diskreditacije i ocrnjivanja oca Radovana i organizacije u kojoj radi zbog političkih stavova člana njihove porodice sina Pavla što u Republici Srbiji nije dozvoljeno. Iz tog razloga Mreža organizacija za decu Srbije izražava ogromnu zabrinutost za bezbednost i spokoj porodice Cicvarić i poziva nadležne organe – Zaštitnika građana, Poverenika za zaštitu ravnopravnosti i nadležno tužilaštvo da reaguju u okviru svojih nadležnosti na ovaj napad i pruže odgovarajuću zaštitu porodici Cicvarić.

S obzirom da napad dolazi od strane visokih državnih funkcionera dodatno smo zabrinuti jer se na taj način podriva poverenje u rad velikog broja kredibilnih udruženja građana, koja zastupaju interese i prava dece, kao važnih aktera svakog društva. Udruženja građana u Republici Srbiji se finansiraju u skladu sa Zakonom, i sredstva koja prikupe mogu da koriste isključivo za ciljeve za koja su osnovana i na Zakonom propisan način. Veliki broj dece u Srbiji odrasta u okruženju koje je opterećeno nasiljem i siromaštvom, ima teškoče da se obrazuje, leči i razvija vrednosti odgovornosti i solidarnosti, te je doprinos udruženja građana u podršci deci i porodicama značajan za funkcionisanje našeg društva.

Ovim putem pružamo i bezrezervnu podršku Pavlu Cicvariću i svim studentima, koji u okviru zakona, izražavaju svoj bunt i bore se za ljudska prava i slobode.

Saopštenje podržali:

Mreža organizacija za decu Srbije
Inicijativa za prava osoba sa mentalnim invaliditetom (MDRI-S)
Udruzenje „Bazi Mili“
Centar za kreativni razvoj – Knjaževac
Udruženje građanki FemPlatz
UG “NEXUS – Vranje”
A 11 – Inicijativa za ekonomska i socijalna prava
ASTRA – Akcija protiv trgovine ljudima
Komitet pravnika za ljudska prava (YUCOM)
Građanske inicijative
XY Spektrum
Beogradski centar za ljudska prava
Beogradski centar za bezbednosnu politiku
Biro za društvena istraživanja – BIRODI
NVO Praxis
Partneri za demokratske promene Srbija
Bazaart, Reprezentativno udruženje u kulturi
PIN – Psychosocial Innovation Network
Centar za pravosudna istraživanja (CEPRIS)
Dijalog Valjevo
Asocijacija DUGA
Međunarodna mreža pomoći I.A.N. International Aid Network
Evropski pokret u Srbiji
Udruženje Miona Aleksandrovac
Odbor za ljudska prava Niš (CHRIN)
Pravosudna baza jug (PBJ)

The Center for Child Rights is starting the implementation of the project “Children’s Rights in Context – Advancing the Justice for Children Agenda.”

The project aims to contribute to providing for sustainability of the initiated access to justice for children system reforms by strengthening legislative and institutional framework and capacities of relevant professionals. Specific areas that will be tackled in this programme cycle are related to improved implementation of diversionary measures for child offenders and mainstreaming protection measures for victims and/or witnesses of crime. 

The Convention explicitly recognizes a child as a human rights bearer entitled to all human rights laid down by the Convention and other international human rights instruments relevant to children. For the rights to be meaningful, children must have equitable access to justice. Access to justice implies a multi-disciplinary approach and existence of a child-friendly justice system which works in the best interests of the child, protects children and ensures their meaningful participation in the process and decision making affecting them. However, even though core principles on child-friendly justice have been to a significant extent translated into Serbian national legislation, its principles and procedures are not adequately implemented in practice.

The area of access to justice for children has been given particular importance in the content of the EU accession process. The Action plan for chapter 23, adopted by the Government of Serbia in 2016 and revised in 2020, contains a number of activities and timeframe necessary for the improvement of the rights of the child in the justice system in particular in relation to implementation of diversionary measures for child offenders, introduction of protection measures for victims and/or witnesses of crime and strengthening the work of the Juvenile Justice Council (JJ Council) as multidisciplinary body with a strong potential to initiate and monitor justice reform.

Within the framework of the project, the Center is preparing two reports that focus on the specific needs and vulnerabilities of children in the criminal justice system, with a particular emphasis on gender equality.

The Report on the implementation of diversion measures from 2017 to 2021 will encompass data collection and analysis of administrative data, as well as qualitative research with key stakeholders. The report will involve the participation of the Council for Monitoring and Improving the Work of Juvenile Criminal Justice and Sanction Execution Authorities, the Republic Statistical Office, and the Republic Institute for Social Protection. Data on children in conflict with the law will be analyzed, including types of offenses, decisions made, age, gender, ethnic affiliation, and regions/locations. Relevant documents will also be reviewed, and the availability of local teams for juvenile justice and service providers will be assessed, considering the number and types of diversion measure protocols that are signed and implemented. It will also analyze security measures such as mandatory psychiatric treatment and placement in medical facilities, mandatory outpatient psychiatric treatment, and mandatory treatment for alcoholism and drug addiction. Finally, the report will include the perspectives of key stakeholders, including successful examples and challenges in the implementation of diversion measures, as well as the perspectives of boys and girls in conflict with the law.

The second report will focus on analyzing the deficiencies and opportunities in the system/institutions, regulations, and capacities for the protection of victims/witnesses, providing information for further medium-term and long-term interventions relevant to advocacy, partnerships with other organizations, technical support, and/or capacity development. In collaboration with the Council for Monitoring and Improving the Work of Juvenile Criminal Justice and Sanction Execution Authorities, to contribute to the establishment of a comprehensive system for the protection of victims/witnesses of criminal offenses in accordance with the National Strategy on the Rights of Victims and Witnesses of Criminal Offenses in Serbia (2020-2025) and the corresponding Action Plan, the Center will conduct research on the current state with appropriate recommendations regarding the political/institutional and regulatory framework, the availability of services in Serbia that provide protection and support to boys and girls who are victims and/or witnesses of criminal offenses, capacity development needs and resources, and mapping of other significant actors, programs, and initiatives. The research will provide an overview of existing capacities throughout the country and clearly indicate areas where the system needs strengthening.

The project is implementing with the financial support and in partnership with the UNICEF Office in Serbia in the period from June 2023 to December 2024.

The first two workshops were held at the Institute for Child and Youth Education in Belgrade

The first two workshops dedicated to introducing and developing psychological resilience in children were successfully conducted as part of the project “Supporting the Wellbeing of Children and Youth and Education on Child Rights,” with financial support from the International Women’s Club (IWC) donor. The aim of the workshops was to improve the mental health of children residing at the Institute for Child and Youth in Belgrade. The workshops were facilitated by a peer educator and a member of the DX Club at CPD, Olga Dević, under the supervision of psychologist Tamara Tomašević.

The children showed great interest and actively participated in the workshops. Through various activities, we explored the connections between hobbies, emotions, and life satisfaction. The activity “My Ideal Day” was particularly interesting, where the children mapped out activities that would make them happy. We discussed how certain activities affect our mood.

We also discussed the support that children can receive from adults. The children shared their opinions on the importance of support for their development and identified skills they would like to develop in order to feel more secure in providing support to others.

The children were engaged and expressed satisfaction during the workshops. They expressed a desire for similar activities to continue and for discussions on real-life topics. Based on their exchanges and uncomfortable situations (stressors) they had experienced, the children expressed a wish to learn how to respond in situations where it is necessary to provide first aid. They recognized the skills they possess but also those they lack in order to feel more confident in providing support.

Izveštaj o stanju prava deteta u Republici Srbiji 2017 – 2023. godina

Centar za prava deteta (CPD) sa zadovoljstvom predstavlja Izveštaj o stanju prava deteta u Republici Srbiji u periodu od februara 2017. do juna 2023. godine. Izveštaj je rezultat dugogodišnjeg zajedničkog rada članica Koalicije za monitoring prava deteta u Srbiji (Koalicija) koju čine: Centar za prava deteta, Užički centar za prava deteta, Beogradski centar za ljudska prava, ASTRA — Akcija protiv trgovine ljudima i Centar za socijalnu politiku. Izveštaj je nastao u okviru projekta Praćenje sprovođenja preporuka UN Komiteta za prava deteta koji sprovodi Centar za prava deteta uz finansijsku podršku UNICEF-a u Srbiji.

Ovaj izveštaj ima za cilj da pruži presek stanja primene preporuka Komiteta za prava deteta Ujedinjenih nacija (UN) u Republici Srbiji tokom proteklih šest godina. U skladu sa tim, prikazani su podaci iz zvaničnih statističkih i administrativnih izvora, nacionalnih i lokalnih istraživanja, primera iz prakse i opštih saznanja.

Nakon šest godina praćenja primena preporuka najveći broj preporuka Komiteta za prava deteta je ostao neispunjen. Među tim preporukama je i donošenje posebnog Zakona o pravima deteta i zaštitniku prava deteta kojim bi se utvrdili osnovni principi i katalog prava deteta i uspostavila nezavisna institucija za zaštitu prava deteta. Takođe, potrebno je sprovesti i preporuke koje se odnose na usvajanje novog Nacionalnog plana akcije za decu kojim bi se omogućile koordinacija i sprovođenje aktivnost na nacionalnom nivou koje su odgovorne za dobrobit dece. Usklađivanje nacionalnog okvira sa Konvencijom o pravima deteta, prikupljanje podataka na svim nivoima, inkluzija, obrazovanje o pravima deteta, zdravstvena i socijalna zaštita sve dece, zaštita dece od nasilja, su neke od ključnih preporuka koje je i dalje potrebno sprovesti.

U procesu izrade izveštaja, CPD je uspostavio onlajn platformu dostupnu na adresi kako bi olakšao praćenje primene preporuka zainteresovanim organizacijama civilnog društva. Takođe, razvijena je i onlajn platforma namenjena deci, omogućavajući im da aktivno učestvuju u procesu praćenja primene preporuka, pružajući svoje mišljenje na jeziku prilagođenom njima.

Ovaj izveštaj predstavlja važan korak ka unapređenju primene prava deteta u Srbiji. CPD će koristiti prikupljene podatke i preporuke iz izveštaja kao osnovu za pripremu alternativnog Četvrtog i petog periodičnog izveštaja o primeni Konvencije o pravima deteta, koji se očekuje u 2024. godini.

CPD izražava zahvalnost Kancelariji za ljudska i manjinska prava (bivša kancelarija pri Vladi Republike Srbije), svim organizacijama civilnog društva, institucijama i pojedincima koji su doprineli izradi ovog izveštaja. Nastavićemo da zajednički radimo na unapređenju i zaštiti prava deteta u Republici Srbiji, uz podršku kancelarije UNICEF-a u Srbiji.

The Child Rights Centre is now a part of the Child Friendly Justice European Network

The Child Rights Centre (CRC) is pleased to announce its membership in the Child Friendly Justice European Network (CFJ-EN), affirming our commitment to advancing child-centered justice and protecting the rights of every child.

The Child Friendly Justice European Network is a leading network of organizations in Europe dedicated to child-friendly justice. The network envisions the establishment of a fair and inclusive justice system for children across Europe. Its mission is to ensure that all children have access to justice and are protected, heard, and respected in all legal proceedings. The network advocates for the implementation of special legal and policy frameworks that take into account the needs, abilities, and rights of the child, as well as collaboration with all relevant stakeholders in the justice system to achieve these goals. The Child Friendly Justice European Network works to promote changes in the justice system, educate and inform professionals, and raise public awareness about children’s rights in legal processes.

Through this membership, the CRC will have access to the latest research and resources in the field, opportunities to collaborate with experts from across Europe, and the strengthening of our work in protecting children’s rights.


The Child Rights Centre (CRC) recently organized four preparatory workshops with children from the DX Club. These workshops are part of the project “Supporting the Well-being of Children and Youth and Educating on Child Rights,” with financial support from the International Women’s Club (IWC), aimed at improving the mental health of children residing in the Institute for Children and Youth in Belgrade.

The first preparatory workshop aimed to introduce the project’s objectives and workshops, as well as peer education in the Institute. The children actively engaged in discussions and understanding the mechanisms for protecting children’s mental health, exploring the internal and external support network for mental health in schools. They also conducted mapping of individuals and their skills that constitute supportive figures for children.

The second preparatory workshop focused on recognizing ways of expressing basic emotions and learning constructive ways to cope with emotions. The children familiarized themselves with differentiating feelings from interpretations (thoughts) following Marshall Rosenberg’s model. Through drawing techniques, the children depicted emotions, body schemas, intensity, and constructive ways of expressing and coping with emotions.

The third preparatory workshop centered on mapping concerns and enhancing prioritization skills. The children carried out mapping of concerns (known as “my rainy cloud”) and identified levels of responsibility, internal and external locus of control. This workshop also involved technique demonstrations and individual work.

The fourth preparatory workshop aimed to familiarize children with stress mapping techniques and identifying sources of stress, as well as devising constructive ways to cope with stressors. The children actively participated in identifying stressors using drawing techniques and practicing active listening. The workshop concluded with an exchange of experiences and presentation of drawings.

Through these workshops, children from the DX Club acquired knowledge and skills that will enable them to conduct peer education on mental health and child rights through workshops with children residing in the Institute.


Izražavamo veliku zabrinutost povodom informacija u medijima i na društvenim mrežama i na osnovu pitanja koje nam upućuju roditelji, a povodom najava nekih škola da će odeljenske starešine, direktori i pomoćnici direktora u osnovnim školama u Srbiji na osnovu saglasnosti roditelja moći da vrše pretres dece, odnosno njihovih stvari. Imajući veliko razumevanje za brigu i strah roditelja za bezbednost svoje dece, kao i pokušaj nastavnika i direktora da školu učine mestom na kome su učenici sigurni, moramo da istaknemo da je bilo kakav pretres koji sprovode lica koja nemaju zakonska ovlašćenja suprotan Ustavu Republike Srbije i domaćim propisima. Zato molimo nadležne organe, pre svega Ministarstvo prosvete, a zatim Ministarstvo unutrašnjih poslova i Ministarstvo pravde, da spreče samoorganizovanje ove vrste i pokušaj roditelja, nastavnika i školskih uprava da „uzimaju vlast u svoje ruke“, odnosno da mimo zakona narušavaju pravo deteta na privatnost i lično dostojanstvo.

Uz ukazivanje na nedostatak pravnog osnova, bilo da je u pitanju pregled ili pretres stvari i lica, napominjemo da bi navedena vrsta intervencije škole i zadiranje u privatnost mogla biti izvor brojnih zloupotreba i pogrešnih procena prilikom sprovođenja, kao i da bi dovela do konflikta uloga nastavnika u očima dece, što bi dalje ozbiljno moglo narušiti odnose poverenja između nastavnika i dece bez kojih se ne može ostvarivati vaspitno-obrazovna funkcija škole.

Molimo nadležne organe da ubrzaju proces obezbeđivanja adekvatne policijske zaštite u školama, uz napomenu da svaka radnja preduzeta prema detetu kojom se zadire u njegova prava mora da bude u skladu sa svim domaćim i međunarodnim standardima zaštite ljudskih prava. Takođe molimo nadležne organe da roditeljima i samoj deci pruže informacije o svim potezima koje škole, uz ili bez saglasnosti roditelja, mogu same da sprovode i da osnaže nastavnike i roditelje da svoje funkcije obavljaju u skladu sa najboljim interesima deteta.

Saopštenje podržali:

Beogradski centar za ljudska prava (BCLJP)

Užički centar za prava deteta (UCPD)


Građanske inicijative

Psychosocial Innovation Network (PIN)


Nezavisno udruženje novinara Srbije (NUNS)

Centar za dostojanstven rad (CDR)

Inicijativa za prava osoba sa mentalnim invaliditetom MDRI-S

YUROM Centar

Međunarodna mreža pomoći (IAN)

Srbija prihvatila važne međunarodne preporuke da unapredi prava deteta

Zakonska zabrana fizičkog kažnjavanja dece, jačanje mehanizama koji obezbeđuju zaštitu dece od nasilja u svim okruženjima, jačanje inkluzivnosti u obrazovanju i poboljšanje celokupnog normativnog okvira koji se tiče prava deteta su neke od preporuka koje je Srbija prihvatila u nedavno završenom procesu Univerzalnog periodičnog pregleda, jednog od važnih međunarodnih mehanizama za procenu stanja ljudskih prava.

Organizacije za prava dece – Mreža organizacija za decu Srbije, Centar za prava deteta i Save the Children, pozdravljaju prihvatanje preporuka koje su ključne za unapređenje položaja dece u Srbiji i njihov rast i razvoj. Posebno je važno usvajanje i ostvarivanje preporuka koje se tiču inkluzivnosti i zabrane diskriminacije, kako u obrazovanju, tako i drugde, koje pokazuju posvećenost tome da sva deca imaju kvalitetno obrazovanje i sve usluge, uključujući decu u ranjivoj situaciji kao što su deca Romi, deca izbeglice i migranti, deca sa invaliditetom.

Posvećenost deci na svim nivoima društva ključna je u ovom trenutku kada se Srbija suočava sa posledicama ekstremnog nasilja u školi, velikom tragedijom koja je izazvala i niz pratećih potresa, ali i dovela do saglasnosti u vezi sa tim da se mora učiniti sve kako bi se deca zaštitila. Preporuke iz Univerzalnog periodičnog predloga su jedna od važnih smernica za unapređenje sistema.

U ovom ciklusu, Srbija je prihvatanjem preporuke potvrdila i svoju posvećenost tome da ratifikuje Treći Fakultativni protokol o komunikacijskim procedurama uz Konvenciju o pravima deteta. Ovaj protokol omogućava podnošenje žalbe protiv države Komitetu UN-a o pravima deteta, odnosno deci je na raspolaganju mehanizam pomoću kojeg mogu tražiti pravdu na međunarodnom nivou u situacijama kada smatraju da državni mehanizmi nisu adekvatno odgovorili na njihove žalbe.Srbija je bila jedna od prvih država koja je potpisala ovaj protokol, ali ga, na žalost, još nije ratifikovala, iako je preporuku o ratifikaciji prihvatila još u prethodnom ciklusu Univerzalnog periodičnog pregleda.

Među ostalim usvojenim preporukama koje su važne za dobrobit dece su rad na unapređenju zakona i borba protiv nasilja u porodici, nasilja nad ženama i devojčicama, kao i unapređenje sistema kako bi se iskorenio dečiji brak.

Univerzalni periodični pregled (međunarodna skraćenica UPR) je mehanizam u nadležnosti Saveta za ljudska prava Ujedinjenih nacija, i specifičan je po tome što, u ovom procesu, države procenjuju druge države kada je u pitanju ostvarivanje ljudskih prava, i daju preporuke kako se situacija može unaprediti. UPR se odvija u ciklusima od pet godina, i Srbiji je ovo četvrti ciklus u kojem učestvuje.

Najkasnije do naredne sednice Saveta UN za ljudska prava, što je u septembru ove godine, Srbija ima vremena da se izjasni o preporukama koje nije prihvatila tokom revizije u maju.

Organizacije koje se bave zaštitom i promocijom pravima deteta pozivaju nadležne da, nakon razmatranja, usvoje i sprovedu u delo i druge preporuke koje su ključne za decu u Srbiji. Među tim preporukama su usvajanje Zakona o pravima deteta i uvođenje institucije Zaštitnika prava deteta. Iako Nacrt zakona o pravima deteta i Zaštitniku prava deteta postoji i prošao je fazu javne rasprave u junu 2019. godine, još uvek se odlaže proces njegovog usvajanja. Ovim zakonom bi se utvrdili osnovni principi i katalog prava deteta i uspostavili opšteobavezujući standardi u oblasti prava deteta, a što bi doprinelo harmonizaciji celokupnog pravnog sistema koji se odnosi na decu, koordinaciji svih uključenih sektora i usaglašavanju postojećih zakonskih rešenja u svim sektorskim zakonima sa rešenjima sadržanim u ovom zakonu.

Takođe, neophodno je usvojiti i sprovesti preporuke o unapređenju socijalnih programa za decu pogođenu siromaštvom i o unapređenju zakonskog okvira koji se tiče zdrave životne sredine. Zagađenje, klimatske promene i propadanje zdravog prirodnog okruženja najviše pogađaju decu, često su u direktnoj vezi sa siromaštvom, i ugrožavaju kako zdrav rast i razvoj dece, tako i njihovu bližu i dalju budućnost.


Centar za prava deteta izražava svoju zabrinutost povodom odluke koju je donela Komisija za ostvarivanje ishrane dece u predškolskoj ustanovi “Dečiji dani” u Beogradu, da od 8. maja zbog nedostatka kadra koji priprema i distribuira hranu, neće pripremati obroke za decu sa alergijama na hranu, kao i za decu sa drugim zdravstenim problemima, te će obroke za njih obezbeđivati roditelji.

Ukidanje obroka za decu sa alergijama i drugim problemima nije u skladu ni sa Ustavom Republike Srbije koji zabranjuje svaku diskriminaciju, po bilo kom osnovu. Ustavna zabrana diskriminacije dalje je razrađena u Zakonu o zabrani diskriminacije. Ovim zakonom posebno je zabranjena i diskriminacija u oblasti obrazovanja i propisano je da svako ima pravo na predškolsko, osnovno, srednje i visoko obrazovanje i stručno osposobljavanje pod jednakim uslovima.

Republika Srbija je strana ugovornica Konvencije o pravima deteta, te se obavezala da odredbe te Konvencije poštuje, uključujući i stavove Komiteta za prava deteta, ugovornog tela koje vrši nadzor nad odredbama tog međunarodnog ugovora. Opštim komentarom broj 7 Komiteta za prava deteta, istaknuta je činjenica da su mala deca titulari svih prava iz Konvencije, kao i da je rano detinjstvo period od ključnog značaja za ostvarivanje svih prava. Jedan od ciljeva ovog komentara je skretanje pažnje na različitosti u ranom detinjstvu koje treba da se uzmu u obzir, uključujući različitosti u okolnostima života male dece, kvaliteta njihovih iskustava i uticajima koji oblikuju njihov razvoj.

Kada je u pitanju pravo na nediskriminaciju, Komitet je istakao da određene grupe male dece ne smeju biti diskriminisane, kao i da diskriminacija može da se javi u obliku smanjenih nivoa ishrane, a obrađeno je i pitanje obezbeđivanja zdravstvene nege, u okviru kojeg je navedeno da države ugovornice, između ostalog, imaju odgovornost da obezbede i pristup dobroj ishrani.

U skladu sa gore navedenim, predlažemo da nadležni organi preduzmu sve neophodne radnje i mere kako bi se svakom detetu obezbedila ishrana u skladu sa njihovim zdravstvenim stanjem, s obzirom da se radi o osnovnom preduslovu za pravilan rast, razvoj, očuvanje i unapređenje zdravlja svakog deteta.


Izražavamo duboku zabrinutost i neslaganje sa načinom na koji organi javne vlasti u Srbiji planiraju da od škola prikupljaju informacije o učenicima za koje, kako se navodi u dopisu Ministarstva unutrašnjih poslova dostavljenog Ministarstvu prosvete, škole procenjuju da su u riziku od nasilja „bilo da su oštećeni, odnosno žrtve ili izvršioci nasilja ili ispoljavaju asocijalno ponašanje.” Dalje se u istom dopisu navodi da će navedene spiskove, prilikom dolaska u školu policijski službenici razmatrati zajedno sa relevantnim predstavnicima škola radi daljih aktivnosti.

Uz veliko razumevanje za svest o tome da je hitno potrebno da se preduzmu mere za sprečavanje nasilja nad decom i nasilja u društvu uopšte, smatramo da je potpuno pogrešno da se na osnovu procene škola, deca kvalifikuju kao “rizična” ili “opasna”. Podsećamo da samo timovi visoko kvalifikovanih psihologa i psihijatara mogu da procenjuju stanje deteta. Takve procene se ne mogu vršiti unapred, niti se deca izlagati povredi njihovog prava na privatnost i drugih prava. Samo saznanje da se u školi prave spiskovi je zastrašujuće za decu, njihove roditelje a i celu zajednicu, odnosno društvo.

Imajući u vidu da je iz Ministarstva unutrašnjih poslova danas saopšteno da je predložena aktivnost bila lokalnog karaktera i da će se obustaviti, predlazemo da se pojača pažnja da se u ubuduće ne bi dogadjali ovakvi incidenti. Takođe apelujemo na Ministarstva unutrašnjih poslova i Ministarstvo prosvete da sve mere koje se preduzimaju u cilju zaštite bezbednosti dece budu u skladu sa njihovim pravima i u njihovom najboljem interesu.

THE CHILD RIGHTS CENTRE STARTS IMPLEMENTING THE PROJECT “Supporting children and youth wellbeing and child rights education”

Children who are placed in institutions for the education of children and youth are among the most vulnerable people in society. They often come from marginalized and vulnerable segments of the population and are exposed to a number of limitations such as the risk of abuse and neglect, extreme poverty, mental health problems, etc. This is a very sensitive area where children’s rights are often violated, and the response is not always child-friendly or supportive of their individual development. They belong to the most stigmatized group of children in society, and due to the numerous prejudices they face at all levels, they are often exposed to public criticism, especially in cases of serious crimes.

They usually come from dysfunctional families, and their actions are the result of years of neglect and lack of support since early childhood. Regardless of whether they are criminally responsible children who have committed criminal acts, children who are not criminally responsible, or children who have not committed a criminal act but are placed in institutions due to neglect by their parents or guardians, they face behavioral difficulties and multiple developmental challenges and disorders, including mental health disorders, and therefore require significant and specialized support from qualified educators, psychologists, pedagogues and similar professionals. Due to this combination of different risk factors and the extreme vulnerability of this group of children, justice and social protection systems play a key role in protecting their rights. However, they often do not receive timely and individualized support, the system’s response is not always adapted to the child, and the child’s rights are often violated.

With the aim of improving the mental health of children in the Institute for Children and Youth in Belgrade, the CRC implements the project “Supporting the wellbeing of children and youth and education about children’s rights” with the financial support of donors International Women’s Club (IWC).

The project started on May 1, 2023 and will last until December 31, 2023. The project has two main components: Conducting the workshops on mental health and the rights of the child, with children from the Institute for Children and Youth in Belgrade and children from the Children’s Club DX within the CRC, and second component is implementation of the campaign on social networks in order to raise awareness of the various issues which juvenile offenders are facing in order to actively reduce stigmatization.

Saopštenje za medije

Centar za prava deteta ovim putem izražava iskreno saosećanje sa žrtvama današnje strašne tragedije. Duboko smo ožalošćeni zbog gubitka života dece i zaposlenih u školi, te izražavamo saučešće porodici, kao i svim učenicima i zaposlenima u školi, koji su pogođeni ovim tragičnim događajem.

Ovim putem apelujemo na medije da posebno u ovim situacijama poštuju pravo na privatnost i pravo na dostojanstvo dece, kada su oni direktne ili posredne žrtve i kada su učinioci krivičnih dela kako ne bi bili izloženi sekundarnoj viktimizaciji.

Takođe apelujemo na sve nadležne organe, a posebno na Ministarstvo zdravlja i Ministartsvo prosvete da obezbede i omoguće pristup urgentnoj psihološkoj pomoći svakom detetu. Neophodno je hitno oformiti radne grupe sa stručnjacima koji su obučeni da deci i roditeljima pruže adekvatnu pomoć i podršku, kako bi se stvorili povoljni uslovi za njihov oporavak.

Child Rights Centre marked 25th work anniversary

The Child Rights Centre celebrated its 25th work anniversary together with its associates who gave their contribution to the promotion of child rights in Serbia. It was an opportunity for those present to be reminded of the different stages the Centre went through during its twenty-five-year history.

In the first years of its existence, at the time of great social upheavals, the Centre was also involved in humanitarian activities and actions in emergency situations through the programmes of support for the most vulnerable groups of children. Nevertheless, despite numerous implemented projects that included direct work with children, the main action line has always been to create a social and legislative framework conducive for the full realisation of child rights in Serbia through the promotion of child rights, public advocacy, research, education and participation of children.

In this direction, the foundation for monitoring the realisation of child rights in the Republic of Serbia was laid, and for many years the Centre has been a very active participant in the reform of legislation in the field of child rights, social protection, education and the judicial system. More than a hundred projects were implemented; more than 200 reports, surveys, handbooks, newsletters and brochures were published; hundreds of trainings, workshops and other events were held for professionals, the civil sector, parents and children; numerous educational materials intended for children were created; and numerous advocacy initiatives were launched, both independently and in partnership with other organisations and networks; the development of a more favourable legislative and strategic framework in the field of child rights was influenced through participation in the work of many expert bodies. In addition, the Centre is a founder of the Coalition for Monitoring the Rights of the Child and a member of EuroChildPlatform of Organizations for Cooperation with UN Human Rights MechanismsNetwork of Organisations for Children of Serbia – MODS and the National Convention on the European Union.

Since its establishment, the Centre has supported and developed direct work with children through the DX Club. DX Club is a place that gathers children and youth and where they can get information about their rights in a language they understand, and can also engage in various activities, such as workshops, panel discussions, public actions and self-advocacy actions both at the national, and at the international level. Children and young people had the opportunity to participate in numerous campaigns and the production of informative materials intended for children and young people.

Following its mission and vision, the Centre will continue to promote the implementation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child through the promotion of the rights of the child, public advocacy, research, education and participation of children.Within its strategic priorities, it will continue to work in the area of prevention and protection of children from violence, policy monitoring, child-friendly justice, participation of children, protection of children from discrimination and realisation of child right to a healthy environment.

Child Rights Centre Held the Third Dialogue on Child Rights Entitled “Child-friendly Serbia – Infrastructure and Challenges in Implementation”

The Child Rights Centre held the third dialogue on the rights of the child entitled “Child-friendly Serbia – Infrastructure and Challenges in Implementation” as part of the project Strengthening the capacities of civil society organisations to contribute to the fulfilment of Serbia’s human dimension commitments in the field of the rights of the child, financially supported by the OSCE Mission to Serbia. The dialogue gathered representatives of competent institutions, civil sector and international organisations. It was an opportunity to summarise what had been done in the Republic of Serbia in order to ensure continuous support and improvement of the existing conditions, and an opportunity to review the functioning of the general measures for the implementation of the Convention.

Our country ratified the Convention on the Rights of the Child 32 years ago, thereby undertaking, among other things, to take all appropriate legislative, administrative and other measures to realise the rights recognised in this international agreement. Despite the efforts to improve the position and rights of the child through legal documents, it was noticed that in practice there was no comprehensive approach to the protection of child rights, intersectoral cooperation or thorough understanding of the responsibility for the protection of child rights in certain social areas, which is a prerequisite for the realisation of all guaranteed rights fully in accordance with the Convention.

Building on the first and the second dialogue, which covered the general framework for the realisation of child rights in Serbia, the lack of legislative and administrative measures, and challenges in realising the basic principle of child rights – protection from discrimination, the goal of the third dialogue was to mark the World Children’s Day and confirm the commitment of all actors in Serbia to the realisation of child rights, as well as to contribute to raising awareness in society, especially among children, parents and all those who work with children.

In the first panel, it was stressed, among other things, that education related to child rights in Serbia did not meet the standard defined in the Convention on the Rights of the Child, according to which the states should enable learning about child rights “for every child, at all levels of education.” It is also worrying that there is generally a lack of knowledge and misunderstanding of the concept of child rights at all levels, from children and parents, through professionals to decision makers. The participants reiterated the need for the adoption of a comprehensive Law on the Rights of the Child, and discussed the issue of establishing an independent body for the protection of child rights and the importance of developing a national strategy for child rights. They also pointed out the necessity of continuous monitoring of the realisation of child rights, cooperation with civil society organisations, continuous training and dissemination of information about child rights, as well as cooperation with international organisations in this area.

The second panel was dedicated to the presentation and description of all the necessary steps to ensure the timely and adequate protection of children from violence, abuse and neglect in all the environments in which they lived, with the aim of ensuring the conditions for the safe and proper growth and development of each child, while respecting their integrity and dignity. The panellists particularly referred to the challenges in the protection of children in the field of informal education and sexual abuse, as well as the increasingly frequent occurrence of peer violence. It was highlighted that child rights were insufficiently respected precisely in the areas of social life that concerned children most, and in which they should be provided with special protection, such as education, family-legal, social and health care systems.

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Child Hub


The right to live in a family environment is one of the basic rights of the child. The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child guarantees a child temporarily or permanently deprived of his or her family environment the right to special protection and assistance, and states are obliged to ensure alternative care for such a child.

The Republic of Serbia started with the reform of the social protection system and the process of deinstitutionalisation some twenty years ago. The deinstitutionalisation process was aimed at reducing the pressure on residential care institutions, reducing the number of beneficiaries placed in institutions and developing services at the local level. At the same time, the process implies the transformation of residential care institutions and the development of alternative forms of social protection. 

Significant measures have been taken so far with the aim of improving the legislative and strategic framework in order to prevent the separation of children from their natural environment or to provide support to children in need of alternative care by placing them as close as possible to their natural environment. However, despite the proactive measures for the deinstitutionalisation of children, there are still a number of challenges in the implementation of the process of deinstitutionalisation. 

Although the total number of children in institutions has been significantly reduced, the number of children with developmental and other disabilities has remained practically unchanged and continues to be disconcertingly high. The total number of children in residential care institutions includes 70% of children with developmental and other disabilities, while only 14.3% of these children are in foster care. In addition, there are also children under the age of 3 in residential care, which is contrary to the provisions of the Law on Social Protection. The unfavourable trend of a higher number of children admitted to residential care than children leaving these institutions continues. It is especially worrying that children and young people are most often placed in institutions together with adults. Another problem is that children stay in institutions for a long time, often come of age and even get old in these institutions.

Networks of social protection services at the local level are not sufficiently widespread or available. Support services for independent living of persons with disabilities are extremely underdeveloped. The service of personal assistance was established only in 17 local self-governments for 223 beneficiaries. The service of supported housing for persons with disabilities, which is of decisive importance for the process of deinstitutionalisation and which is even fully financed from the national budget in underdeveloped local self-governments, is available in only six municipalities and towns for 107 beneficiaries. Specialised foster care has not been sufficiently developed, and the occasional progress in its development, achieved through ad hoc programmes and projects, despite good results, has not taken root in practice and become part of a sustainable and permanent system of specialised foster care. 

It is crucial to work on the prevention of the separation of children from the family environment and their institutionalisation, and it is necessary to improve the system of support for families from vulnerable groups.

The data clearly indicate that it is necessary to engage all stakeholders in order to take additional measures to urgently reduce the number of children with developmental disabilities in institutions, improve and develop support services in local communities and ensure their equal availability, as well as to improve the programmes for integration of children and young people with developmental disabilities after they leave institutions.

CRC held the Second dialogue on Child Rights entitled “Child – friendly Serbia – Infrastructure and challenges in implementation”

On 4 November 2022 in Belgrade, the Child Rights Centre (CRC) held the second in a series of dialogues on the rights of the child entitled “Child-friendly Serbia – Infrastructure and Challenges in Implementation” as part of the project Strengthening the capacities of civil society organisations to contribute to the fulfilment of Serbia’s human dimension commitments in the field of the rights of the child, financially supported by the OSCE Mission to Serbia. The dialogue was held as part of the conference “Universal Periodic Review (UPR): A discussion on the fulfilment of the recommendations addressed to Serbia after the Third Cycle”, organised by the Platform of Organisations for Cooperation with UN Human Rights Mechanisms, of which the CRC is a member and also the coordinator of the Child Rights Clusters.

During the dialogue, which brought together 43 representatives of institutions, civil society organisations and international organisations, the degree of the fulfilment of the recommendations in the field of child rights issued to Serbia after the Third UPR cycle was discussed. In the shadow report for the Fourth Cycle of the UPR, the Child Rights Cluster reiterated the unfulfilled recommendations from the previous cycle, related to the adoption of the comprehensive Law on the Rights of the Child and the Child Ombudsperson, the introduction of an explicit legal prohibition of corporal punishment of children in all environments, including family, as well as the continuation of strengthening actions in the fight against child trafficking and measures to prevent and improve the identification of these cases.

Building on the first dialogue, which covered the general framework for the realisation of child rights in Serbia, and the lack of legislative and administrative measures, the goal of the second dialogue was to continue discussing the monitoring of the situation in the field of child rights, as well as challenges in realising the basic principle of child rights – protection from discrimination. The issue of protecting children from discrimination is not only the subject of the recommendations of the Third Cycle of the UPR, but also of many other international bodies, such as the Committee for the Rights of the Child, the Committee for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, the Committee for the Elimination of Discrimination against Women, etc. and the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

Discrimination against children affects all spheres of their lives and prevents them to exercise the rights of the child. During the dialogue, various organisations working in the field of child rights presented their perspective on the consequences of the lack of adequate protection against discrimination for certain groups of children, such as Roma children, children with developmental disabilities, children in residential care, juvenile delinquents, children in street situations, child victims of human trafficking, child migrants, intersex children, etc. It was especially emphasized that during the pandemic, children from vulnerable groups were more exposed to discrimination and violation of child rights in various areas, which further worsened their situation. It was pointed out that little attention was paid to educating children to recognise discrimination, due to which it was rarely reported. In addition, it is difficult to give an assessment of judicial practice related to discrimination because there is no unified and centralised system for monitoring the functioning of the system of legal protection against discrimination, but it is certain that victims of discrimination are reluctant to use the mechanisms of protection against discrimination (Commissioner for Protection of Equality, court protection) because they do not trust institutions, are afraid of secondary victimisation, etc. That is why a total number of cases is far higher than the number of reported cases, which is supported by numerous reports.

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CPD na obeležavanju jubileja Pokrajinskog zaštitnika građana – ombudsmana

Pokrajinski zaštitnik građana – ombudsman obeležio je dvadesetogodišnjicu rada svečanom sednicom u Velikoj sali Skupštine AP Vojvodine, na kojoj je učestvovao i Centar za prava deteta.

Obraćajući se prisutnima prof. dr Zoran Pavlović, pokrajinski ombudsman, istakao je da bez obzira na to da li postupa po pritužbama građana ili po sopstvenoj inicijativi, da li deluje preventivno ili edukativno, pokrajinski ombudsman mora u obavljanju svoje dužnosti delovati principijelno i etično. Dodao je i da su stručnost i moralnost ličnosti ombudsmana na jednoj strani i institucionalna nezavisnost i samostalnost na drugoj strani neophodne pretpostavke.

Kako bi upoznao javnost sa ulogom, ciljevima i dostignućima institucije, Pokrajinski ombudsman priredio je publikaciju u kojoj je izložio dvodecenijski rad na zaštiti i unapređenju ljudskih prava u AP Vojvodini. U publikaciji su se našla zapažanja Centra za prava deteta o dosadašnjoj saradnji sa Pokrajinskim ombudsmanom u oblasti promocije prava deteta, unapređivanja zakonodavnog i strateškog okvira i sistema zaštite dece od nasilja u svim sredinama.

CRC Held the First Dialogue on Child Rights Entitled “Child-friendly Serbia”

On 12 October 2022 in Belgrade, the Child Rights Centre held the first in a series of dialogues on the rights of the child entitled “Child-friendly Serbia” as part of the project Strengthening the capacities of civil society organisations to contribute to the fulfilment of Serbia’s human dimension commitments in the field of the rights of the child, financially supported by the OSCE Mission to Serbia.

The dialogue brought together representatives of competent institutions (Committee on the Rights of the Child of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia; Ministry of Human and Minority Rights and Social Dialogue; Ministry of Family Welfare and Demography; Judicial Academy; Provincial Ombudsman; Protector of Citizens; Commissioner for Protection of Equality), civil society organisations (members of the Coalition for Monitoring the Rights of the Child and the Platform of Organizations for Cooperation with UN Human Rights Mechanisms, MODS and other organisations operating in the field of child rights), international organisations/agencies (UNICEF, OSCE, Save the Children) and university professors.

The dialogue provided an opportunity to look back at what had been done in the Republic of Serbia to establish the infrastructure for the implementation of child rights and what legislative and administrative measures were being implemented. Legislative and administrative measures were discussed in two separate panels. Considering the complexity and scope of this topic, the first panel focused on the adoption of the law on the rights of the child, while the second panel focused on the establishment of an independent institution for the protection of the rights of the child and education in this field. The selection of topics for the dialogue was based on the holistic approach to the rights of the child and the general measures of the Committee on the Rights of the Child, a body that supervises the implementation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, which the state should implement. The selected topics indicated the connection with all other measures, which all together constitute the necessary infrastructure for the exercise of child rights.

Bearing in mind that the rights of the child are scattered in over 80 legal texts, the participants agreed that the adoption of a comprehensive Law on the Rights of the Child would align the existing legal texts with the ratified international treaties. The participants in the dialogue also pointed out that since 2016 Serbia had lacked a unified and coordinated strategic policy in the field of child rights, because the previous National Action Plan for Children had been valid until 2015. Furthermore, it is necessary to strengthen the function of the Council for Child Rights of the Government of the Republic of Serbia, as a multi-sector coordination body, and to provide adequate human, technical and financial resources for its efficient and continuous operation. The term of the Council members expired in April, and the new convocation is expected only after the formation of the Government. On several occasions, the participants stressed the key importance of continuous education and dissemination of information about child rights at all levels – from the officials of relevant institutions and courts to parents and children at all levels of education.

Although some progress has been made in this area, it is necessary to invest additional efforts in order to continuously work on exercising the rights of the child, in accordance with the rights guaranteed in the Convention on the Rights of the Child. The participants agreed that the full realisation of child rights required the improved infrastructure for their protection and realisation and a review of the effectiveness of general measures for the implementation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child in the Republic of Serbia.

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Regional Child Hub Platform



The Republic Institute for Social Protection and the Child Rights Centre (CRC) held their final conference in the Palace Hotel in Belgrade as part of the project “Promoting Positive Juvenile Justice System in Serbia”, which was financially supported by the European Commission through the Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme. The conference gathered representatives of the social protection system, justice system, schools, civil sector, academia and donor community.

Marko Todosić, Acting Director of the Republic Institute for Social Protection, opened the conference and expressed his hope that cooperation would be continued successfully on many other joint projects. In his address, he stated: “The specific goals of the project are focused on the development and implementation of innovative, effective programmes for work with children in conflict with the law, strengthening the capacity of experts in the systems of social protection and justice in order to act in accordance with the principle of the best interests of the child. I would like to thank all the partners and participants in the implementation of this important project. We are especially grateful to the representatives of the Ministry of Labour, Employment, Veteran and Social Affairs, the employees of the institutions for education of children and youth in Belgrade, Niš and Knjaževac, as well as our partners from the Child Rights Centre who selflessly shared their time, knowledge and experience in all phases of research and project implementation. We owe special thanks to the institutionalised children who shared their thoughts, feelings, wishes and visions of how the institutions in which they lived should look like in the future. We hope that all of us will have the opportunity to witness the positive changes achieved in the work with children subjected to custodial diversion measures.”

“Children in conflict with the law belong to one of the groups most exposed to stigmatisation in society and, precisely because of the numerous prejudices they encounter at all levels, they are often exposed to public criticism, especially in cases of committing serious crimes. We often forget that these are children who usually come from dysfunctional families and that their actions are the result of years of neglect and lack of support from early childhood. It is precisely for this reason that part of the activities carried out as part of this project were aimed at public awareness. In addition, the participation of children and young people from our organisation’s DX Club has been extremely important, both through their contribution during peer workshops conducted in the institutions for education of children and youth in Belgrade, Knjaževac and Niš, and through their participation in the awareness raising campaign”, pointed out Jasmina Miković, CRC Director.

Prof. Djuradj Stakić presented the findings of the research, stressing that the aim of the project was to encourage and direct the reorganisation and reconceptualization of all three educational institutions in accordance with international standards, relevant theoretical concepts and approaches, methodology and practice based on proven effectiveness in order to adapt the conditions and the way of working to developmental challenges, risks, needs and potentials of institutionalised children. Moreover, the project sought to correct the “injustice” against the educational institutions which, under the pressure of deinstitutionalisation, inclusion and the development of alternative measures for the treatment of children in conflict with the law in the community, were harshly criticised and left with depleted resources, on the margins of reform efforts, to deal with increasingly more complex and intense developmental challenges and disorders in children in conflict with the law.

Natalija Cvetković a DX Club member pointed out: “The children from the institution shared their experiences in contact with the police and judges, on the basis of which we concluded that they felt confused and were not sufficiently informed about their rights.” In addition, she said that they felt insecure when it came to further plans for the future.

Ljiljana Panjković from the Primary School “Branko Pešić” presented the results of the training programmes implemented in the institutions for education of children in Belgrade, Knjaževac and Niš and pointed out that it was important not to forget that some wonderful young people lived, grew and matured in all these institutions, and that some adults had played with their lives due to which they had to master the lessons of LIFE the harder way.

The conference participants also had the opportunity to watch the video “MAYBE”, which was created by the CRC to draw the public attention to the situation of children in conflict with the law placed in educational institutions in Belgrade, Niš and Knjaževac.

Finally, all the participants agreed that it was necessary to work on the development and implementation of innovative, effective evidence-based programmes for children in conflict with the law, to strengthen the capacities of experts in the systems of social protection and justice to act in accordance with the principle of the best interests of the child, to strengthen multisectoral cooperation through a multidisciplinary approach in order to respond to the needs of each child. In addition, they agreed that it was necessary to improve the participation of children in procedures that concerned them, through informing them about their rights and strengthening their knowledge and capacities. 

Održan sastanak UO projekta “Promovisanje pozitivnog maloletničkog pravosuđa u Srbiji”

Dana 19. avgusta 2022. godine, u Republičkom zavodu za socijalnu zaštitu (RZSZ) održan je sastanak Upravnog odbora projekta Promovisanje pozitivnog sistema maloletničkog pravosuđa u Srbiji”, koji sprovodi CPD u saradnji sa RSZS uz finansijsku podršku Evropske komisije u okviru programa „Prava, jednakost i državljanstvo“.

Na sastanku su predstavljene realizovane projektne aktivnosti u prethodnom periodu i sumirani rezultati istih. Tako, predstavljen je finalni izveštaj istraživanja i tri mape puta, zatim video “MOŽDA” koji je izradio CPD kako bi skrenuo pažnju javnosti na položaj dece koja se nalaze u ustanovama za vaspitanje u Beogradu, Nišu i Knjaževcu.

Takođe, dat je pregled aktivnosti čije je sprovođenje u toku, te napravljen preliminarni plan za predstojeći period. U vezi sa navedenim, diskutovano je o sprovođenju radionica psihosocijalne podrške i funkcionalnog obrazovanja koje se uspešno sprovode u zavodima za smeštaj dece i omladine već drugi mesec. Dogovoreno je održavanje završne konferencija u drugoj polovini septembra tekuće godine.

Jačanje kapaciteta vaspitača i voditelja slučaja

Centar za prava deteta u partnerstvu sa Republičkim centrom za socijalnu zaštitu realizuje projekat „Promovisanje pozitivnog maloletničkog pravosuđa u Srbiji“, uz finansijsku podršku Evropske komisije kroz program “Prava, jednakost i državljanstvo”. Ciljevi ovog projekta su usmereni na unapređenje prava i položaja dece u sukobu sa zakonom i/ili sa problemima u ponašanju koja su upućena u vaspitne ustanove u Beogradu, Nišu i Knjaževcu, kako bi se deca izdvojila iz sredine koja nepovoljno deluje na njihov razvoj i kako bi dobila odgovarajuću pomoć i stalni nadzor od strane stručnih lica, a u cilju sprečavanja daljeg vršenja krivičnih dela, socijalizacije i reintegracije u društvo.

U sklopu ovog projekta, Republički zavod za socijalnu zaštitu je 15. i 16. avgusta 2022. godine organizovao dvodnevnu radionicu za vaspitače ustanova za vaspitanje i voditelje slučaja iz centara za socijalni rad. Radionica je imala za cilj da se, nakon predstavljanja glavnih nalaza i ključnih preporuka istraživanja sprovedenog u prethodnom periodu, kroz konsultacije sa stručnjacima angažovanim u sistemu maloletničkog pravosuđa – zaposlenima u centrima za socijalni rad i u vaspitnim ustanovama, zajednički razmotri položaj i funkcionisanje tri ustanove za vaspitanje i procene mogući putevi transformacije tih ustanova kako bi što adekvatnije odgovarali na potrebe dece. Zajednički su razmotrene i potrebe za dodatnom obukom vaspitnog osoblja i dogovoreni dalji koraci u procesu unapređenja kompetencija stručnjaka u oblasti maloletničkog pravosuđa.

The Child Rights Centre Published the Video MAYBE

“I’m sorry that no one trusts me. I lack support,” a boy from the institution for the education of children and youth in Niš.

In order to draw the attention of the public to the situation of children who are placed in the educational institutions in Belgrade, Niš and Knjaževac, the Child Rights Centre (CRC) created the video MAYBE as part of the project “Promoting Positive Juvenile Justice System in Serbia”, implemented by the CRC in cooperation with the Republic Institute for Social Protection, and with the financial support of the European Commission through the Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme. Young people from the CRC’s DX Club, actively participated in the making of this video, by presenting some statements of children and young people subjected to custodial diversion measures, collected during ten workshops held in three institutions for education of children and youth in Belgrade, Niš and Knjaževac. Children and young people who commit criminal offences often do not see a bright future for themselves, nor do they have a life plan after leaving the institution.

“If my family had supported me, maybe I wouldn’t be here now,” a boy from the institution for the education of children and youth in Knjaževac.

Children in educational institutions in Belgrade, Niš and Knjaževac are in a particularly difficult situation. Regardless of whether these are criminally responsible children who have committed criminal offences, children who are not held criminally responsible, or children who have not committed any criminal offence, but have been placed in these institutions due to neglect by their parents or guardians, they have pronounced behavioural problems or multiple developmental challenges and disorders, including mental health disorders, and therefore require substantial and specialised support from qualified educators, psychologists, pedagogues and similar experts.

As a result of committing criminal offences, children can be deprived of their liberty, excluded from the educational system and stigmatised by the community, which further prevents their reintegration and resocialisation. Due to insufficient opportunities and possibilities, these children fall into a vicious circle of committing criminal offences again, which often continues even after they have reached the age of adulthood.

Precisely because of this combination of different risk factors and the extreme vulnerability of this group of children, the systems of justice and social protection play a key role in protecting their rights. However, children in conflict with the law often do not receive timely and individualised support, the response of the system is not always adjusted to the child and the rights of the child are frequently violated.

Therefore, it is very important to work on the development andimplementation of innovative, effective evidence-based programmes for children in conflict with the law, to strengthen the capacities of experts in the systems of social protection and justice to act in accordance with the principle of the best interests of the child, to strengthen multisectoral cooperation through a multidisciplinary approach in order to respond to the needs of each child, as well as to improve the participation of children in procedures that concern them, through informing them about their rights and strengthening their knowledge and capacities.


Poslodavac: Centar za prava deteta

Pozicija: Koordinator/ka projekta

Broj pozicija: 1

Ugovor: radni odnos na određeno vreme (4 meseca); nepuno radno vreme (20h nedeljno)

Mesto rada: Beograd, Srbija

Datum objavljivanja oglasa: 1. avgust 2022. godine

Rok za prijavu: 8. avgust 2022. godine, do 16h

Početak radnog odnosa: 1. septembar 2022. godine

Vaše motivaciono pismo i CV možete poslati na mejl: sa naslovom: “Aplikacija – koordinator/ka projekta”. Više o konkursu, možete pogledati: OVDE.


“Maybe they will see me and not my mistakes.” “Maybe someday someone will have confidence in me.” “Maybe one day I won’t be labelled a delinquent.” “Maybe I will be forgiven, because I was just a child.”

These are only some of the statements recorded during 10 workshops held by the Child Rights Centre with children and young people subjected to custodial diversion measures in three institutions for education of children and youth in Belgrade, Niš and Knjaževac. Young people from the Child Rights Centre’s DX Club were among the participants of these workshops.

The aim of the workshops was to acquaint children and young people with their rights if they came into contact with the law and to empower them to recognise and respond, in a timely manner, to situations where their rights were violated. They were introduced to the concept of a child included in the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and the rights guaranteed to them by this document, as well as the role of judicial authorities, social welfare centres and the police. During the workshops, young people asked many questions, but also shared their concerns and fears.

In addition, an important segment of the workshops was focused on discussing plans and wishes for the future, which allowed us to determine the need for improving knowledge, skills and tools for working with children and youth in institutions for education of children and youth, developing services and increasing financial resources for planning the leaving of institution and support for independence programmes.

Furthermore, since the role of educators is among the key ones for the progress and development of children and young people in institutions, it is necessary to continuously improve knowledge and skills for direct work with children and young people, especially those aimed at preventing and overcoming expected and unexpected problems in emotions and behaviour.

Various observations and insights of children and young people, placed in institutions for education of children and youth, will be presented in a short film in the form of key messages for the general public, with the idea of stressing how important it is to change the attitude towards this extremely vulnerable group of children and young people and provide them with the necessary support to enable them to overcome developmental crises, develop prosocial behaviour and become constructive members of society.

The workshops were held as part of the project “Promoting Positive Juvenile Justice System in Serbia”, implemented by the Republic Institute for Social Protection in cooperation with the Child Rights Centre, and with the financial support of the European Commission through the Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme.

Održana fokus diskusija sa građanima Novog Pazara u okviru projekta „Oceni svoja prava i uključi se“

“Kada sam prošao edukacije o tome koliko može telesno kažnjavanje loše uticati na decu, shvatio sam koliko mi kao roditelji pogrešnih stvari primenjujemo u vaspitanje deteta. Novi Pazar je specifičan. Sociološki i istorijski gledano ima predrasuda, jer se deca vaspitavaju načelom “Batina je iz raja izašla”. Suština jeste da je kod nas u Novom Pazaru, generalno zastupljeno telesno kažnjavanje. Takođe ima i psihičkog nasilja roditelja nad decom koje nekada može imati još gore posledice na dete.” – građanin Novog Pazara

Centar za prava deteta održao je fokus grupu sa građanima Novog Pazara u cilju prikupljanja informacija o ostvarivanju njihovih ljudskih prava i razvijanju mogućih rešenja u ovoj oblasti. Fokus grupa održana je u okviru projekta „Oceni svoja prava i uključi se!“, koji sprovodi Platforma organizacija za saradnju sa mehanizmima Ujedinjenih nacija za ljudska prava.

Na fokus grupi razgovarali smo o eksplicitnoj zabrani telesnog kažnjavanja dece, usvajanju sveobuhvatnog Zakona o pravima deteta, uspostavljanju dečjeg ombudsmana, kao i o drugim važnim temama u oblasti ljudskih prava.

Tom prilikom su građani Novog Pazara istakli da je u njihovoj zajednici prisutno telesno kažnjavanje dece, ali i da rešenje u praksi vide u obrazovanju roditelja i društvene sredine o širokom spektru negativnih ishoda za decu u pogledu zdravlja, razvoja i ponašanja koji ih mogu pratiti u odrasloj dobi. Pored toga, građani su jednoglasno podržali usvajanje sveobuhvatnog zakona o pravima deteta i ističu da je neophodno doneti zakon za decu koji će ih štititi kao i da je od velikog značaja uspostavljanje institucije dečjeg ombudsmana.

Osnovni cilj projekta je unapređivanje ljudskih prava građana kroz njihovo aktivno uključivanje u dva procesa koja se odnose na izradu politika u oblasti ljudskih prava.

Prvi deo projekta se fokusira na izradu Strategije za praćenje i unapređenje ljudskih prava u Srbiji za period 2023-2030. godine koja predstavlja strateški dokument Vlade koji teži da na sveobuhvatan način analizira stanje ljudskih prava, razmatra pravac njihovog unapređenja i izradu konkretnih aktivnosti.

Drugi deo projekta se odnosi na Univerzalni periodični pregled (UPR) – poseban mehanizam zaštite ljudskih prava Ujedinjenih nacija, koji je poveren Savetu za ljudska prava UN, sa ciljem da se kroz analizu i ocenu stanja ljudskih prava u zemljama članicama UN formulišu preporuke koje se upućuju državi. Očekivani rezultati projekta su uključivanje ekspertskih komentara Platforme i stavova građana u prvi strateški dokument koji se bavi ljudskim pravima u Srbiji, kao i podnošenje alternativnog UPR izveštaj Savetu za ljudska prava koji sadrži stavove građana i doprinose organizacija civilnog društva sa lokala.

Saopštenje preneli:


Resurs centar Građanskih inicijativa

Empowering children to recognise and report trafficking in human beings

The Child Rights Centre (CRC) has concluded a series of 20 workshops for 478 children in primary and high schools across Serbia, as well as in the SOS Children’s Village Kraljevo, on the topic of prevention and protection of children against trafficking in human beings. The workshops were held since November 2021 under the project “Empowering children to recognise and report trafficking in human beings in the Republic of Serbia“ implemented by the CRC in co-operation with the NGO Atina and with the financial support of the European Union and the Council of Europe as part of the joint programme “Horizontal Facility for the Western Balkans and Turkey 2019-2022”.

The children between 12 and 18 years of age participating in the workshops were asked to describe how they see human trafficking, and why it represents a danger for children. They discussed their feelings, dreams and fears, who and what could prevent them from fulfilling a dream, who their persons of trust were, how they could recognise that their loved ones were in trouble and whether and how they reacted to such situations.

Talking to the children, the CRC came to the conclusion that even though they were aware about the phenomenon, they were insufficiently informed about of trafficking in human beings and their knowledge of the topic boiled down mainly to what they heard from their parents or saw in movies.

“It is, for example, my friend and I are walking down the street and someone grabs us, puts us in a truck and takes us far away. They sell us there and make money. (Boy, 14 years old)

Child abduction is the children’s first association when they hear the expression trafficking in human beings. As regards sexual exploitation and pornography, children have heard about these phenomena in movies or in the media, although they are not sure whether these are part of trafficking in human beings. Children were often surprised when they found out that forced labour is a form of trafficking in human beings, even though they understood that child begging is a part of the human trafficking chain.

They are aware of the fact that children are one of the most vulnerable groups, and they explain that by saying that children are “small and naive” because they “have no life experience”.

“Children are at the highest risk. Because they are small. They believe everyone.” (Girl, 13 years old)

“Some children live in the street. I think they may be someone’s victims.” (Boy, 15 years old)

Gender stereotypes are often present in their reasoning of a greater vulnerability of girls compared to boys; they believe that girls are at greater risk because “boys are stronger, so they can defend themselves.”

“I think that girls are in the greatest danger. They can’t defend themselves.” (Boy, 14 years old)

“Girls are more attractive to traffickers because they look weaker and can be forced into marriage.” (Boy, 12 years old)

Children often imagine a human trafficker as someone who wears a hoodie and lives in a dark place, but they also think that they are people who were not much loved as children, and that they are good at pretending to be our friends.

 “Human traffickers are neglected people. These are people whose emotions have not developed in a healthy way.” (Girl, 15 years old)

Children understand why victims do not report a trafficker immediately.

“I think that victims are ashamed. I believe they would admit it sooner if they were not condemned by others.” (Girl, 17 years old)

“Out of fear. She is afraid. The trafficker must be blackmailing her.” (Boy, 15 years old)

As regards the mechanisms of protection, most children would first turn to their parents or the police, and few of them know that they can get such kind of help from non-governmental organisations. When it comes to protection on the internet, children’s first choice would be to call the helpline for the safety of children on the internet – 19833.

The conclusion of all the workshops is that many children have not had previous opportunities to talk openly about this topic.

“Nobody talks to us about these topics. Now I realise how unsafe children are.” (Girl, 15 years old)

They find all the information very useful and think that it would be good to have more workshops like these and to talk more about this topic in schools.

“I know how I can help. I will tell my friend about what I’ve heard today.” (Boy, 12 years old).

The video “Between Dreams and Reality” and the interactive digital platform “Protection of Children from Human Trafficking”, the tools developed by the CRC in cooperation with the NGO Atina and with the financial support of the European Union and the Council of Europe in 2021, were an indispensable element of the discussions and of presenting to children the mechanisms of protection and the ways to recognise and report trafficking in human beings. The CRC will continue to promote the digital platform in their campaigns and educational workshops focusing on preventing human trafficking.

The Child Rights Centre is a beneficiary of the grant awarded within the joint programme of the European Union and the Council of Europe “Horizontal Facility for the Western Balkans and Turkey 2019-2022”. The views expressed in this text are the responsibility of the author can in no way be taken to reflect the official opinion of either party.

Neophodno prilagoditi pravosudni sistem detetu

Deca dolaze u kontakt sa zakonom iz različitih razloga, kao što su to razvod braka roditelja, usvojenje, starateljstvo, lišenje roditeljskog prava, izdržavanje, porodično nasilje, zlostavljanje i zanemarivanje deteta, diskriminacija i dr, kao i u slučajevima kada dete izvrši krivično delo. Od suštinskog značaja je za svako dete, a posebno za decu iz socijalno ugroženih i disfunkcionalnih porodica da pravosudni sistem bude u potpunosti usklađen sa principom najboljeg interesa deteta i primereniji detetu, a podrazumeva i efikasne postupke dostupne deci uz obezbeđenje neophodne nezavisne pravne reprezentacije. Na ovaj način se omogućava deci da, kada dođu u kontakt sa pravosudnim i upravnim sistemom, bilo kao svedoci, žrtve (oštećeni) ili kao učinioci krivičnih dela, tužioci i podnosioci pritužbi u građanskim i upravnim postupcima i postupcima pred nezavisnim organima, budu u mogućnosti da na adekvatan način zaštite svoja prava i interese.

U cilju utvrđivanja mišljenja dece i mladih o pravosudnom sistemu i nivou njegove prilagođenosti deci i mladima u skladu sa usvojenim standardima pravosuđa po meri deteta, Centar za prava deteta sproveo je istraživanje Pravosuđe po meri deteta iz ugla dece i mladih. Istraživački uzorak činilo je 1505 dece i mladih, od čega je 67 dece i mladih koji su bili u kontaktu sa pravosudnim sistemom uzrasta 10–22 godine koji se nalaze u Vaspitno-popravnom domu u Kruševcu, Zavodu za vaspitanje dece i omladine u Nišu, Zavodu za vaspitanje dece i omladine u Beogradu, Zavodu za vaspitanje dece i omladine u Knjaževcu i 1438 dece i mladih uzrasta od 10 do 18 godina iz opšte populacije.

Omogućavanje participacije dece kroz ovo istraživanje predstavlja važan korak u procesu izgradnje pravosudnog sistema i daje značajne informacije profesionalcima o nivou poštovanja standarda pravosuđa po meri deteta iz ugla dece i mladih. Unapređenje pravosuđa po meri deteta zahteva da se svi izazovi na koji su deca i mladi ukazali u ovom istraživanju razmotre i uzmu u obzir u radu na njegovom daljem unapređenju, kako bi se obezbedilo puno ostvarivanje prava deteta u kontaktu sa zakonom i poštovanje svih zagarantovanih standarda pravosuđa po meri deteta.

Istraživanje pokazuje da se nijedan od standarda pravosuđa po meri deteta koji su obuhvaćeni istraživanjem, a garantovani Konvencijom o pravima deteta UN, Smernicama Komiteta ministara Saveta Evrope o pravosuđu po meri deteta i drugim međunarodnim dokumentima, kao i odredbama Zakona o maloletnim učiniocima krivičnih dela i krivičnopravnoj zaštiti maloletnih lica, ne ostvaruje u dovoljnoj meri.  Najmanji nivo ostvarivanja standarda pravosuđa po meri deteta postoji u odnosu na pravo deteta na informisanost, pravo na bezbednost deteta i pravo na dostojanstvo.

Rezultati istraživanja nedvosmisleno pokazuju da se pravo deteta na informisanost ne ostvaruje u dovoljnoj meri, niti u odnosu na informisanje o pravima koja ono ima u postupku, niti u odnosu na informisanje o samom procesu i razlozima zbog kojih je pozvano u neku od institucija u okviru pravosudnog sistema. Takođe je utvrđeno da nedovoljno ostvarivanje prava na informisanost postoji i u odnosu na saopštavanje odluka koje se donose u postupku, kao i da profesionalci često prilikom obraćanja deci ne koriste jezik koji je dovoljno prilagođen detetu.

Istraživanje pokazuje da mladi generalno ne znaju koja prava imaju ukoliko dođu u kontakt sa pravosudnim sistemom, ni u odnosu na krivični, ni u odnosu na građanski postupak.

Dodatno zabrinjava što mali broj dece nakon postupka dobija neki vid psihosocijalne podrške. Tako je samo trećina ispitanika navela da je nakon postupka dobila neku vrstu zdravstvene ili psihološke podrške.

I pored niza preduzetih reformi u procesu unapređivanja pravosuđa po meri deteta, sprovedeno istraživanje sa decom i mladima o pravosuđu po meri deteta pokazuje da postoji niz izazova u praksi koji ozbiljno dovode u pitanje puno ostvarivanje i poštovanje prava dece koja imaju kontakt sa zakonom.

Održan sastanak Upravnog odbora projekta „Promocija pozitivnog maloletničkog pravosuđa u Srbiji”

Dana 26. maja 2022. godine, održan je redovan sastanak Upravnog odbora, koji je osnovan u okviru projekta „Promovisanje pozitivnog sistema maloletničkog pravosuđa u Srbiji“, koji Republički zavod za socijalnu zaštitu sprovodi u saradnji sa Centrom za prava deteta, uz finansijsku podršku Evropske komisije kroz program „Prava, jednakost i državljanstvo“. Sastanak je održan u Republičkom zavodu za socijalnu zaštitu uz učešće i predstavnice dece i mladih iz Kluba DX pri Centru za prava deteta.

Na samom početku sastanka, kroz kratak osvrt na aktivnosti koje su Republički zavod za socijalnu zaštitu i Centar za prava deteta sproveli u prethodnom periodu, analizirani su postignuti rezultati i razmatrane neke od mogućih inicijativa koje bi bilo dobro pokrenuti u narednom periodu.

U drugom delu sastanka, članovi i članice Upravnog odbora predstavili su aktivnosti koje se trenutno sprovode i dali kratak pregled aktivnosti planiranih za naredni period. Republički zavod za socijalnu zaštitu trenutno radi na izradi tri mape puta, a koje za cilj imaju identifikovanje specifičnih potreba zavoda za vaspitanje dece i omladine u Beogradu, Knjaževcu i Nišu. Nakon toga, biće izrađeni fokusirani tretmanski programi za unapređivanje kapaciteta zavoda, odnosno osnaživanja vaspitnog osoblja za rad sa decom i mladima.

Centar za prava deteta će u narednom periodu nastaviti sa održavanjem vršnjačkih radionica u zavodima koje za cilj imaju da decu i mlade informišu o pravima koja su im garantovana Konvencijom o pravima deteta UN, kao i da se dodatno edukuju o pravima koja imaju ukoliko dođu u kontakt sa zakonom. Uporedo sa ovim edukativnim delom, Centar za prava deteta će sprovesti kampanju i snimiti kratak video u saradnji sa Klubom DX koji će imati za cilj da informišu i senzitivišu javnost o položaju maloletnih učionica krivičnih dela.

CPD učestvovao u Školi ekološkog prava 2022. na Pravnom fakultetu Univerziteta u Beogradu

Ovogodišnju Školu ekološkog prava otvorili su prof. dr Mirjana Drenovak-Ivanović i advokat Dejan Vuković, u ime Regionalnog centra za ekološko pravo (RCEL) u konferencijskoj sali Pravnog fakulteta Univerziteta u Beogradu, poželevši dobrodošlicu sedmoj generaciji polaznika. Škola je održana u periodu od 9. do 11. maja 2022. godine.

Školu su, osim studenata pravnih fakulteta širom zemlje, pohađali i studenti Fakulteta političkih nauka, Biološkog i Tehnološko-metalurškog fakulteta UB, uz onlajn učešće studenata iz regiona.

U okviru trećeg panela ,,Svako ima pravo na život u zdravoj životnoj sredini” – Prava pojedinaca i uloga civilnog društva, učestvovale su i predstavnice Centra za prava deteta Jelena Paunović i Jelena Petrović.

Mirko Popović, u ime Regulatornog instituta za obnovljivu energiju i životnu sredinu (RERI) otvorio je treći panel ističući da je uloga civilnog sektora ta da predstavlja sponu u komunikaciji države i građana. Naglasio je da nema idealne države, ni idealnog društva, ali da to ne treba da nas sprečava da stremimo ka tome. Govorio je studentima o primerima iz prakse tokom svoje dugogodišnje karijere, kao i o tome šta ga je motivisalo da počne i da nastavi da se bavi zaštitom prava na zdravu životnu sredinu.

Tina Janjatović nadovezala se isticanjem važnosti nastavka partnerstva između civilnog sektora i države. Kako je navela, ekološki aktivisti direktno iniciraju reakciju države i doprinose podizanju svesti o problemima životne sredine, kao i zajedničkom radu na njihovom rešavanju.

Predstavnice Centra za prava deteta istakle su da je ostvarivanje prava deteta na zdravu životnu sredinu osnov za puno ostvarivanje brojnih drugih prava deteta. Govorile su o važnosti edukacije dece i mladih u ovoj oblasti, kao i značaju njihovog osnaživanja da postanu zagovornici promena i doprinesu ostvarivanju prava deteta na zdravu životnu sredinu. Osvrćući se na međunarodni okvir, naglasile su da Srbiji tek predstoji unapređivanje  zakonodavnog okvira u oblasti zaštite životne sredine koji će prepoznati i uvažiti specifičnost dece kao osetljive grupe i obezbediti okvir za efikasno ostvarivanje i zaštitu prava dece na zdravu životnu sredinu.

Pored toga, predstavile su i rezultate istraživanja sprovedenog prošle godine na uzorku od preko 400 dece i mladih između 12 i 18 godina, u više od 20 gradova i opština u Srbiji. Neki od podataka:

  • 70% ispitanika uvek ili često bira proizvode koji ne zagađuju životnu sredinu,
  • 43% ne vodi računa da li je hrana koju jedu zdrava,
  • 53,4% ne vodi računa da li je voće i povrće prskano.

Više o Školi ekološkog prava 2022. pogledajte na linku:

Regional Conference “Positive Parenting and Child Protection in High-conflict Divorces” Held

The Child Rights Centre (CRC) held a regional conference entitled “Positive Parenting and Child Protection in High-conflict Divorces”, which brought together a total of 111 experts from the social welfare system, judiciary, Institute for Mental Health, civil society, academia and donor community. On that occasion, the participants were informed about the most important tools and materials developed by the CRC for professionals in contact with children and parents in the systems of social protection and justice, with special reference to the publication “Children and Divorce – How to Support Children During and After the Divorce of Parents”, which aims to help professionals recognise, understand and support the best interest of the child in case of divorce.

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“In order to allow children to be children, to live safely, play, learn, develop their full potential, it is necessary to enhance the commitment of all actors”, said Mateja Norčič Štamcar, Deputy Head of the European Union Delegation to Serbia, pointing out the importance of improving mechanisms for children’s participation in the process of drafting, adopting and monitoring the implementation of strategic documents.

“Children are victims of violence in every society where they are usually silent or distrusted”, said Gordana Čomić, Minister of Human and Minority Rights and Social Dialogue, and expressed satisfaction with the Ministry being a partner in opening a social dialogue aimed at reducing violence against children in all settings.

“All of us have a permanent task to keep children at the heart of all our joint activities in order to have a healthy family in the future”, said Milka Milovanović-Minić, State Secretary at the Ministry of Family Care and Demography.

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“The voice of the child in proceedings must be heard”, said Nenad Vujić, Judicial Academy Director, and stressed the importance of training professionals in the justice system.

A child’s development is determined by the environment in which the child develops, and statistics show that most divorced marriages are with children. “Children of divorced families have lower emotional, behavioural and even academic achievements”, said Prof. Milica Pejović-Milovančević, PhD, stressing that all of us together should help children and parents go through this process as painlessly as possible.

In the two panels “Positive Parenting” and “Children and Divorce”, the professionals from Serbia, Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina agreed that parents needed support, that it was necessary to improve cross-sectoral cooperation through focused education of professionals in contact with children and parents. “Parents need support. It is very difficult to be a parent nowadays. They need not to be judged”, considers Prof. Gordana Buljan Flander, PhD. There are many challenges accompanying modern parenting, and parents are put to the test every day. “The narrative of traditional family and social expectations to function in the old way continues to be dominant”, points out Assistant Prof. Vera Despotović, PhD, expressing her concern about the lack of sufficient specific support programmes that could respond to the modern parenting needs.

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“The first meeting with a family should be more thorough because any wrong intervention may prolong the duration of high-conflict divorces”, said Attorney-at-Law Marija Petrović, pointing to the need for a more specific first diagnosis of the situation. It is very important to provide children with a safe environment and protect them from all forms of violence and abuse. “A significant number of children are exposed to emotional abuse and neglect in the process of high-conflict divorces”, said Prof. Gordana Buljan Flander, PhD. In such cases, the best interest of the child should particularly be taken into account. Medical Psychology Specialist Teodora Minčić agrees and points out that “the child should be heard, but it is up to psychologists and experts to assess which statement of the child is authentic”. Also, “it is important to remove the responsibility from the child by returning it to the adults and the system, to those to whom it belongs,” pointed out graduate pedagogue Jelena Subašić, an integrative psychotherapist for children and adolescents.

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At the very end, the CRC presented recommendations for further action and mobilisation of key actors in the area of positive parenting and child protection in cases of high-conflict divorces. The main conclusion is that continuous and systematic education of experts in the area of child protection and parental divorce is necessary, particularly in cases of high-conflict divorce, along with systemic support to parents and mutual cooperation of all institutions relevant to child rights.

The regional conference “Positive Parenting and Child Protection in High-conflict Divorces” was held as part of the project Positive Parenting, implemented by the Child Rights Centre with the financial support of the European Union as part of the programme entitled the European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights in Serbia. The project is financed by the Ministry of Human and Minority Rights and Social Dialogue.

Media coverage:

Resurs Centar GI

Održane fokus grupe u Republičkom zavodu za socijalnu zaštitu

U Republičkom zavodu za socijalnu zaštitu održane su fokus grupe, kao deo aktivnosti projekta „Promocija pozitivnog maloletničkog pravosuđa u Srbiji“, koji Centar za prava deteta sprovodi u saradnji sa Republičkim zavodom za socijalnu zaštitu, a koji je finansijski podržan u okviru Programa Evropske unije za prava, jednakost i državljanstvo.

Glavni cilj projekta je da obezbedi da stručnjaci za socijalnu zaštitu i pravosuđe deluju u najboljem interesu deteta, poštujući principe nediskriminacije i učešća dece.Takođe, projekat će razvijati i implementirati prilagođene programe rada sa decom zasnovane na dokazima i izgraditi kapacitete stručnjaka radi pružanja bolje podrške deci koja su u sukobu sa zakonom, posebno onoj koja su učinila teška krivična dela i potrebna im je dodatna podrška. Dodatno, jedan od projektnih ishoda jeste izrada tri mape puta koje imaju za cilj da ponude jedinstveni set tretmanskih programa koji će odgovarati potrebama dece u Zavodu za vaspitanje dece i omladine u Beogradu, Zavodu za vaspitanje omladine u Nišu i Zavodu za vaspitanje dece i omladine u Knjaževcu.

U toku je istraživanje koje se sprovodi u zavodima, a koje treba da pokaže univerzalne i specifične potrebe u tri ustanove i da posluži kao osnova za izradu gorespomenutih setova tretmanskih programa.

Fokus grupe održane su upravo sa zaposlenima u zavodima za vaspitanje dece i omladine, predstavnicima centara za socijalni rad, pravosuđa i ostalim profesionalcima iz sistema socijalne zaštite kao deo participativnog procesa i sagledavanja svih aspekata rada, te dolaženja do zajedničkih zaključaka.  

Pored toga, Centar za prava deteta će u narednom periodu realizovati kroz vršnjačku edukaciju set radionica sa decom koja se nalaze na izvršenju zavodske mere u zavodima za vaspitanje dece i omladine u Beogradu, Nišu i Knjaževcu, kako bi ih kroz interaktivan pristup informisali o pravima deteta u pravosudnom sistemu, principima nediskriminacije, participacije i najboljeg interesa deteta.

The Child Rights Centre Held a Press Conference on Justice from the Perspective of Children and Youth

On 15 April, the Child Rights Centre (CRC) held a press conference entitled Justice from the Perspective of Children and Youth, which gathered 80 attendees, including judges, prosecutors, lawyers, representatives of media outlets, social welfare centres, police, Judicial Academy, schools, civil sector, international organisations, academia and donor community, as well as children and youth from the DX Club. Due to a great interest, the conference was attended in person in the Media Centre and on the Zoom platform.

The CRC presented the key findings of the research Child-friendly Justice from the Perspective of Children and Youth, which clearly show that the child’s right to information is not sufficiently exercised: neither in relation to information about the rights in proceedings nor in relation to information about the reasons for being summoned to an institution within the judicial system and proceedings. Only one half of the respondents, who are subjected to institutional measures, state that when they arrived at the institution, they received a full explanation of the reasons of being summoned and how proceedings would look like, while one fifth of the respondents did not receive any or received very little explanation. In addition, only one third of the respondents received a full explanation of their rights in proceedings, while one half of the respondents did not receive any or received very little explanation of their rights. The research shows that professionals often do not use sufficiently child-friendly language in talking to children. Nearly half of the respondents report that they are not satisfied or are minimally satisfied with the way of being provided with the information and that they could not fully understand it. The findings regarding the respect for the dignity of children during proceedings are also worrying. Although the standards of child-friendly justice clearly require that a child must be treated with respect during proceedings, more than half of the respondents stated that some professionals did not treat them with respect or treated them with very little respect during proceedings. In addition, the research shows that a small number of children receive some form of psychosocial support after proceedings. Only one third of the respondents state that after proceedings they received some type of medical or psychological support.

The CRC also presented the informative materials and a video (Child-friendly Justice brochure and poster, and Justice from the Perspective of Children and Youth video), which were developed during the project implementation in cooperation with the children and youth from the CRC’s DX Club, and in consultation with the pupils from other schools across Serbia, with the aim to inform as many children and young people as possible about their rights if they come in contact with the law.

The conference was held as part of the project “Child Rights in Serbia – Improving the Position of Children in the Judicial System of the Republic of Serbia – CRIS”, implemented in cooperation with the International Rescue Committee (IRC) and NGO ASTRA – Anti-Trafficking Action, with the financial support of the European Commission through the Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme (reference number: 878485 – CRIS). The goal of the project is to improve outcomes for children in contact with the law, through the systemic exercise of child rights and the support based on experience from judicial practice in proceedings conducted by public authority holders.

Watch the video of the conference:

Published by:

Pregled dana – TV Nova S
Radio Beograd – Instagram najava
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Recognise and React! Protect Yourself from Human Trafficking!

The Child Rights Centre (CRC) has taken a new initiative to promote the digital platform “Protection of children from human trafficking“ and the video “Between Dreams and Reality” in primary and secondary schools throughout Serbia, in order to inform children and youth about the phenomenon of human trafficking, risks they may be exposed to and how to protect themselves. The platform has been designed in co-operation with the DX Club and NGO Atina as part of the project “Awareness raising campaign on trafficking in children in the Republic of Serbia”, conducted within the joint European Union and the Council of Europe programme “Horizontal Facility for the Western Balkans and Turkey 2019-2022”.

With an aim to reach as many children and youth as possible, the CRC, in cooperation with DX Club, has created the poster “Recognise and React! Protect Yourself From Human Trafficking!”, as part of the activities implemented together with NGO Atina within the framework of the project “Empowering children to recognise and report trafficking in human beings in the Republic of Serbia“, supported by the European Union and the Council of Europe as part of the joint programme “Horizontal Facility for the Western Balkans and Turkey 2019-2022” in the period 1 November 2021 – 15 June 2022. The poster contains a QR code leading to the digital platform “Protection of children from trafficking in human beings”, intended for children and youth, but also for everyone who is in contact with children, and provides answers to the most important questions about human trafficking, how to recognise a human trafficker and a victim of human trafficking, what every young person can do about it, i.e. how to recognise and where to report a suspicion of trafficking in human beings, and also why the Council of Europe Convention on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings is important as an umbrella document and a universal guideline in the protection of victims of trafficking. The platform also provides practical instructions on how children and youth can protect themselves from human trafficking, and informs about the most common prejudices related to this phenomenon. For all those who want to test their knowledge of this problem, the platform offers a quiz. In order to inform as many children and youth as possible about this phenomenon, posters will be displayed in schools throughout Serbia, as well as in social welfare centres and police stations.

According to the statistics of the Centre for the Protection of Victims of Human Trafficking, 46 victims of trafficking in human beings, including 16 girls and 1 boy, were officially identified in Serbia in 2021. As in previous years, the majority of identified victims are women, as many as 80%, which indicates that human trafficking has a component of gender-based violence. Sexual exploitation continues to be a prevalent type – 50%, followed by multiple exploitation – 17% and forced begging – 10%. Professionals working in this area warn that the number of victims is much bigger, because the statistics includes only the ones detected and identified.

The Child Rights Centre is a beneficiary of the grant awarded within the joint programme of the European Union and the Council of Europe “Horizontal Facility for the Western Balkans and Turkey 2019-2022”. The views expressed in this text are the responsibility of the author can in no way be taken to reflect the official opinion of either party.

Ова слика има празан alt атрибут; име њене датотеке је logo-slika-srp.png

Reshared by:
Kancelarija Saveta Evrope u Beogradu
NGO Atina
Child Protection Hub
Resursni centar Građanskih inicijativa

Neophodno urediti zakonodavni okvir u oblasti zaštite životne sredine koji će prepoznati i uvažiti specifičnost dece kao osetljive grupe

Centar za prava deteta izražava zabrinutost jer u Republici Srbiji ne postoji zakonodavni okvir kojim se detaljno uređuje ostvarivanje i zaštita prava deteta na zdravu životnu sredinu na sistematičan način, već je u ovoj oblasti relevantan veliki broj zakona i podzakonskih akata kojima se uređuju različite oblasti zaštite životne sredine i zaštite prirode, kao i niz zakona kojima se uređuju druge pravne oblasti, kao što je obrazovanje, zdravlje, udruživanje, informisanje i sl.

Ostvarivanje prava deteta na zdravu životnu sredinu je osnov za puno ostvarivanje brojnih drugih prava deteta. Na to da kršenje prava deteta na zdravu životnu sredinu ima dugoročne i transgeneracijske posledice i predstavlja veliki izazov u zaštiti ljudskih prava, ukazao je i Komitet za prava deteta u svom Izveštaju sa Dana generalne diskusije o pravima deteta i životnoj sredini iz 2016. godine. U ovom dokumentu istaknuto je da kršenje prava deteta na zdravu životnu sredinu predstavlja globalni problem i da se zbog propusta država da zaštite životnu sredinu deci svuda u svetu svakodnevno krše brojna prava, a posebno pravo na život, razvoj, zdravlje, hranu, vodu, obrazovanje, kulturu, igru i druga prava.

Kada su u pitanju propisi koji se odnose na oblasti zagađenja vazduha, upravljanja otpadom, zagađenja voda, zaštite biodiverziteta, prostornog planiranja i prilagođavanja na klimatske promene i zaštite od buke, analiza zakonodavstva ukazuje na to da zakonodavni okvir ne prepoznaje decu u dovoljnoj meri kao posebno osetljivu grupu niti sadrži odredbe koje bi deci obezbedile dodatni stepen zaštite ili se specifično odnosile na decu. Zakonodavni okvir sadrži obavezu donošenja strateških dokumenata u svim navedenim oblastima, ali je ova obaveza takođe opšteg karaktera i ne uključuje jasno propisanu obavezu da se u strateškim dokumentima definišu posebne mere iz perspektive zaštite prava deteta i ostvarivanja njegovog prava na zdravu životnu sredinu. Ovo praktično znači da se pravo deteta na zdravu životnu sredinu u ovom trenutku samo posredno ostvaruje kroz generalnu zaštitu svih građana i ostvarivanje njihovog prava na zdravu životnu sredinu koje predstavlja ustavnu garanciju. Međutim, ovakav pristup posredno znači ugrožavanje prava deteta, jer ne uvažava specifičnost dece kao naročito osetljive grupe i činjenicu da zagađenje životne sredine ostavlja višestruko veće posledice na zdravlje dece u odnosu na druge građane, pa samim tim zahteva i dodatne mere zaštite. Dodatni problem predstavlja i činjenica da je sam zakonodavni okvir u analiziranim oblastima kompleksan i nedovoljno sistematizovan i koordinisan, što dovodi u pitanje efikasnost implementacije u praksi.

Zakonodavni okvir Republike Srbije takođe ne prepoznaje i ne obezbeđuje u dovoljnoj meri učešće dece u kreiranju lokalnih politika iz oblasti zaštite životne sredine i održivog razvoja. Mehanizmi učešća dece u kreiranju lokalnih politika nisu razvijeni, a postojeći mehanizmi uglavnom uključuju građane koji imaju biračko pravo i isključuju decu. Takođe, ne postoji obaveza da sve informacije u oblasti zaštite životne sredine budu dostupne na jeziku po meri deteta, što ozbiljno dovodi u pitanje i puno ostvarivanje prava deteta na informisanost.

Može se zaključiti da Republici Srbiji tek predstoji unapređivanje zakonodavnog okvira u oblasti zaštite životne sredine koji će prepoznati i uvažiti specifičnost dece kao osetljive grupe i obezbediti okvir za efikasno ostvarivanje i zaštitu prava dece na zdravu životnu sredinu. Neophodno je hitno doneti Zakon o pravima deteta koji sadrži i odredbe kojima se uređuje pravo deteta na zdravu životnu sredinu. Takođe, neophodno je unaprediti mehanizme za učešće dece u kreiranju lokalnih politika, kao i obezbediti da sve javne informacije u oblasti zaštite životne sredine budu transparentne i dostupne na jeziku po meri deteta. Pored toga, od izuzetne je važnosti da se unapredi sistem obrazovanja u oblasti zaštite životne sredine na svim nivoima obrazovanja i uvesti obavezan predmet u osnovnim i srednjim školama u čijem su nastavnom planu i programu sadržana pitanja ljudskih prava, prava deteta, zaštite životne sredine i održivog razvoja.

Saopštenje preneli:
MODS – Mreža organizacija za decu Srbije
MODS – Mreža organizacija za decu Srbije Facebook

Održana šesta panel diskusija „Pozitivno roditeljstvo i zaštita dece u visokokonfliktnim razvodima“

Centar za prava deteta (CPD) održao je 21. februara 2021. godine u Barajevu, šestu panel diskusiju na temu pozitivnog roditeljstva i zaštite dece u slučajevima visokokonfliktnih razvoda sa predstavnicima Centra za socijalni rad Barajevo.

Tom prilikom, predstavnice CPD-a predstavile su ključne nalaze Mapiranja programa i usluga pozitivnog roditeljstva u Srbiji, kao i materijale koji su razvijeni kao podrška stručnjacima u radu: Priručnik za trenere/ice „Pozitivno roditeljstvo“, Priručnik za trenere/ice „Razvod roditelja i zaštita dece“, Vodič za facilitatore „Pozitivno roditeljstvo“ i Vodič za facilitatore „Razvod roditelja i zaštita dece“. Pored toga, učesnici su upoznati i sa onlajn platformama koje je CPD izradio u proteklom periodu, i to platformom za e-učenje, koja je namenjena stručnim radnicima u socijalnoj zaštiti i pravosuđu koji su motivisani da osveže ili unaprede svoja znanja u oblasti pozitivnog roditeljstva i zaštite dece u slučajevima visokokonfliktnih razvoda roditelja, kao i platformom za roditelje „Roditeljstvo se uči“.

Potom je usledila diskusija u okviru panela koji je bio posvećen pozitivnom roditeljstvu. Učesnici navode da je agresija dece jedan od ključnih izazova sa kojima se suočavaju i roditelji i škole. Ističu da imaju jako dobru saradnju sa školom i da vrlo posvećeno rade na ovom problemu. Saradnja sa roditeljima varira od slučaja do slučaja, ali ih najviše brinu roditelji koji nisu spremni da prihvate da im je potrebna pomoć. To vide kao najveći izazov i ukazuju na potrebu za dodatnom podrškom sistema samohranim roditeljima.

U okviru diskusije posvećene zaštiti dece u visokokonfliktnim razvodima, profesionalci u sistemu socijalne zaštite ističu da se susreću sa velikim brojem visokokonfliktnih razvoda u svom radu, i da im otuđenje dece predstavlja jedan od najvećih izazova. Kao poseban izazov ističu nedovoljan broj sudija koji se fokusirano bave razvodima i koji su prošli edukacije o pravima deteta. Takođe ističu da advokati neretko otežavaju rad sa roditeljima u procesima razvoda, imajuću u vidu da često roditelje savetuju ne vodeći se najboljim interesom deteta.

Na samom kraju diskusije, zaključeno je da je neophodna bolja saradnja svih profesionalaca koji su u kontaktu sa decom, dodatna edukacija stručnjaka koji su u kontaktu sa decom, kao i organizovanija podrška roditeljima koji su u procesu razvoda.

Sastanak je održan u okviru projekta „Pozitivno roditeljstvo“, koji CPD sprovodi uz finansijsku podršku EU u okviru programa Evropski instrument za demokratiju i ljudska prava u Srbiji. Cilj ovog projekta jeste doprinos zaštiti svakog deteta u Srbiji od svih oblika nasilja kroz efikasan zakonodavni okvir koji se dosledno primenjuje u svim okruženjima. Projekat sufinansira Ministarstvo za ljudska i manjinska prava i društveni dijalog.

Centar za prava deteta objavljuje konkurs za poziciju saradnika/ce za finansije i administraciju

Poslodavac: Centar za prava deteta

Pozicija: Saradnik/ca za finansije i administraciju

Broj pozicija: 1

Mesto rada: Beograd, Srbija

Rok za prijavu: 28. februar 2022. godine

Vaše motivaciono pismo i CV možete poslati na mejl: sa naslovom: “Konkurs za posao”. Više o konkursu, možete pogledati: OVDE.

Beograd po meri deteta – Grad po meri deteta

Pošto se bliže izbori za Grad Beograd 2022, Centar za prava deteta želi da podseti sve političke stranke koje u izborima učestvuju da ne propuste da u svoje izborne i druge programe uključe decu i učine ih vidljivim. Bar 20 procenata beogradske populacije čine deca do 18. godine života. Ona ne glasaju, nemaju tu vrstu političke moći, ali ona predstavljaju našu budućnost. Od toga kako se Grad danas odnosi prema njima zavisi kakav će Grad biti u budućnosti. Svako dete treba da se rodi, živi i odrasta u gradu po meri deteta.

Šta je grad po meri deteta?

Grad po meri deteta je grad, mesto, zajednica ili bilo koji sistem lokalne uprave koji je u okviru svojih nadležnosti posvećen poboljšanju života dece, kroz ostvarivanje njihovih prava u skladu sa Ustavom Republike Srbije, zakonom i Konvencijom o pravima deteta.

U praksi, to je grad, mesto ili zajednica u kojoj su glasovi, potrebe, prioriteti i prava dece sastavni deo javnih politika, programa i odluka.

U osnovi, to je grad, naselje ili zajednica u kojoj su deca:

  • zaštićena od eksploatacije, nasilja i zlostavljanja;
  • imaju dobar početak u životu i odrastaju zdravi;
  • imaju pristup kvalitetnim socijalnim uslugama;
  • uživaju kvalitetno, inkluzivno i participativno obrazovanje i razvijaju svoje veštine;
  • izražavaju svoje mišljenje i utiču na odluke koje ih se tiču;
  • učestvuju u porodičnom, kulturnom i društvenom životu;
  • žive u bezbednom i čistom okruženju sa pristupom zelenim površinama;
  • stiču prijatelje i imaju prostor za igru i razonodu;
  • imaju ravnopravne šanse u životu bez obzira na etničko poreklo, veru, socijalno poreklo, pol, sposobnosti ili bilo koja druga svojstva.

Grad po meri deteta podrazumeva:

  • usvajanje podzakonskih i drugih pravnih akata za zaštitu prava deteta;
  • uspostavljanje posebnog gradskog resora za holističko i interdisciplinarno praćenje stanja prava deteta;
  • usvajanje i sprovođenje Plana akcije za decu;
  • decentralizaciju aktivnosti u oblasti prava deteta, imajući u vidu specifičnost gradskih opština;
  • posebne i vidljive budžetske alokacije za ostvarivanje prava deteta;
  • saradnju sa akterima kao što su organizacije civilnog društva, privatni sektor, akademska zajednica i mediji, kao i sa samom decom, a u cilju zaštite i ostvarivanja prava deteta;
  • kontinuirane obuke za sve koji se bave decom i njihovim pravima, uključujući roditelje i samu decu i široku promociju prava deteta;
  • usluge posebnih mehanizama za zaštitu prava deteta, kao što su Gradski zaštitnik prava deteta, SOS besplatna linija za žalbe, hitne intervencije i slično;
  • međunarodnu saradnju u cilju razvoja politike i ostvarivanja prava deteta u Gradu i lokalnoj zajednici (na primer, uključivanjem u inicijativu UNICEF-a Gradovi po meri deteta:

Iako primarnu odgovornost za obezbeđivanje ostvarivanja prava deteta ima Vlada Republike Srbije, gradovi i druga naselja takođe imaju dovoljno ingerencija da omoguće ostvarivanje prava deteta. Posebnu odgovornost za ostvarivanje prava deteta ima Grad Beograd zato što u njemu živi četvrtina ukupnog broja dece u Srbiji.

Preuzmi letak.

Children left without the necessary protection in environmental laws

Analysis of Serbian legislation from the perspective of the rights of the child to a healthy environment shows that this field is not sufficiently recognized in the legislation in our country and that Serbia must do more to ensure that children can enjoy their right to grow and develop in a healthy and safe environment. The analysis was conducted by the Centre for the Rights of the Child within the project “Children’s rights in policies and practice”, implemented in partnership with Save the Children International and with financial support from the Swedish Government. 

Breach of children’s rights to a healthy environment has serious consequences for the lives of the children. According to the World Health Organization report, between 1.7 and 5.9 million deaths in children up to five years of age worldwide are related to environment pollution, which could have been prevented. Air pollution alone, which has been a major issue in Serbia and the region, and widely discussed in recent years, is responsible for 570,000 deaths of children up to five years old every year, in countries around the globe, through respiratory infections such as pneumonia.

The Law on the Rights of the Child, as the reference law in the field of protection and implementation of children’s rights in Serbia, has not yet been adopted; in the environmental sector, the analysis has shown that a system-wide legislative framework is missing. Thus, the right of the child to a healthy environment is indirectly legislated through the framework regulating different fields of environment protection or other legal fields.

“This practically means”, says Jasmina Miković, Director of the Centre for the Rights of the Child, “that the child’s right to a healthy environment is, at this time, only ensured through the general protection of all citizens and their enjoyment of their right to a healthy environment, which is guaranteed in the Constitution. However, this approach indirectly means that the rights of the child are threatened, as the specificity of children as an especially vulnerable group has not been recognized; environment pollution has far more severe health effects on children, compared to other citizen groups, which means that they require additional protection measures.”

Since the legislative framework is not systematic, but rather complex and insufficiently coordinated, its implementation is not efficient either.

Thus, it is not only that the existing regulations fail to recognize children as a vulnerable group, but the poor implementation of the laws in place fails to ensure even a basic level of protection of children, that would stem from the general protection of all Serbian citizens.

Climate crisis is one of the greatest challenges of our time and it requires the creation of new strategies, good emergency risk assessment and efficient emergency response. The Law on Climate Change was recently adopted in Serbia, but the strategic documents required by the law have yet to be elaborated. The fact that this legislation also fails to recognize children as an especially vulnerable group is another cause for concern.

“The only way to protect children in crises is to make sure that children are taken into account as a vulnerable group during risk assessment, elaboration of the protection and emergency response plan, as well as risk mitigation plan”, says Bogdan Krasić, Program Director of Save the Children in the Western Balkans.  “A few years ago, Serbia and the region faced floods that put many lives at risk. We must not allow the next such emergency to catch us unprepared”, notes Krasić.

Save the Children has recently published their report entitled “Walking into the Eye of the Storm”, which shows an increasing trend of child migration as consequence of climate change and dangers, resource crises and conflicts that arise from it.

“In the countries of the Balkans we are already receiving children and families coming from countries that are at risk from climate change, such as Iraq and Afghanistan. By pointing out the clear link between climate change, environment and migration, this report warns us that we must regulate all that we need to protect the environment in Serbia as soon as possible, and join in the regional and global efforts to protect the environment. In this way, maybe we can prevent children and adults from leaving our country due to pollution, natural disaster threats and crises that arise from climate change,” emphasizes Krasić.

Extreme weather can cause havoc in children’s lives, but climate change also contributes to migration through slow-evolving processes, such as drought, extreme temperatures, floods, deterioration of agricultural land. Such events may accelerate the decision to relocate, even if they are not the only factor, shows the “Walking into the Eye of the Storm” report.

Measures that need to be undertaken include an urgent adoption of the Law on the Rights of the Child, with provisions regulating the right of the child to a healthy environment, improvement of the existing legislative framework so that it recognizes and responds to specific needs of children as a vulnerable group and ensures the adoption of strategic documents, but also improvement of the quality of education in the field of the rights of the child, environment, and higher participation of children in the creation of national and local policies. To prepare for the risks caused by climate change, including migrations, we must – among other things – raise awareness of these problems and create strategies to foster community resilience, both to sudden climate shocks and to the slow impact of climate change.

Dobra dela stvaraju heroje

Kompanija Daibau, kao jedna od vodećih predstavnika građevinske industrije, pokrenula je dobrotvorni projekat „Dobra dela stvaraju heroje“ koji ima za cilj da doprinese pozitivnim promenama u okruženju kroz pružanje pomoći organizacijama civilnog društva. Projekat se već dve godine uspešno sprovodi u Sloveniji, a odnedavno je našao primenu i u Srbiji.

U okviru ovog projekta, kompanija Daibau, u okviru svoje građevinske platforme koja ima više od 2 miliona posetilaca, promoviše organizacije civilnog društva koje se zalažu za dobrobit društva, tako što pozivaju svoje partnere (12,000 preduzeća) da kroz donacije pomognu njihov rad.

Centar za prava deteta je prepoznat kao jedna od organizacija koja se zalaže za pozitivne promene u društvu, pa se tako našao na sajtu kompanije Daibau, pored NVO ASTRA i Crvenog krsta Vojvodine.

Više informacija možete naći na sledećem linku:

Objavljen Bilten #4 u okviru projekta “Pozitivno roditeljstvo”

Povodom četvrtog semestra realizacije dvoipogodišnjeg projekta “Pozitivno roditeljstvo” koji Centar za prava deteta (CPD) sprovodi od 1. januara 2020. godine, uz finansijsku podršku EU u okviru programa Evropski instrument za demokratiju i ljudska prava u Srbiji, CPD je objavio Bilten #4 kako bi informisao javnost o sprovedenim i planiranim aktivnostima. Projekat sufinansira Ministarstvo za ljudska i manjinska prava i društveni dijalog, a sprovodi se uz podršku Pravosudne akademije i Republičkog zavoda za socijalnu zaštitu.

U periodu od jula do decembra 2021. godine, CPD je održao pet panel diskusija „Pozitivno roditeljstvo i zaštita dece u visokokonfliktnim razvodima“ koje su okupile oko 80 roditelja i predstavnika centara za socijalni rad, škole i civilnog sektora iz Novog Sada, Beograda, Subotice, Zrenjanina, Bečmena, Surčina, Kruševca, Sečnja, Aranđelovca, Kosjerića, Kraljeva, Svilajnca, Vučitrna, Žabara, Novog Pazara, Prokuplja, Niša, Alibunara, Aleksinca, Rume, Vršca, Bora, Ade, Brusa, Žablja, Žagubice i Kosovske Mitrovice. To je bila prilika da se učesnicima predstave dosadašnje aktivnosti CPD-a na polju pozitivnog roditeljstva i zaštite dece u slučajevima visokokonfliktnih razvoda roditelja, kao i da se kroz diskusiju identifikuju glavni izazovi u ovim oblastima i predlozi za njihova prevazilaženja.

Tokom ovog perioda, CPD je nastavio sa promocijom platforme za e-učenje, koja je namenjena stručnjacima u socijalnoj zaštiti i pravosuđu koji su motivisani da osveže ili unaprede svoja znanja u oblasti pozitivnog roditeljstva i zaštite dece u slučajevima visokokonfliktnih razvoda roditelja. Na platformi se nalaze dva programa: „Pozitivno roditeljstvo“ i „Razvod roditelja i zaštita dece“, koji nude korisne materijale u ovim oblastima: priručnike, vodiče, stručne tekstove, izveštaje i youtube snimke.

Pored toga, CPD je pripremio publikaciju „Deca i razvod – kako podržati dete tokom i nakon razvoda roditelja“, koja je namenjena stručnjacima iz socijalne zaštite i pravosuđa, ali i svima onima koji žele da se upoznaju sa efektima i posledicama visokokonfliktnih razvoda roditelja po razvoj dece. Cilj ove publikacije jeste da pomogne stručnjacima u tome da u praksi prepoznaju, razumeju i podrže najbolji interes deteta u slučaju razvoda, te da ih usmeri na intervencije koje su nužne kako bi se dete zaštitilo od negativnih uticaja konflikta među roditeljima, i da kroz stručni rad pomogne roditeljima da razumeju potrebe i poziciju deteta koje se emocionalno često nalazi „između dve vatre“. Publikacija će biti predstavljena na regionalnoj konferenciji u prvoj polovini 2022. godine.

Pored toga, CPD je vodio kontinuiranu kampanju podizanja svesti o značaju pozitivnog roditeljstva i štetnim posledicama visokokonfliktnih razvoda na razvoj deteta putem saopštenja, na društvenim mrežama i u medijima.

U narednom periodu, predstoji organizovanje regionalne konferencije koja će okupiti profesionalce koji deluju u oblasti zaštite dece u zemlji i regionu, kao i nastavak održavanja panel diskusija i info sesija u školama širom Srbije.

Više o tome, pogledajte u Biltenu #4.

Digital Platform for Children and Youth “Child-friendly Justice” Launched

The Child Rights Centre (“Centre”) has launched a digital platform “Child-friendly Justice” where children and youth can get the information about their rights in case they come into contact with the justice system. At the same time, the platform can be an important resource for parents, guardians and other actors who are in contact with children and youth. The platform contains basic information about the concept of child-friendly justice, the most common reasons why a child can come into contact with the law and the rights they have if they come into contact with the law as a victim, witness or perpetrator of crime. In addition, there are some useful informative materials in the field of child-friendly justice, developed in cooperation with children and youth from the Centre’s DX Club.

The platform was developed to educate children about their rights if they come into contact with the law, since the findings of the research “Child-friendly Justice – The Perspectives of Children and Youth”, conducted by the Centre in 2020, has revealed that 44% of children and youth in the general population are not informed at all about their rights in case they come into contact with the justice system, while 28% of respondents claim to be partly informed, and only 3% of respondents believe that they are fully informed.

The members of the Child Advisory Board, established by the Centre as part of the FOCUS project, participated in the creation of this digital platform. The members of the Child Advisory Board had previously participated in a workshop about the media, arts and public speaking, aimed at encouraging their creativity to take an active part in creating the informative material. They also had the opportunity to participate in the creation of video “Individual Assessment of Children in Contact with the Law”,which shows the importance of the multidisciplinary individual assessment of the child who comes into contact with the justice system as a victim, witness or perpetrator of crime. In addition, over the past two years they actively participated in workshops to learn about the importance of child-friendly justice, with a focus on individual assessment of the child in contact with the law. As child advocates, they also participated in the consultative process for drafting the EU Strategy on the Rights of the Child, and in the meetings organised by European organisations.

The Child Rights Centre created this platform as part of the project FOCUS – Working together for children in criminal proceedings, implemented in partnership with the following organisations:  Terre des hommes Regional Office in Hungary, Defence for Children in the Netherlands, Institute of Social Activities and Practices (SAPI) in Bulgaria, Child Circle in Belgium, Terre des hommes Hellas and Terre des hommes Romania. The project is co-financed by the European Union through the Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme.

You can access the platform through this link.

Objavljen video „2021. iz ugla dece i mladih“

Deca i mladi iz Kluba DX, pri Centru za prava deteta (Centar), objavili su video „2021. iz ugla dece i mladih, u kom su dali osvrt na 2021. godinu, ukazujući na određene izazove u ostvarivanju prava deteta tokom pandemije i značaj participacije dece u donošenju odluka koje ih se tiču. Pored toga, predstavili su neke od aktivnosti u kojima su učestvovali tokom 2021. godine u oblasti zaštite dece od trgovine ljudima, pravosuđa po meri deteta, ostvarivanja prava deteta na zdravu životnu sredinu, zaštite dece od nasilja i dr.

„Participacija je naše osnovno pravo, mi želimo da učestvujemo u donošenju odluka koje nas se tiču. Tokom pandemije, naše pravo na participaciju bilo je vrlo ugroženo jer su donošene odluke, a mi nismo bili pitani“, istakla je Una iz Kluba DX.

Tom prilikom, istakli su neke od nalaza istraživanja Centra „Prava deteta tokom pandemije“, u okviru kog je konsultovano 509 dece i mladih, uzrasta od 12 do 18 godina iz gradova i manjih mesta širom Srbije, sa ciljem  razumevanja perspektive dece kada je reč o implikacijama koje pandemija ima na njihov život i ostvarivanje njihovih prava. Istraživanjem je utvrđeno je da deca u najvećoj meri kao negativne posledice pandemije izazvane koronavirusom navode: gubitak i slabljenje socijalnih kontakata, onlajn nastavu koja pojačava izolovanost i nemogućnost druženja sa vršnjacima, strah od bolesti i smrti bliskih ljudi i značajnu promenu dotadašnjeg načina života.

“Pored uticaja na naše školovanje, mene i moje vršnjake posebno je pogodila fizička izolacija, jer je u velikoj meri uticala na načine na koji možemo da se okupljamo, igramo i provodimo slobodno vreme zajedno“, ukazala je Anđela iz Kluba DX.

Kada je reč o obrazovanju, deca i mladi smatraju da je tokom pandemije ozbiljno ugrožen kvalitet obrazovanja, da nemaju priliku da uče nove stvari kao pre pandemije, da sada ocene u manjoj meri odražavaju njihovo znanje nego ranije, da sada imaju manju podršku od nastavnika i smanjenu dostupnost resursa za učenje.

Posebno je zabrinjavajuće što se pozitivna osećanja tokom pandemije javljaju samo kod 10 % dece, dok su kod 90 % dece dominantna osećanja dosada, zabrinutost, indiferentnost, tuga, usamljenost, bespomoćnost, strah i bes.

“Organizovali smo radionice, na kojima smo sa našim vršnjacima razgovarali o načinima nošenja sa stresom. Radili smo tehniku stresomera i mapirali stresore koji nas izbacuju iz ravnoteže tokom pandemije i razmenili lične tehnike nošenja sa stresom“, navodi Jelena iz Kluba DX.

Tokom samoizolacije, deca su bila izložena većem riziku od vrbovanja putem interneta, seksualnog iskorišćavanja i zloupotrebe. U vezi s tim, povećan je i rizik od trgovine decom, zbog čega ističu da je veoma važno da deca i mladi jedni drugima pružaju podršku, posebno tokom pandemije kad su svi rizici povećani.

Ukazali su i na to da veliki broj dece i mladih nije upoznat sa politikama koje se odnose na zaštitu životne sredine, održivi razvoj, klimatske promene, ekološke gradove, održivu proizvodnju i potrošnju i istakli značaj informisanja o tome.

Dalje, zabrinuti su i što deca često dolaze u kontakt sa pravosudnim sistemom, jer je za većinu to vrlo neprijatno iskustvo, iako ne bi trebalo tako da bude, jer postoji niz zakona i standarda koji ih štite i treba da obezbede da se osećaju sigurno i bezbedno.

Video 2021. iz ugla dece i mladih pripremljen je u okviru projekta „Prava deteta u politikama i praksi“, koji Centar za prava deteta sprovodi u partnerstvu sa Save the Children International, a uz finansijsku podršku Vlade Švedske.

Child Rights Centre Analysed Serbian Legislation from the Perspective of Child’s Right to a Healthy Environment

Violation of the child’s right to a healthy environment has serious consequences for children’s lives. According to the World Health Organization’s report, between 1.7 and 5.9 million deaths of children under age five each year are related to environmental pollution that could have been prevented. Air pollution alone caused 570.000 deaths in children under five due to respiratory infections such as pneumonia.

The Committee on the Rights of the Child, in its Report of the 2016 Day of General Discussion on Children’s Rights and the Environment, pointed out that violations of child’s rights to a healthy environment have lifelong and transgenerational consequences, posing a human rights challenge. This document stresses that the violation of the child’s right to a healthy environment is a global problem and that due to the states’ failure to protect the environment, children everywhere in the world suffer violations of many rights, in particular the right to life, development, health, food, water, education , culture, play and other.

The Child Rights Centre published the Analysis of the Republic of Serbia’s Legislation from the Perspective of Child’s Right to a Healthy Environment, which mapped to which extent the existing legislative framework regulating various areas of environmental protection recognised the aspect of child rights. Having in mind the complexity of this area, the Child Rights Centre analysed the legislation of the Republic of Serbia regulating the areas of air pollution, waste management, water pollution, biodiversity protection, climate crisis and adaptation to climate change and noise protection, in the context of exercising the child’s right to a healthy environment, as well as legislation relevant to the exercise of the child’s right to information about environmental protection, children’s participation in policy-making and the exercise of the child’s right to education. These areas have been selected on the basis of the research “Rights of the Child to a Healthy Environment in the Republic of Serbia“, conducted by the Child Rights Centre in March and April 2021 in order to map the key challenges in the exercising of child’s right to a healthy environment from the perspective of children and youth.

The findings of this analysis have shown that the legislative framework does not sufficiently recognise children as a particularly vulnerable group, nor does it contain provisions that would ensure an additional level of protection for children or specifically apply to children. The legislative framework contains the obligation of adopting strategic documents in all these areas, but this obligation is also of a general nature and does not include a clearly prescribed obligation to define special measures in strategic documents for protecting the rights of the child and ensuring the child’s right to a healthy environment. This practically means that the child’s right to a healthy environment at this moment is realised only indirectly through the general protection of all citizens and the exercise of their right to a healthy environment, as guaranteed by the Constitution. However, this approach indirectly means compromising the rights of the child, because it does not respect the specific characteristics of children as a particularly vulnerable group and the fact that environmental pollution has a much greater impact on the health of children than on other citizens, and therefore requires additional protection measures.

The analysis was conducted as part of the project “Child Rights in Policy and Practice” implemented by the Child Rights Centre in cooperation with Save the Children International, and funded by the Government of Sweden.

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Regional ChildHub Platform

Povodom javnog predstavljanja udruženja – pokreta „Vitezovi reda zmaja“

Povodom javnog predstavljanja udruženja – pokreta Vitezovi reda zmaja, Centar za prava deteta (Centar) želi da uputi javnosti nekoliko poruka. Pre svega, Centar uvek pozdravlja inicijative građana koje su usmerene na mobilizaciju radi zaštite prava deteta. U Republici Srbiji i pored delovanja velikog broja organizacija, uvek postoji potreba da se u zaštitu prava deteta uključi još veći broj građana, iz svih krajeva naše zemlje. U najavi ove nove organizacije se prepoznaje dobra namera i pozdravlja se zahtev da se u Republici Srbiji uvede institucija Zaštitnika prava deteta (što i jeste sastavni deo Nacrta zakona o pravima deteta i Zaštitniku prava deteta).

Međutim, zabrinuti smo zbog sadržaja poruka koje su poslate u javnost na promociji udruženja Vitezovi reda Zmaja, zato što se zasnivaju na mnogim netačnim podacima, te dovode u pitanje nameru i stručnost za obavljanje ovako značajne društvene delatnosti.

Pre svega, predstavnici Vitezova reda zmaja su naveli da u Srbiji nedostaju organizacije za prava deteta. Centar za prava deteta je udruženje građana koje se od 1997. godine zalaže za ostvarivanje prava deteta u Srbiji. U Republici Srbiji deluje veliki broj sličnih organizacija, koje se isključivo bave pravima deteta ili se, baveći se nekim drugim oblastima, kao na primer osobama sa invaliditetom ili trgovinom ljudima, bave i decom. U našoj zemlji postoji i Mreža organizacija za decu Srbije – MODS, koja je savez udruženja, a čini je preko 100 organizacija članica koje se bave zaštitom i promocijom prava deteta u Srbiji.

Pored toga, predstavnici udruženja Vitezovi reda zmaja su u svojoj prezentaciji izneli niz informacija koje obiluju materijalnim greškama, te dovode u pitanje stručnost za bavljenje pravima deteta. Na primer, oni u više navrata govore o „zakonu“ koji je usvojio UNICEF, pri čemu se uopšte ni ne naslućuje na šta se te reči odnose, zato što UNICEF ne „donosi“ zakone. Kao Fond Ujedinjenih nacija, UNICEF se ne bavi zakonodavnim aktivnostima. Možda su predstavnici mislili na Konvenciju o pravima deteta UN, međunarodni ugovor koji je usvojen pod okriljem Ujedinjenih nacija, a koji je i Republika Srbija ratifikovala. Predstavnici se pozivaju, koliko je to moguće zaključiti, i na neke domaće propise ali bez ikakve naznake na koje propise misle.

Najzad, neki stavovi predstavnika udruženja Vitezovi reda zmaja su u direktnoj suprotnosti sa osnovnim principima prava deteta, pre svega sa pravom na poštovanje najboljih interesa deteta i pravom na uvažavanje mišljenja deteta.

Ne želeći da u bilo kom smislu ovo saopštenje bude shvaćeno kao atak na slobodu udruživanja, predlažemo osnivačima novog udruženja Vitezovi reda zmaja da jasno formulišu ciljeve i zadatke svoje organizacije i da imaju u vidu da za to uvek mogu da zatraže stručnu podršku organizacija koje se već decenijama bave pravima deteta i koje u svojim redovima imaju široko učešće stručnjaka svih oblasti, aktivista, roditelja i same dece. Delatnost bilo koje organizacije za prava deteta mora da se zasniva na Ustavu, zakonu i međunarodnim standardima koje je Republika Srbija prihvatila i ne sme da odražava i promoviše ciljeve koji su u suprotnosti sa osnovnim principima prava deteta.

Održana peta panel diskusija „Pozitivno roditeljstvo i zaštita dece u visokokonfliktnim razvodima“

Centar za prava deteta (CPD) održao je 20. decembra 2021. godine petu panel diskusiju na temu pozitivnog roditeljstva i zaštite dece u slučajevima visokokonfliktnih razvoda roditelja putem ZOOM platforme, na kojoj je učestvovalo 18 roditelja i predstavnika centara za socijalni rad, škole i civilnog sektora iz Bora, Ade, Brusa, Žablja, Žagubice, Kosovske Mitrovice i Niša.

Na samom početku, učesnicima su predstavljene dosadašnje aktivnosti CPD-a na polju pozitivnog roditeljstva i zaštite dece u slučajevima visokokonfliktnih razvoda roditelja. Tom prilikom su upoznati sa ključnim nalazima Mapiranja programa i usluga pozitivnog roditeljstva u Srbiji, Priručnikom za trenere/ice „Pozitivno roditeljstvo“, Priručnikom za trenere/ice „Razvod roditelja i zaštita dece“, Vodičem za facilitatore „Pozitivno roditeljstvo“ i Vodičem za facilitatore „Razvod roditelja i zaštita dece“. Pored toga, učesnici su upoznati i sa onlajn platformama koje je CPD izradio u proteklom periodu, i to platformom za e-učenje, koja je namenjena stručnim radnicima u socijalnoj zaštiti i pravosuđu koji su motivisani da osveže ili unaprede svoja znanja u oblasti pozitivnog roditeljstva i zaštite dece u slučajevima visokokonfliktnih razvoda roditelja, kao i platformom za roditelje „Roditeljstvo se uči“.

Potom je usledila diskusija u okviru panela koji je bio posvećen pozitivnom roditeljstvu. Učesnici navode da su najčešći faktori koji otežavaju savremeno roditeljstvo uglavnom loša finansijska situacija i nedostatak vremena roditelja da se kvalitetno posvete roditeljstvu, ali i odsustvo adekvatne sistemske podrške roditeljima koji se suočavaju sa izazovima savremenog roditeljstva. Kao jedan od razloga, takođe navode i neplanirano roditeljstvo i prerano zasnivanje porodice. Predstavnici centara za socijalni rad navode i nesaradljivost roditelja kao jedan od izazova u pružanju podrške roditeljstvu. Takođe ističu i uticaj pandemije na roditeljstvo, i kao jedan od većih izazova navode rad sa decom koja su usled posledica pandemije ostala bez jednog roditelja. Iako je većina učesnika inicijalno smatrala da u njihovim zajednicama postoje odgovarajući resursi za podršku roditeljima u praktikovanju pozitivnog roditeljstva, diskusija je otkrila da su  postojeći resursi ipak nedovoljni, posebno u situacijama koje nastaju kao posledica pandemije.

Panel posvećen zaštiti dece u visokokonfliktnim razvodima ukazao je da se profesionalci u sistemu socijalne zaštite susreću sa velikim brojem visokokonfliktnih razvoda u svom radu, i ističu da otuđenje deteta predstavlja veliki izazov. Navode da sudstvo indirektno doprinosi porastu otuđenja kroz dugotrajne sudske procese, i da se oni sami često osećaju nemoćno. Više od polovine učesnika (63,2%) je zaključilo da ne postoje odgovarajući resursi za pružanje podrške deci tokom razvoda roditelja, dok 26,3% smatra da takvi resursi delimično postoje, a samo 10,5% da takvi resursi zaista postoje.

Na samom kraju, učesnici zaključuju da je potrebno mnogo više raditi na edukaciji roditelja kroz preventivni rad. Predlažu sistemsku podršku u vidu organizovane podrške roditeljima koji su u procesu razvoda, ali i preventivne podrške roditeljima koji bi imali mogućnost posećivanja tematskih radionica posvećenih roditeljstvu koje bi se redovno održavale barem jednom mesečno u svakoj zajednici, na kojima bi se razgovaralo o izazovima i dilemama sa kojima se suočavaju. Ujedno, učesnici su istakli da bi kontinuirane i sistematične edukacije stručnjaka iz socijalne zaštite u oblasti zaštite dece i razvoda roditelja, posebno u slučajevima visokokonfliktnih razvoda, i te kako bile korisne u njihovom radu.

Sastanak je održan u okviru projekta „Pozitivno roditeljstvo“, koji CPD sprovodi uz finansijsku podršku EU u okviru programa Evropski instrument za demokratiju i ljudska prava u Srbiji. Cilj ovog projekta jeste doprinos zaštiti svakog deteta u Srbiji od svih oblika nasilja kroz efikasan zakonodavni okvir koji se dosledno primenjuje u svim okruženjima. Projekat sufinansira Ministarstvo za ljudska i manjinska prava i društveni dijalog.

Škola kao važan resurs u zajednici za promociju pozitivnog roditeljstva

Prepoznavši školu kao važan resurs u zajednici za promociju pozitivnog roditeljstva, Centar za prava deteta je u prethodne dve godine sproveo obuke za 59 trenera širom Srbije u oblasti pozitivnog roditeljstva na kojima su učestvovali učitelji, nastavnici, psiholozi, pedagozi, predstavnici NARNS-a i Klubova roditelja i nastavnika. Tokom 2021. godine, obuku je prošlo 20 trenera u osnovnim i srednjim školama, koji su potom stečena znanja i veštine preneli kroz radioničarski rad sa preko 400 roditelja, sa ciljem unapređivanja njihovih roditeljskih kapaciteta i podrške u praktikovanju pozitivnih roditeljskih praksi.

Roditeljima je potrebno što više ovakvih radionica na kojima će se razgovarati sa njima, gde će im se ponuditi pomoć i podrška, gde će oni shvatiti da nisu sami u nekom problemu već da neko stoji sa njima rame uz rame i nudi pomoć. Ponekad je dovoljna samo jedna reč koja menja sve“, ukazala je nastavnica iz Novog Pazara, prenevši utiske rada sa roditeljima njenih učenika.

Roditelji su tokom ovog programa imali priliku da saznaju više o efikasnom vaspitanju i pozitivnom nagrađivanju, doslednosti roditelja u postavljanju jasnih granica, radu na promeni mišljenja o roditeljskom autoritetu i dr. Pored toga, upoznali su se sa metodama kako da rukovode svojim emocijama u odnosu prema deci i kako da zaustave eskalaciju negativnih emocija koje vode ka impulsivnom ponašanju i upotrebi telesnog kažnjavanja dece. Ovladavanjem ovih strategija, roditelji uče kako da odgovore detetu, manje oštro, sa većim prihvatanjem i razumevanjem potreba dece.

Da interesovanje za veštine pozitivnog roditeljstva postoji potvrdila je i nastavnica iz jedne beogradske osnovne škole: „Roditelji koji su prošli obuku, smatraju da je potreba za ovakvim radom sa roditeljima velika. Izrazili su želju da se organizuje više radionica na kojima bi se dalje obrađivale i teme koje su na ovoj radionici bile samo pomenute.

Kako bi dodatno informisao roditelje o načinima unapređivanja roditeljskih veština kroz primenu pozitivnih roditeljskih praksi, Centar za prava deteta je prošle godine pokrenuo digitalnu platformu „Roditeljstvo se uči“. Platforma nudi potencijalne tehnike pomoću kojih roditelji kod deteta mogu da izgrade i neguju samopoštovanje, kritičko razmišljanje, samopouzdanje i samostalno donošenje odgovornih odluka.

Brojne naučne studije ukazuju na to da izlaganje dece nasilnom disciplinovanju ima štetne posledice, od neposrednih efekata do dugoročne štete koja se prenosi i u odraslo doba. Izloženost nasilju ometa uspešan razvoj deteta – psihički, emocionalni i kognitivni i može dovesti do fizičkih, emocionalnih i socijalnih poremećaja. Istraživanje UNICEF-a u Srbiji pokazuje da je danas skoro svako drugo dete u Srbiji izloženo nasilnom disciplinovanju. Roditelji pribegavaju nasilnom disciplinovanju iz više razloga – između ostalog, zbog stečenih uverenja, karakternih crta i utiska da je takvo ponašanje društveno prihvatljivo. Dete ima pravo na brigu i vaspitanje koje uvažava njegovu individualnost, a roditelji bi trebalo da imaju pravo na podršku društva i države u ispunjavanju svoje uloge.

Obuke o pozitivnom roditeljstvu sprovodene su u okviru projekta „Prava deteta u politikama i praksi” koji Centar za prava deteta realizuje u partnerstvu sa Save the Children International, a uz finansijsku podršku Vlade Švedske.

Medijske objave:


N2 Info


Radio Beograd 1

Objavljeno istraživanje „Prava deteta tokom pandemije iz ugla dece i mladih“

Pandemija izazvana koronavirusom SARS-CoV-2 u značajnoj meri je uticala na promene u različitim aspektima života, kako na globalnom, tako i na nacionalnom i lokalnom nivou. U želji da spreči širenje virusa, većina zemalja je pribegla merama poput zatvaranja škola, delimične ili potpune izolacije, onemogućavanja kretanja između različitih gradova/regija, ukidanja masovnih skupova i zatvaranja institucija i javnih servisa.

Mere koje su države sprovodile kako bi se izborile sa pandemijom u velikoj meri su doprinele već postojećoj nevidljivosti dece, onemogućivši tako da se njihov glas čuje u javnom prostoru i da učestvuju u donošenju odluka koje ih se neposredno tiču.

Centar za prava deteta sproveo je istraživanje „Prava deteta tokom pandemije iz ugla dece i mladih čiji je cilj bio razumevanje perspektive dece kada je reč o implikacijama koje pandemija ima na njihov život. Ovo istraživanje omogućilo je deci i mladima da ispričaju svoju priču o pandemiji: kako izgleda njihov život za vreme pandemije, šta se sve promenilo i na koje sve načine pandemija utiče na njihovu psihološku dobrobit i ostvarivanje različitih prava.

U istraživanju je učestvovalo 509 dece i mladih, uzrasta od 12 do 18 godina iz gradova i manjih mesta širom Srbije. Uzorkom je obuhvaćeno više devojčica (56,1%) nego dečaka (39,3%), a najveći broj učesnika istraživanja bio je uzrasta od 12 do 14 godina (85%). U ovom uzorku nalazi se i 28 učenika romske nacionalnosti iz OŠ „Branko Pešić”, koji su popunjavali upitnik u papirnom formatu, jer nisu imali pristup internetu.

Jedno od prava koje ispitanici smatraju da je bilo narušeno, a posebno na samom početku kada je većina zemalja zatvorila škole i kada se prešlo na onlajn izvođenje nastave, jeste pravo na dostupno i kvalitetno obrazovanje. Skoro 70% dece/mladih smatra da je njihovo obrazovanje manje kvalitetno sada nego pre pandemije, polovina njih misli da sada imaju manje mogućnosti za učenje novih sadržaja nego pre, a jedna trećina (31%) smatra da sada ocene ne odražavaju njihovo pravo znanje.

Deca i mlade se žale i na onlajn nastavu kao načinu održavanja nastave i smatraju da je organizacija onlajn nastave bila loša i da nastava gubi na kvalitetu kada je onlajn.

 Većina njih smatra da se u školi ne razgovara dovoljno o stresu i načinima da se stres prevaziđe, budući da samo jedna petina ispitanika kaže da se u školi često o toj temi razgovara.

„Trebalo bi da više vode računa o našem psihičkom stanju – devojčica, 17 godina, Beograd

Kada je reč o pravu na zdravlje i zdravstvenu zaštitu jedna četvrtina dece/mladih romske nacionalnosti kaže da sada imaju manje sredstava za ličnu higijenu, kao i manje lekova, vitamina i suplemenata. Takođe, skoro 70% dece romske nacionalnosti smatra da im je sada manja dostupnost medicinskih/zdravstvenih usluga.

Istraživanje „Prava deteta tokom pandemije iz ugla dece i mladih” sprovedeno je u okviru projekta „Prava deteta u politikama i praksi” koji Centar za prava deteta realizuje u saradnji sa Save the Children International, a uz finansijsku podršku Vlade Švedske.

CPD na drugoj sednici Saveta za prava deteta Vlade RS u 2021.

Nakon konstitutivne sednice Saveta za prava deteta Vlade RS u julu 2021. godine, druga sednica Saveta održana je 17. decembra 2021. godine u Palati Srbije, na kojoj su učestvovali predstavnici raznih ministarstava, institucija, univerziteta, nevladinih organizacija i međunarodnih agencija.

Ministar za brigu o porodici i demografiju, predsednik Saveta, konstatovao je da država kontinuirano radi na unapređivanju pravnog okvira za zaštitu prava deteta, ali da je neophodno uskladiti još mnogo zakona i podzakonskih akata kako bi se unapredio pravni okvir. Ujedno je ukazao i na to da su izmene i dopune Porodičnog zakona, deo plana rada ministarstva za narednu godinu.

Na sednici su, takođe, predstavljeni Poseban izveštaj o diskriminaciji dece Poverenika za zaštitu ravnopravnosti, rezultati i planovi na projektu „Merenje, podizanje svesti i angažovanje politika radi unapređenja borbe protiv zloupotrebe dečjeg rada i prinudnog rada u Srbiji“, kao i Unicefova analiza pravnog okvira rada i poslovanja pravnih subjekata čija delatnost uključuje decu u kontekstu sprečavanja i zaštite dece od nasilja, seksualne eksploatacije i zlostavljanja.

Direktorka Centra za prava deteta, kao jedna od članica Saveta, ukazala je na to da još uvek nismo kao država obezbedili odgovarajuću infrastrukturu u oblasti prava deteta na nacionalnom nivou, što podrazumeva, između ostalog, usvajanje dugo najavljivanog sveobuhvatnog Zakona o pravima deteta i Zaštitniku prava deteta, koji bi uneo usaglašavanje postojećih zakonskih tekstova sa ratifikovanim međunarodnim ugovorima i obezbedio nezavisni mehanizam, koji bi promovisao, unapređivao, koordinisao i kontrolisao ostvarivanje prava deteta u Srbiji. Pored toga, podsetila je učesnike sednice da je od 2016. godine Srbija bez jedinstvene i koordinisane strateške politike u oblasti prava deteta, jer je nekadašnji Nacionalni plan akcije za decu važio do 2015. godine. Naglasila je da jedini pomak predstavlja nedavno formiranje Saveta za prava deteta Vlade RS, s tim što je rad ovog tela veoma upitan, ukoliko se ne opredele sredstva za obezbeđivanje odgovarajućih ljudskih, tehničkih i finansijskih resursa za njegovo efikasno funkcionisanje.

Podsećanja radi, za rad ovog tela, koji su ranije podržavali MRZBSP i Kabinet ministra bez portfelja zaduženog za demografiju i populacionu politiku, nisu bila obezbeđena posebna budžetska sredstva, niti je angažovano posebno osoblje. Revidiranim AP za Poglavlje 23 iz jula 2020, predviđen je budžet za rad Saveta u iznosu od 18.528 EUR za period od 2020. do 2022. godine. Ostaje otvoreno pitanje da li će predviđeni budžet biti dovoljan za obezbeđivanje odgovarajućih ljudskih i tehničkih resursa, što je jedan od preduslova za koordinaciju politika u oblasti prava deteta. Održavanje dve dvočasovne sednice Saveta na godišnjem nivou, svakako nisu dovoljne za obezbeđivanje efikasnog mehanizma za koordinaciju politika u oblasti prava deteta.

Poziv za dostavljanje ponude za reviziju troškova u okviru projekta “Prava deteta u politikama i praksi”

Centar za prava deteta poziva sve zainteresovane da dostave ponudu za reviziju troškova u okviru projekta “Prava deteta u politikama i praksi”, koji se sprovodi u partnerstvu sa Save the Children International, a uz finansijsku podršku Vlade Švedske. Ciljevi projekta usmereni su na unapređenje sistema zaštite dece, struktura i mehanizama za praćenje i primenu prava deteta uključujući i participaciju dece u ovim procesima. Projekat se realizuje u periodu od 1. januara do 31. decembra 2021. godine.

U okviru pomenutog projekta jedan od zadataka je revizija troškova za period 01.01.2021. do 31.12.2021. godine.

Prijave moraju biti poslate na engleskom jeziku i treba da sadrže sledeće:

•           Izražavanje zainteresovanosti i dostupnost;

•           CV/Profil organizacije;

•           Dve reference iz sličnih zadataka i po mogućnosti kopije tih pripremljenih izveštaja;

•           Finansijsku ponudu – bruto iznos troškova revizije.

Ponudu poslati pod nazivom “Revizija troškova projekta “Prava deteta u politikama i praksi” do četvrtka 23.12.2021. godine do 16 časova po lokalnom vremenu.

Prijavu treba poslati na:                              

Više informacija o opisu ponude, možete videti OVDE.

Održana Skupština MODS-a 2021.

Redovna godišnja Skupština Mreže organizacije za decu Srbije (MODS) održana je 9. decembra 2021. godine, u onlajn formatu. Sednicom Skupštine predsedavala je Dragana Vučković iz Centra za integraciju mladih.

Skupština je tokom radnog dela najpre razmatrala Izveštaj o radu MODS-a za 2020. godinu koji je predstavio direktor Saša Stefanović, a potom je Jasmina Miković, direktorka Centra za prava deteta i predsednica UO, predstavila Izveštaj o radu Upravnog odbora.

Izveštaj Nadzornog odbora za 2020. godinu predstavila je Ana KneževićCentar za kreativni razvoj Knjaževac. Nakon predstavljanja, članovi i članice Skupštine su jednoglasno usvojili podnete izveštaje.

Izbor novog člana Nadzornog odbora

Skupština MODS-a je zatim pristupila predstavljanju kandidata  za Nadzorni odbor. Izabrana nova članica Nadzornog odbora je Nataša Raičević, izvršna direktorka Centra za socijalno preventivne aktivnosti GRIG.

Izbor novih članica MODS-a

U narednom delu sastanka je usledilo predstavljanje novih organizacija za prijem u članstvo u MODS-u. Ukupno pet organzacija se predstavilo Skupštini nakon čega je Skupština izglasala prijem svih 5 organizacija u članstvo.

Novih 5 organizacija koje su postale članice MODS-a, koja sada ima 107 organizacija u svom članstvu, su:⭐️Beogradski psihološki centar, Beograd ⭐️StartHub, Kosjerić ⭐️Udruženje roditelja Podrži me, Kosovska Mitrovica ⭐️Savez MNRO u APV, Novi Sad ⭐️Ekološka disciplina – TED Ecological Discipline, Beograd

Rad u manjim grupama

U drugom delu Skupštine je nastavljen rad u manjim grupama. U prvoj grupi pod nazivom „Naši uspesi“– učesnici, predstavnici članica MODS-a su predstavili rezultate i uspehe svojih organizacija na koje su najviše ponosni. U drugoj grupi pod nazivom „Kako da se bolje povežemo?“ učesnici su predstavljali ideje za bolje međusobno povezivanje organizacija članica MODS-a.

Manjim grupama su fasilitirali: Isidora Ilić (PIN – Mreža psihosocijalnih inovacija), Marija Nijemčević Popovski (SOS Dečija sela Srbija), Milica Stojković (Clarivate), Dubravka Kahrimanović (Prijatelji dece Srbije), Lidija Đorđević (NVO ATINA) i Ognjen Gogić (MODS).

Godišnji izveštaj MODS-a za 2020. godinu možete pogledati na sledećem linku.

Finansijski izveštaj MODS-a za 2020. godinu možete pogledati na sledećem linku.

Centar za prava deteta je učestvovao na sednici Skupštine MODS-a u svojstvu člana.

Saopštenje je preuzeto sa sajta MODS-a.

Let Us Stop Gender Based Violence Against Girls

International Human Rights Day has been celebrated worldwide since 10 December 1950. On that day in 1948, the United Nations General Assembly adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which is the first comprehensive act and human rights instrument.

The global campaign of 16 days of activism against gender-based violence within which the Child Rights Centre (CRC) conducted an action to raise public awareness aimed at the goal of zero tolerance for gender-based violence against girls, ends today as well.

On that occasion, the CRC pointed out that we should not deal with informal education only when incidents occur and when the media report on disturbing events of sexual violence against girls, but that it is necessary to regulate the area of informal education to ensure a safe, healthy and stimulating environment. The lack of appropriate standards and procedures in legal entities and organizations dealing with informal education, as well as the untimely reaction of the competent authorities has led to distrust in institutions and the creation of a climate in which it is safest to remain silent and not interfere.  

According to the results of the research “Recognize Violence, Say No” , every third girl in Serbia, aged 15 to 18, reported to have experienced sexual violence, and less than 3% of girls addressed the competent institutions.

In order to ensure a safe and supportive environment for girls and every child in Serbia, it is necessary to establish a clear legislative framework in the field of informal education and connect different systems through a multisectoral approach, introduce standards and procedures in all economic entities schools, small schools, clubs, studios and other forms of informal work with children). In addition, it is essential to inform and educate those who work with children in informal education, as well as parents, but also the children themselves, especially girls.

The video #STANDBYME was created as part of the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence campaign. The video was made by the Child Rights Centre within the project “Protection of Girls from Violence in Informal Education”, which was financially supported by the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs.

Messages from the Webinar ”Girls in Informal Education”

“Inappropriate treatment of a child, in the sense of not recognizing its needs, can lead to problems in the mental health of a child.”, Milica Pejović Milovancević, MD PhD. Child Psychiatrist

On 30 November 2021, Child Rights Centre (CRC) organized a webinar “Girls in Informal Education”, as part of the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence global campaign, with the aim of drawing public attention to the fact that as a society we must always have zero tolerance for gender-based violence against girls. Milica Đuričić, taekwondo player, Milica Pejović Milovancević, MD PhD. Child Psychiatrist, Biljana Lajović, school psychology specialist, Ljiljana Lazarević, teacher, Vanja Grbić, PhD in Physical Education and Sport, Una Ljiljak, member of the DX Club and football player and Jasmina Miković, CRC director, were the panelists while Miša Stojiljković, journalist, was the moderator.

Through the exchange of professional and personal experiences on the impact of informal education on the development of the child’s personality, the panelists were talking about the role of parents, teachers and coaches, as well as the consequences of inappropriate work and improper behavior of adults towards children.

“I was lucky, I grew up in a very good environment, and with a good coach. The most difficult battles are fought with oneself, and that is why it is important to have parents who watch your back, and a coach who accompanies you”, said Milica Đuričić, our most successful taekwondo player and a gold medalist at the Olympic Games.

Teacher Ljiljana Lazarević pointed out that formal education should be a fertile ground for recognizing a child’s talents and affinities, and that is why it is important to educate teachers in formal education to recognize a child’s interest that is outside the content learned at school.

Vanja Grbić, a member of the Hall of Fame and a volleyball Olympic champion, stated, among other things, that support and cooperation of authorities, i.e. parents, teachers and coaches, is important in order to reach a child’s full developmental potential, and if these authorities question each other or the whole relationship is built on the wrong basis, which often happens, then it is not good for the child’s development.

Milica Pejović Milovančević, MD PhD. Child Psychiatrist,pointed out that treating a child is not a personal, but a public matter. Inappropriate treatment of a child has a serious impact not only on that child, but on the development of the whole society. Aggressive punishment is one of the biggest causes of improper behavior of children and can later lead to juvenile delinquency.

Sometimes adults can commit a series of actions that can have a cumulative negative impact on a child. It often happens that adults turn a deaf ear to the indicators of inappropriate treatment and react only when such behaviors escalate.

Biljana Lajović,school psychology specialist, pointed out at certain flaws: “There is no systematic monitoring of the way of working with children in informal education. The reaction occurs only when there is an incident and when the whole country buzzes about it, and it is not known who works with the children and how.”

The lack of appropriate procedures, the lack of a monitoring system for those who work with children, the untimely reaction of the competent authorities resulted in distrust in institutions and the creation of a climate in which it is safest and wisest to remain silent and not interfere.

Seventeen-year-old Una Ljiljak points out: “The problem is that my generation has the attitude “I don’t want to interfere, I don’t care, because if I interfere, I will become part of the problem.” It is understandable because there are consequences and sanctions. I am disappointed that we do not react, because it concerns us. On the other hand, I am proud to be part of a generation that can change the world. “

Participants agreed that informal education is as important as formal and that this topic is important for the whole society, but it seems that there is not enough awareness of how serious this issue is. We must not deal with informal education only upon an incident and when the media report on disturbing events and situations of violence against girls, but it is necessary to regulate the area of ​​child protection in informal education in order to prevent such situations.

First of all, it is necessary to establish a clear legislative framework and connect different systems through a multisectoral approach, introduce standards and procedures in all economic entities (schools, small schools, clubs, studios and other forms of informal work with children), which will ensure a safe, healthy and supportive environment for every girl and every child in Serbia. In addition, it is essential to inform and educate those who work with children in informal education, as well as parents, but also the children themselves, especially girls.

The webinar has been organized as part of the project “Prevention of Violence Against Girls in Informal Education” implemented by the Child Rights Centre with the financial support of the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs.

Održana četvrta panel diskusija „Pozitivno roditeljstvo i zaštita dece u visokokonfliktnim razvodima“

Centar za prava deteta (CPD) održao je 29. novembra 2021. godine četvrtu panel diskusiju na temu pozitivnog roditeljstva i zaštite dece u slučajevima visokokonfliktnih razvoda roditelja putem ZOOM platforme, na kojoj je učestvovalo 11 predstavnika centara za socijalni rad i civilnog sektora iz Alibunara, Aleksinca, Rume, Vršca i Beograda. 

Učesnici su imali priliku da se upoznaju sa dosadašnjim aktivnostima CPD-a na polju pozitivnog roditeljstva i zaštite dece u slučajevima visokokonfliktnih razvoda roditelja. Tom prilikom, predstavljeni su im ključni nalazi povodom sprovedenog Mapiranja programa i usluga pozitivnog roditeljstva u Srbiji, Priručnik za trenere/ice „Pozitivno roditeljstvo“, Priručnik za trenere/ice „Razvod roditelja i zaštita dece“, Vodič za facilitatore „Pozitivno roditeljstvo“ i Vodič za facilitatore „Razvod roditelja i zaštita dece“. Pored toga, učesnici su upoznati i sa onlajn platformama koje je CPD izradio u proteklom periodu, i to platformom za e-učenje, koja je namenjena stručnim radnicima u socijalnoj zaštiti i pravosuđu koji su motivisani da osveže ili unaprede svoja znanja u oblasti pozitivnog roditeljstva i zaštite dece u slučajevima visokokonfliktnih razvoda roditelja, kao i platformom za roditelje „Roditeljstvo se uči“.

Tokom panel diskusije u delu koji je bio posvećen pozitivnom roditeljstvu, učesnici su identifikovali glavne izazove koji otežavaju roditeljstvo u savremenom dobu. Kao najčešće prepreke savremenom roditeljstvu, učesnici su naveli preopterećenost roditelja, ali i siromaštvo i nedostatak ličnih kapaciteta, kao i odsustvo podrške roditeljstvu, kako u okviru same porodice, tako i u okviru svoje zajednice. Kao jedan od glavnih zaključaka nametnula se konstatacija jedne učesnice da se problemi u ovoj oblasti uglavnom rešavaju od sredine, a ne od korena, i da je suštinski problem u neadekvatnim zakonskim rešenjima, odnosno lošim zakonima poput Porodičnog zakona i Zakona o socijalnoj zaštiti. Čak više od 90% učesnika smatra da u njihovim zajednicama ne postoje odgovarajući resursi za podršku roditeljima u praktikovanju pozitivnog roditeljstva.

U delu koji se odnosio na zaštitu dece u visokokonfliktnim razvodima, disktovalo se o podršci koju je potrebno pružiti deci i roditeljima. Gotovo dve trećine učesnika je zaključilo da ne postoje odgovarajući resursi za pružanje podrške deci tokom razvoda roditelja, dok 16,7% smatra da takvi resursi delimično postoje, a samo 8,3% da takvi resursi zaista postoje. Takođe se diskutovalo i o uticaju pandemije i posledicama koje su afektirale kako roditelje, tako i bračne partnere i profesionalce koji rade sa decom. Navode da je broj razvoda u porastu i posebno su se osvrnuli na položaj deteta tokom razvoda, koje neretko bude u središtu konflikta roditelja. Učesnici su istakli da trenutni sistem omogućava da razvodi teku kao visokokonfliktni. Navode da je jedan od većih izazova sprovođenje viđanja deteta u kontrolisanim uslovima, kao i činjenica da su otuđujući roditelji često jači i od sistema.

Kao glavni zaključak diskusije nameće se potreba izmena i dopuna postojećeg zakonodavnog okvira koji bi predupredili da slučajevi razvoda predugo traju i omogućili veću efikasnost profesionalca u socijalnoj zaštiti i sudstvu. Uporedo sa tim, neophodno je pružati kontinuiranu i sistemsku podršku roditeljima.

Sastanak je održan u okviru projekta „Pozitivno roditeljstvo“, koji CPD sprovodi uz finansijsku podršku EU u okviru programa Evropski instrument za demokratiju i ljudska prava u Srbiji. Cilj ovog projekta jeste doprinos zaštiti svakog deteta u Srbiji od svih oblika nasilja kroz efikasan zakonodavni okvir koji se dosledno primenjuje u svim okruženjima. Projekat sufinansira Ministarstvo za ljudska i manjinska prava i društveni dijalog.

Announcement of the Webinar “Girls in Informal Education”

As part of the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence global campaign, the Child Rights Centre (CRC) plans to conduct an advocacy action aimed at decision-makers and a public awareness campaign aimed at zero tolerance of gender-based violence against girls.

On that occasion, the CRC is organizing a webinar “Girls in Informal Education” on November 30 from 18.00 to 20.00 via the ZOOM platform (live broadcast via Facebook).

Milica Đuričić, taekwondo player, Vanja Grbić, PhD in Physical Education and Sport, Milica Pejović Milovancević, MD PhD. Child Psychiatrist, Biljana Lajović, school psychology specialist, Ljiljana Lazarević, teacher, Una Ljiljak, member of the DX Club and football player and Jasmina Miković, CRC director, will be the panellists at the webinar while Miša Stojiljković, journalist, will be the moderator.

Panellists will share their own personal and professional experiences by discussing the impact of informal education on personal development, the role of parents, educators and coaches in informal education, but also the consequences of inappropriate work and improper behaviour of adults towards children, either by parents, educators or coaches. It will also be an opportunity for participants of the webinbar to ask questions and share their experiences.

The CRC invites parents, guardians, coaches, educators and anyone interested to follow the 120-minute webinar via the CRC’s Facebook page or the ZOOM platform by registering at the link.

The webinar is organized as part of the project “Prevention of Violence Against Girls in Informal Education” implemented by the Child Rights Centre with the financial support of the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs.

As part of the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence global campaign, the Child Rights Centre (CRC) plans to conduct an advocacy action aimed at decision-makers and a public awareness campaign aimed at zero tolerance of gender-based violence against girls.

On that occasion, the CRC is organizing a webinar “Girls in Informal Education” on November 30 from 18.00 to 20.00 via the ZOOM platform (live broadcast via Facebook).

Milica Đuričić, taekwondo player, Vanja Grbić, PhD in Physical Education and Sport, Milica Pejović Milovancević, MD PhD. Child Psychiatrist, Biljana Lajović, school psychology specialist, Ljiljana Lazarević, teacher, Una Ljiljak, member of the DX Club and football player and Jasmina Miković, CRC director, will be the panellists at the webinar while Miša Stojiljković, journalist, will be the moderator.

Panellists will share their own personal and professional experiences by discussing the impact of informal education on personal development, the role of parents, educators and coaches in informal education, but also the consequences of inappropriate work and improper behaviour of adults towards children, either by parents, educators or coaches. It will also be an opportunity for participants of the webinbar to ask questions and share their experiences.

The CRC invites parents, guardians, coaches, educators and anyone interested to follow the 120-minute webinar via the CRC’s Facebook page or the ZOOM platform by registering at the link.

The webinar is organized as part of the project “Prevention of Violence Against Girls in Informal Education” implemented by the Child Rights Centre with the financial support of the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs.

Saopštenje Centra za prava deteta povodom Svetskog dana deteta

„Naš glas je važan. Nismo mali da učestvujemo u procesu donošenja odluka. Pitajte nas. Imamo i mi šta da kažemo.“ (članica Kluba DX)

Danas se širom sveta obeležava Svetski dan deteta. Ovo je prilika da se svi zajedno zapitamo šta smo kao društvo i kao pojedinci učinili za dobrobit dece i koliko smo doprineli da svako dete jednako uživa u svojim pravima i ostvari svoj puni potencijal.

Tim povodom, Centar za prava deteta je organizovao vebinar “I NAŠE MIŠLJENJE JE VAŽNO”, na kom su učestvovali članovi i članice Dečjeg kluba DX, pri Centru za prava deteta. Ovaj vebinar je bio prilika da se iz perspektive dece i mladih sagleda prethodna godina, koja je donela brojne izazove u ostvarivanju prava deteta.

Kroz interaktivnu diskusiju, mladi su govorili o stepenu ostvarenosti svojih prava tokom pandemije, o značaju poštovanja principa participacije u donošenju odluka koje utiču na njihov život, o značaju informisanja dece i mladih o svojim pravima, posebno kada se nađu u kontaktu sa zakonom, o mehanizmima zaštite od nasilja i trgovini ljudima, kao i značaju ostvarivanja prava deteta na zdravu životnu sredinu. Poručuju da je ključ u informisanju. „Deca moraju da budu informisana, i jezik informisanja mora biti prilagođen deci.“

Smatraju da deca imaju jako malo poverenja u institucije jer im se šalju kontradiktorne informacije koje često kriju puno laži. „Da bi prava deteta postala važna i da bi se kao društvo bavili problemima sa kojima se deca susreću, neko mora jasno i glasno da kaže da su ona važna i da problem postoji.“

„Prava deteta moraju biti sastavni deo školskog gradiva, ali od najranijeg doba. U škole se mora vratiti predmet „Ustav i prava građana“. Deca će jednog dana imati pravo glasa, važno je da na vreme budu informisana.“

Deca i mladi takođe poručuju svojim vršnjacima da je važno i da se sami izbore za informacije. „Informiši se, nauči o svojim pravima. Trebaće ti jednog dana.“ Smatraju da je važno da svako od njih zastane i razmisli šta kao individua može da uradi za sebe i svoje vršnjake.

Razgovarajući o uticajima pandemije, svi su se složili da se najteže nose sa problemom uskraćenosti prava na igru i druženje, loše organizovanom online nastavom i posebno ističu da ih niko nije uključio u proces kreiranja nastave tokom pandemije. Zabrinjava ih i što nisu sva deca u istom položaju, što su vršnajcima iz ruralnih sredina i vulnerabilnih grupa pojedina prava bila dodatno uskraćena. Smatraju da je važno misliti na svako dete kako tokom tako i nakon pandemije.

Prava deteta ne znaju za geografiju, ne poznaju boju kože, i nije ih briga za pandemiju.

„Vreme ne možemo vratiti, ali hajde da nadalje zajedno menjamo svet. Ne donosite odluke bez nas, jer i naše mišljenje je važno.“

Centar za prava deteta poručuje političarima i donosiocima odluka da o deci brinu svakog dana, a ne samo tokom predizbornih kampanja i prilikom obeležavanja Svetkog dana deteta.

Na panelu na temu provosuđa po meri deteta, učestvovali su članovi Dečijeg savetodavnog odbora, pri Centru za prava detata, koji je formiran u okviru projekta „FOKUS – Radimo zajedno za pravosudni sistem koji u centru ima prava i potrebe deteta”.

Vebinar je održan u okviru projekta „Prava deteta u politikama i praksi” koji Centar za prava deteta sprovodi u partnerstvu sa Save the Children International i finansijsku podršku Vlada Švedske.

It is necessary to regulate the protection of children in informal education

The Child Rights Centre expresses concern about the frequent reports of sexual violence against children in the economic entities that provide the services of informal education under different names – school, studio, centre, playroom, club and the like. In Serbia, there are a number of business entities performing activities with children and youth, which are not recognised by any system in a way that would ensure safety and protection of personal integrity, as well as the mental and health development of children. Furthermore, the curriculum and manner of their work, or the results they achieve, are not monitored or evaluated.

Informal education is important as much as formal. Informal education plays a significant role in the development of child interests, social skills and various competences, and therefore can be a quality complement to formal education. It is also important to mention that a number of these economic entities work in appropriate, primarily safe conditions for children and therefore, do not violate basic child rights.

What is worrying is the fact that it is not prescribed in what conditions the work of these economic entities should take place, given the specificity of the activity and the target group with which they work; what qualifications and competencies those who work with children should have, whether there is a plan according to which they work, what children are expected to learn and what competences to develop; who and in what way can monitor their work; whom and what types of information they give about their work; what consequences they should suffer if they work inappropriately, etc. Also, the description of the registered activities of some of these business entities do not even include education as such. When registering with the Serbian Business Registers Agency, these business entities should meet the same conditions as any other business entity when it comes to responsibility and safety, regardless of the fact that they work with a particularly vulnerable group – children and youth.

It is necessary to regulate this area by establishing a clear legislative framework governing the work with children and youth, enabling the monitoring of their work and prescribing a procedure in case of the violation of regulations. However, the basic characteristics (such as flexibility and openness to rapid change) of informal education that distinguish it from the formal one should be kept. It is necessary that all business entities working with children have a legal obligation to establish adequate standards and procedures for the protection of children from violence and sexual exploitation. In addition, training and awareness raising of those working with children play a major role in building an organisational culture of intolerance to violence and abuse. It would be important that relevant information on the work of these business entities be made available to the public, especially if there have been any complaints that have proved to well-founded.

It is extremely important to empower and inform children and youth about their rights and how they can protect their rights in case they are violated.

This area needs to be regulated for the benefit of children and youth and their parents/legal representatives, but also all those who work or plan to work with children, with the aim of respecting the rights of the child and eradicating all forms of violence against children, as pointed out by the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child to our country by recommendation no. 33 in its concluding observations adopted on 3 February 2017.

Media coverage:

Najava vebinara povodom Svetskog dana deteta “I NAŠE MIŠLJENJE JE VAŽNO”

Svetski dan deteta se obeležava svake godine 20. novembra širom sveta, kako bi se promovisalo međunarodno zajedništvo, razumevanje među decom i dobrobit dece u svetu. Ovaj dan je ustanovljen od strane Generalne skupštine Ujedinjenih nacija 1954. godine, a tog dana pre 32 godine usvojena je i Konvencija o pravima deteta UN, koju je i naša država ratifikovala.

U susret Svetskom danu deteta, u petak, 19. novembra u 18 časova, Centar za prava deteta organizuje vebinar “I NAŠE MIŠLJENJE JE VAŽNO”, na kom će učestvovati članovi i članice Dečjeg kluba DX, pri Centru za prava deteta. Vebinar će biti prilika da se iz perspektive dece i mladih sagleda prethodna godina, koja je donela brojne izazove u ostvarivanju prava deteta.

Ovom prilikom čućemo mišljenje dece i mladih o tome u kojoj meri se iz  njihovog ugla ostvaruju prava deteta tokom pandemije, zatim o značaju informisanja dece i mladih o svojim pravima, o ostvarivanju prava deteta na zdravu životnu sredinu i važnosti participacije dece u donošenju odluka koje se njih tiču.

Ovim putem pozivamo sve zainteresovane da prate vebinar u trajanju od 80 minuta putem platforme ZOOM na linku: i čuju šta deca i mladi imaju da kažu.  

Medijske objave:


Child Rights Centre and NGO Atina Begin Implementing the Project “Empowering Children to Recognise and Report Trafficking in Human Beings in the Republic of Serbia”

In the period from January to the end of October of this year, 38 victims of trafficking in human beings, including 10 girls, were officially identified in Serbia. Professionals dealing with this topic warn that the number of victims is much bigger, because the statistics includes only the ones detected and identified.

In order to fight trafficking in human beings, in particular children, the Child Rights Centre, in cooperation with the NGO Atina and with the support of the European Union and the Council of Europe, began the implementation of the project “Empowering Children to Recognise and Report Trafficking in Human Beings in the Republic of Serbia”. The goal of this project is to reduce the vulnerability of children and youth to trafficking through the activities aimed at raising awareness and empowering children and youth to recognise trafficking in human beings and know how to protect themselves. The project is implemented with the financial support of the European Union and the Council of Europe as part of the joint programme “Horizontal Facility for the Western Balkans and Turkey 2019-2022” in the period 1 November 2021 – 15 June 2022.

Conceptually, this is a continuation of the project “Preventing and Combating Trafficking in Human Beings in Serbia”, conducted by the Child Rights Centre in cooperation with the NGO Atina and with the support of the European Union and the Council of Europe as part of the aforementioned programme in the period March-September 2021.

In the coming period, the Child Rights Centre will continue to promote the video “Between Dreams and Reality”, which has been shown in ten primary and secondary schools and the SOS Children’s Village Kraljevo, and the digital platform “Protection of Children from Human Trafficking“, in order to reach out to as many children as possible who will attend informative workshops in primary and secondary schools throughout Serbia.

The video and the platform have been created to directly inform children and youth, in particular those at an increased risk of becoming victims of human trafficking, about how to recognise these risks and how to protect themselves.The children from the Centre’s DX Club participated in the production of the video, and after the educational workshops on the prevention and protection of children from human trafficking, they actively participated in the development of video scripts in order to bring the topic of child trafficking closer to their peers. In addition, they actively participated in shaping the digital platform and modifying the content to be presented in child-friendly language.

In order to reach out to as many children as possible, posters will be created in cooperation with the DX Club and placed in schools throughout Serbia, and children will be able to access information on the digital platform through holograms.

In parallel with these activities, the Child Rights Centre and the NGO Atina will conduct a social media campaign on the importance of preventing and protecting children from human trafficking, while relying on the media to inform the public.

Reshared by:
ChildHub Platform
GI Resource Centre
NGO Atina

Obrazovanje dece iz osetljivih grupa tokom pandemije

Pandemija je nesumnjivo uticala na dostupnost i kvalitet obrazovanja u Srbiji. Samo uvođenje modela obrazovanja na daljinu je bilo pohvalno, ali ostaje upitno u kojoj meri je bilo kvalitetno i učinkovito.  

Nažalost, podatke o efektima organizacije i realizacije nastave u uslovima pandemije nemamo, a upravo bi oni predstavljali dobru osnovu za unapređivanje obrazovno-vaspitnog rada u ovim posebnim okolnostima. Ono čime trenutno raspolažemo su nalazi pojedinih istraživanja koji ukazuju na određene propuste u organizaciji i realizaciji nastave u uslovima pandemije.

Istraživanje Unicefa u Srbiji koje je objavljeno u maju prošle godine pokazalo je da osnovci i srednjoškolci iz osetljivih grupa tokom vanrednog stanja nisu bili u potpunosti uključeni u ponuđene modalitete obrazovanja na daljinu – bilo da je u pitanju praćenje nastave putem TV-a i onlajn platformi ili uz alternativne vidove podrške (u smislu dostavljanja štampanih materijala za one koji nisu bili u mogućnosti da prate onlajn nastavu). To su prvenstveno učenici, pripadnici romske nacionalne manjine, deca sa smetnjama u razvoju i invaliditetom, kao i učenici iz drugih osetljivih grupa, kao što su to učenici iz porodica niskog socioekonomskog statusa, izbeglice, migranti i dr.

Istraživanje „Prava deteta tokom pandemije iz ugla dece i mladih“ koje je Centar za prava deteta sproveo u periodu od juna do sredine septembra ove godine na uzorku od 509 ispitanika uzrasta od 12 do 18 godina širom Srbije, imalo je za cilj da utvrdi stavove dece i mladih o uticaju pandemije na ostvarivanje njihovih prava. Sagledan je život dece i mladih za vreme pandemije, šta se sve promenilo i na koje sve načine je pandemija uticala na njihovu psihološku dobrobit i ostvarivanje različitih prava.

Ono što deca navode kao poteškoće u pristupu obrazovanju jeste nedostatak tehničkih uslova za praćenje nastave na daljinu, kao i nedostatak adekvatne podrške u savladavanju gradiva. Žale se i na kvalitet obrazovanja tokom pohađanja onlajn nastave, a ukazuju i na nedovoljnu obučenost pojedinih nastavnika za korišćenje onlajn platformi za učenje. Kada su u pitanju jednake šanse u obrazovanju, polovina dece smatra da deca koja nisu imala jednake šanse pre korone – nemaju ni sada, dok druga polovina smatra da je sada gora situacija.

Medijske objave:

Održana treća panel diskusija „Pozitivno roditeljstvo i zaštita dece u visokokonfliktnim razvodima“

Centar za prava deteta (CPD) održao je 21. oktobra 2021. godine treću panel diskusiju na temu pozitivnog roditeljstva i zaštite dece u slučajevima visokokonfliktnih razvoda roditelja putem ZOOM platforme, na kojoj je učestvovalo 14 predstavnika centara za socijalni rad Svilajnac, Vučitrn i Žabari, civilnog sektora, roditelja i nastavnika iz Novog Pazara, Prokuplja i Niša.

Na samom početku, predstavnice CPD-a upoznale su učesnike sa dosadašnjim postignućima CPD-a na polju pozitivnog roditeljstva i zaštite dece u slučajevima visokokonfliktnih razvoda roditelja. Tom prilikom, predstavljeni su im ključni nalazi povodom sprovedenog Mapiranja programa i usluga pozitivnog roditeljstva u Srbiji, Priručnik za trenere/ice „Pozitivno roditeljstvo“, Priručnik za trenere/ice „Razvod roditelja i zaštita dece“, Vodič za facilitatore „Pozitivno roditeljstvo“ i Vodič za facilitatore „Razvod roditelja i zaštita dece“. Pored toga, učesnici su imali prilike da se upoznaju i sa onlajn platformama koje je CPD izradio u proteklom periodu, i to platformom za e-učenje, koja je namenjena stručnim radnicima u socijalnoj zaštiti i pravosuđu koji su motivisani da osveže ili unaprede svoja znanja u oblasti pozitivnog roditeljstva i zaštite dece u slučajevima visokokonfliktnih razvoda roditelja, kao i platformom za roditelje „Roditeljstvo se uči“.

Tokom panel diskusije u delu koji je bio posvećen pozitivnom roditeljstvu, učesnici su identifikovali glavne izazove koji otežavaju roditeljstvo u savremenom dobu. Prezauzetost roditelja, negativan uticaj medija i društvenih mreža, finansijska nesigurnost, nedovoljno znanja i podrške savremenom roditeljstvu su neki od najčešćih faktora koji danas otežavaju roditeljstvo. Kao otežavajuću okolnost ističu i to što škole više nemaju vaspitnu ulogu, pa je sve prebačeno na roditelje. S druge strane, jedna od učesnica ističe: „Vaspitanje kreće iz kuće, a kuće su sada prazne. Roditelji su zaposleni. Decu vaspitavaju vršnjačke grupe, privatni učitelji i društvene mreže.“ Čak više od 90% učesnika smatra da u njihovim zajednicama ne postoje odgovarajući resursi za podršku roditeljima u praktikovanju pozitivnog roditeljstva.

U delu koji se odnosio na zaštitu dece u visokokonfliktnim razvodima, disktovalo se o podršci koju je potrebno pružiti deci i roditeljima.  Malo više od polovine učesnika je zaključilo da ne postoje odgovarajući resursi za pružanje podrške deci tokom razvoda roditelja, dok ostali smatraju da takvi resursi delimično postoje. Takođe se diskutovalo i o saradnji centara za socijalni rad i škola. Prisutni ističu značaj uloge pedagoško-psihološke službe u školama i zaključuju da je jako važno sarađivati sa roditeljima i centrom za socijalni rad, i to tako što će pedagoško-psihološke služba biti prva instanca, a tek onda centri za socijalni rad.

Kao glavni zaključak diskusije nameće se potreba kontinuirane i sistemske podrške roditeljima, kao i međusobne saradnje relevantnih institucija i ustanova.

Sastanak je održan u okviru projekta „Pozitivno roditeljstvo“, koji CPD sprovodi uz finansijsku podršku EU u okviru programa Evropski instrument za demokratiju i ljudska prava u Srbiji. Cilj ovog projekta jeste doprinos zaštiti svakog deteta u Srbiji od svih oblika nasilja kroz efikasan zakonodavni okvir koji se dosledno primenjuje u svim okruženjima. Projekat sufinansira Ministarstvo za ljudska i manjinska prava i društveni dijalog.

Child Rights Centre Published the Animated Video “Individual Assessment of Children in Contact with the Law”

Children can come into contact with the law as victims, witnesses or perpetrators of crime in various ways, for example due to poverty, violence, parental divorce, discrimination, etc. In such cases, all experts who are in contact with the child should work together in the best interest of the child. The justice system should guarantee an individual approach to each child in order to take into account the child’s personality and maturity, economic, social and family situation, as well as all specific vulnerabilities.

The Child Rights Centre has created the video “Individual Assessment of Children in Contact with the Law” in order to inform children and youth about their rights in case they come into contact with the justice system, with special focus on the individual assessment of the child. The video shows the importance of the multidisciplinary individual assessment of the child who comes into contact with the justice system as a victim, witness or perpetrator of crime. In addition to being intended for children and youth, it can be useful also for justice system professionals.

The members of the Child Advisory Board, established as part of the FOCUS project, contributed to the creation of this video. The members of the Child Advisory Board had previously participated in a workshop about the media, arts and public speaking, aimed at encouraging their creativity to take an active part in making the video.

The Child Rights Centre made this video as part of the project FOCUS – Working together for children in criminal proceedings, implemented in partnership with the following organisations:  Terre des hommes Regional Office in Hungary, Defence for Children in the Netherlands, Institute of Social Activities and Practices (SAPI) in Bulgaria, Child Circle in Belgium, Terre des hommes Hellasand Terre des hommes Romania. The project is co-financed by the European Union through the Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme.

Digital Platform for Children and Youth “How Can You Protect Yourself from Human Trafficking?” Launched

Ahead of the European Anti-Trafficking Day, which is celebrated on October 18, Child Rights Centre and Atina have launched a digital Prevention Platform intended for children and youth aged 12-18, called “How Can You Protect Yourself from Human Trafficking”. It was created as a result of several months of work on the project “Awareness Raising Campaign on Trafficking in Children in the Republic of Serbia”, which is implemented with the financial support of the European Union and the Council of Europe, within their joint programme “Horizontal Facility for the Western Balkans and Turkey 2019- 2022”. The main idea and goal of the platform are for young people, who are at an increased risk of becoming victims of human trafficking, to be directly informed on how to recognise these risks and how to protect themselves.

In Serbia, as well as in other Western Balkan countries as well, children and young people make up the majority of identified victims of trafficking. This year, by the end of August, a total of 32 victims of human trafficking have been identified in Serbia, according to official data from the Centre for the Protection of Trafficking Victims, which operates within the Ministry of Labor, Employment, Social and Veteran Affairs. Out of that number, there were 9 minor victims all of whom were girls. Four of them were victims of sexual exploitation, 2 of labour exploitation, 2 were forced into marriage, and one was forced to commit criminal offences. We find similar statistics in other countries of the Western Balkans, and it is eloquently shown in the latest infographic of the Council of Europe, citing that in these countries 66% of identified victims of human trafficking are children.

The platform contains answers to the most important questions about human trafficking: how to recognise a trafficker or a victim, what every young person can do in such a situation, i.e. how to recognise and whom to report suspicion of human trafficking, and also the importance of the Council of Europe Convention on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings – an umbrella document and a universal guideline in the protection of trafficking victims. The Platform also contains instructions on how to protect yourself from human trafficking, and how to overcome the prejudices that accompany this problem. There is also a knowledge quiz on the basis of which high school youth can check their knowledge in this area.

On the occasion of the European Anti-Trafficking Day, Child Rights Centre and Atina, want to point out the importance of preserving the integrity, reputation and dignity of the child’s personality, as well as protection of rights and best interests of the child victim, and they remind that children who suffered violence must never be left without timely, adequate, criminal legal, family and social protection from violence and must be protected from secondary victimisation. Child Rights Centre and Atina also remind professionals in Serbia who work with and for children, that they are obliged to continuously review their actions, fully implement existing legislation, and enable children victims of trafficking to recover from trauma as painlessly as possible and to achieve successful and functional reintegration.

The Council of Europe Convention on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings, which opened for signature in Warsaw in May 2005, represents one of the most important international documents regulating this area. The Convention aims to prevent human trafficking, protect the victims and prosecute perpetrators, and applies equally to all victims of human trafficking, all forms of exploitation, and all forms of human trafficking.

The EU Anti-Trafficking Day was established by the European Commission in 2007 and is marked on 18 October every year since. It is an occasion to raise awareness on trafficking in human beings and improve the exchange of information, knowledge and best practices among the different actors working in this field.

Media coverage:

Radio Beograd 1
EU u Serbia Facebok page
EU in Serbia
EU in Serbia Instagram
ChildHub Platform
Embassy of Belgium Facebook page
Council of Europe Office in Belgrade Facebook page
Council of Europe
Puls Evrope Instagram

On the Occasion of the Adoption of the General Comment no. 25 of the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child on Children’s Rights in Relation to the Digital Environment

“We would like the government, technology companies and teachers to help us [to] manage untrustworthy information online.”- the children consulted during the preparation of General Comment no. 25 of the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child.

On Wednesday, 24 March 2021, the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child (Committee) officially published a new General Comment 25 on children’s rights in relation to the digital environment, taking into consideration certain key requirements and recommendations of the Child Rights Centre, relating to the commercial advertising and marketing, child rights impact assessments, right to privacy, independent monitoring, remedies and right to education.

The digital environment is becoming increasingly important in most aspects of a child’s life, especially during the pandemic caused by COVID-19, as social functions, including education, increasingly rely on digital technologies. It provides new opportunities for the realization of the rights of the child, but also poses a risk of their violation or abuse.

By adopting the General Comment no. 25 on children’s rights in relation to the digital environment, the Committee explicitly prescribes that the rights of the child must be respected in the digital environment, and provides guidelines to states on relevant legislative, political and other measures to be fully respected, protected and exercised in the digital environment. Also, this document raises awareness of the risks that children face on the Internet, encouraging all those responsible from the public and private sectors to take measures to address them.

It is important that states parties disseminate information and conduct campaigns to raise awareness of children’s rights in the digital environment and provide educational programmes for children, parents/guardians, the general public and decision-makers to improve their knowledge of children’s rights in relation to opportunities and risks associated with digital products and services.

States should ensure that digital literacy is learned at school, as part of primary education programme, from the pre-school level and throughout all years of schooling. Curricula should also include critical understanding, guidelines on how to find reliable sources of information, and identify misinformation and other forms of biased or false content, including sexual and reproductive health issues, human rights, and the rights of the child in the digital environment.

The Republic of Serbia, as one of the State parties to the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, is obliged to implement the provisions and formally report on the process of implementation of this document, so that children can fully enjoy their rights on the digital environment.

Child Rights Centre Published “The Rights of the Child to a Healthy Environment in the Republic of Serbia”

“I am worried about the problems called “people”. They are very obstinate and nothing can be ever explained to them. And there is also the problem that we all have different opinions and they really do not care about the fact that the air will be polluted, that streams will become sewers, that animals have the right to live. When all this is mentioned to them, they just say that it is better to be silent and not talk about it because who knows what can happen. I think exactly the opposite.” (a 15-year-old girl)

Child Rights Centre conducted the research “The Rights of the Child to a Healthy Environment in the Republic of Serbia” with an aim to map challenges in realising the rights of the child to a healthy environment in the Republic of Serbia, examine the views of children and youth about the level of realisation of these rights, and create recommendations for further improvement of the rights of the child to a healthy environment.

The research methodology was based on an online questionnaire for children and the information gathered through focus groups held representatives of the Secretariat for Environmental Protection of the City of Belgrade, civil society, international organisations, independent institutions and children. The online questionnaire was filled in by 432 children aged 12 to 18 years from urban and rural parts of Serbia and from over 20 cities and municipalities.

The research shows that children and youth are highly aware of the importance of environmental protection, the negative effects of environmental pollution and the establishment of a sustainable society. However, one of the main challenges is a high level of environmental pollution in many places where children and young people live, with the most common sources of pollution being inadequate waste management, air pollution, water pollution, food pollution and biodiversity destruction. The causes of these problems lie in the underdeveloped legislative and strategic framework and the inefficient implementation of the existing regulations and policies.

The research shows that children and youth are usually not involved in the processes of making and improving local policies and do not know enough about the state’s obligations and the content of policies related to sustainable development, climate change, nature protection, protection of plant and animal species, sustainable nutrition, sustainable production and consumption, circular economy, waste management, energy efficiency and eco-friendly and green cities. Only 8.7% of respondents stated that they participated in local policy making in the place of their residence.

Based on the research findings, the Centre has created numerous recommendations for the improvement of the rights of the child to a healthy environment. Some of the main recommendations refer to analyising the policies and legislation of the Republic of Serbia concerning the realisation of the rights of the child to a healthy environment, and establishing the level of compliance of the Republic of Serbia’s legislation and policies with international standards. It is also important to improve the legislative and strategic framework to ensure the realisation of the rights of the child to a healthy environment, improve the monitoring system and ensure efficient implementation of regulations and enhance the capacity of all professionals at the national and local level, and raise the level of knowledge of children and youth about their rights to a healthy environment, relevant strategic policies and ways of participation in local policy making and advocacy.

“I would adopt a law on banning air pollution and supplement it with new measures, such as using appropriate sources of heating, banning cars with outdated systems (diesel, etc.), limiting the number of cars in traffic, introducing free city bikes, ordinary and electric ones, applying the concept of roof afforestation and roof gardens, green corridors between traffic lanes, etc.” (a 17-year-old boy)

The right of the child to a healthy environment is guaranteed by the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and other international instruments. The realisation of the right of the child to a healthy environment is the basis for the full realisation of many other child’s rights and at the same time the states’ obligation to take measures to prevent environmental pollution.
The research was conducted as part of the project “Children’s Rights in Policies and Practice” implemented by the Child Rights Centre in cooperation with Save the Children International, and funded by the Government of Sweden.

Download the research here.

CRC Serving as a Member of the Working Group for Drafting a Working Version of Amendments to the Law on Juvenile Criminal Offenders and Criminal Protection of Juveniles

On 16 April 2021, the Ministry of Justice set up a Working Group for Drafting a Working Version of Amendments to the Law on Juvenile Criminal Offenders and Criminal Protection of Juveniles tasking it to draft a working text of the Law by 1 July 2021. In addition to representatives of judicial authorities, competent ministries and professional institutions, one of the Working Group members is CRC Director Jasmina Miković, representing the civil sector, who has actively participated in the Working Group meetings with specific proposals for harmonising certain provisions of the current law with international documents.

The existing Law was adopted more than fifteen years ago and despite certain legal and technical shortcomings, as well as some obviously insufficiently good solutions, it has not been amended in the meantime.  The reason for working on the amendments to this Law is the state’s obligation under the revised Action Plan for Chapter 23 – Judiciary and Fundamental Rights, which envisages reviewing the types and systems of criminal sanctions for juveniles, special obligations, new diversion orders, etc. In addition, it is important to harmonise the provisions of the current law with the provisions of the Criminal Procedure Code, the Criminal Code, the Law on Organisation of Courts, the Law on Public Prosecutor’s Office, the Law on Police, the Law on Execution of Criminal Sanctions and the Law on Family, as well as other international documents, and in particular with Directive 2012/29/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council, establishing minimum standards on the rights, support and protection of victims of crime.

In addition to participating in the meetings of the Working Group, the CRC sent to the Ministry of Justice relevant written proposals for amendments to the Law in May 2021. Having in mind the provisions of the ratified Convention on the Rights of the Child, as well as the Guidelines of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe on Child Friendly Justice, the CRC considers it necessary to harmonise criminal law terminology with international standards in the field of child’s rights and child-friendly justice, where child means a person under 18 years of age. It is, therefore, necessary to replace the term “juvenile” in every context by the term “child”.

Having in mind the provisions of Directive 2012/29/EU, the CRC proposed to clearly define in the Law the juvenile injured party’s right to a timely individual assessment aimed at identifying specific protection and support needs, security and safety measures and preventing secondary victimisation.

The CRC pointed to the necessity of ensuring a higher level of juveniles’ participation in the issuance of diversion orders to ensure their proper implementation. In addition, the CRC representative pointed out that one of the conditions for the implementation of diversion orders should be the juvenile’s consent. In addition, the CRC representative stressed the necessity of expanding the types of diversion orders and introducing a clearer definition of the restorative justice concept.

The CRC representative also highlighted the importance of ensuring that the hearing of juvenile injured parties was always conducted in a child-friendly environment, in a separate room, in the presence and with the assistance of an expert (psychologist, pedagogue or other professional specially trained to conduct forensic interviews) and without the presence of other parties in the procedure. It is also very important that the child does not wait for the hearing in an environment that is non-child-friendly or inappropriate, or walk through the court. The proposal is that this should be done in the premises outside the court building, in an environment specially designed for that purpose or in another appropriate space, using the mobile professional service for supporting child victims and witnesses of crimes, which could perform forensic interviews also in other spaces that are appropriate for an individual child.

Given that the current practice of multiple hearings of juvenile injured parties before a number of authorities leads to serious secondary traumatisation and victimisation of juvenile injured parties, the CRC strongly advocates for ensuring that juvenile injured parties are not heard more than once during procedure to avoid these adverse consequences. In order to prevent secondary victimisation and traumatisation, it is necessary to explicitly prohibit the defendant’s confrontation with the juvenile in case of all the crimes referred to in Article 150, as well as to ensure a higher degree of protection of juvenile witnesses to the crime.

Having in mind that preparing the child for a hearing in terms of complete psychological education of the child, providing support to the child during and immediately after the hearing, as well as providing continuous psychosocial, health and other necessary support, will prevent the secondary victimisation and traumatisation of the child, the CRC proposed the introduction of a new article of the Law clearly defining the obligation of providing these types of support, as well as the obligation of informing the child about the available types of support by the acting authorities.

We believe that a juvenile who has been a victim of the criminal offence referred to in Article 150 of this Law must have an attorney from the moment of his or her first hearing and first contact with the authorities, including preliminary criminal investigation. The provision of free legal aid and support is one of the basic child-friendly justice standards and in accordance with the Council of Europe Guidelines on Child-friendly Justice.

CRC at the Constitutive Session of the Council for Child Rights of the Government of the Republic Of Serbia

The Council for Child Rights of the Government of the Republic of Serbia held a constitutive session in the Palace Serbia on 21 July 2021. Twenty-six members from various ministries, institutions, universities and non-governmental organisations were appointed to the new composition of the Council, with the term lasting until 31 March 2022. The session was chaired by Ratko Dmitrović, Minister of Family Welfare and Demography.

Jasmina Miković, CRC Director and a MODS representative in the previous composition, was appointed a Council member.

The keynote speakers at the constitutive session of the Council were Milka Milovanović Minić, State Secretary in the Ministry of Family Welfare and Demography, Slavica Đukić Dejanović, Special Advisor to the Prime Minister of the Republic of Serbia on the Agenda 2030, Brankica Janković, Commissioner for Protection of Equality and Deyana Kostadinova, UNICEF Serbia Representative.

Ratko Dmitrović, President of the Council for Child Rights, stated that the Council for Child Rights was an advisory body of the Government of the Republic of Serbia, and as such submitted initiatives, proposals and analyses to the Government of the Republic of Serbia, relating to the exercise of the rights of the child in Serbia in accordance with the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.

Deyana Kostadinova, UNICEF Serbia Representative, stressed the need to urgently establish the Working Group for the Implementation and Monitoring of the Strategy for Prevention and Protection of Children from Violence, with the accompanying 2020-2021 Action Plan, adopted on 21 May 2021.

Brankica Janković, Commissioner for Protection of Equality, announced that the Special Report on Discrimination against Children, which was in the process of preparation, would be presented in the National Assembly on the occasion of the World Children’s Day, as agreed with the Speaker of the National Assembly and the Committee on the Rights of the Child. 

Jasmina Miković, CRC Director, pointed out that the state did not have a clearly defined and coordinated policy in the field of child rights and that it was necessary to urgently start drafting a new national strategy in the field of child rights.  She also reminded that the previous National Action Plan for Children ceased to be valid in 2015. In addition, she stressed the importance of adopting a comprehensive Law on the Rights of the Child and Ombudsperson for Children, which would bring the existing legislation in line with the ratified international treaties and provide an independent mechanism that would promote, improve, coordinate and control the exercise of child rights in Serbia.

Please be reminded that the Child Rights Centre, the Network of Organisations for Children of Serbia and the Coalition for Monitoring the Rights of the Child on 24 December 2020 sent a letter to the Prime Minister calling on the Government of the Republic of Serbia to urgently establish the Council for Child Rights, having in mind, among other things, the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic crisis on every child in Serbia, and especially on the position of children from the most vulnerable population groups.

See more about the session of the Council for Child Rights on the website of the Ministry of Family Welfare and Demography.

Neprihvatljivo ćutanje administracije u vezi sa nalazima o sistemskom zlostavljanju dece sa smetnjama u razvoju i invaliditetom u institucijama socijalne zaštite

Platforma organizacija sa saradnju sa mehanizmima UN za ljudska prava izražava duboku zabrinutost u vezi sa stanjem u institucijama socijalne zaštite i dokazima o sistemskom zlostavljanju dece sa smetnjama u razvoju i invaliditetom u ovim ustanovama kojim Republika Srbija krši međunarodne obaveze kao i sopstveni Ustav i zakone kojima se zabranjuje diskriminacija na osnovu invaliditeta.

Izveštaj Zaboravljena deca Srbije koji su 24. Juna 2021. godine objavile Disability Rights International i Inicijativa za prava osoba sa mentalnim invaliditetom MDRI-S ukazuje da Srbija nije uspela da reši pitanje teških kršenja ljudskih prava u institucijama koja predstavljaju nečovečno i ponižavajuće postupanje – a u nekim slučajevima dostižu i nivo torture. Naročito je alarmantan položaj žena i devojčica u institucijama koje su izložene kontroli rađanja bez njihovog znanja i pristanka, što može prikriti sistematsko seksualno zlostavljanje i iskorišćavanje koje se dešava u nekim institucijama.

Rezultati sprovedenog istraživanja jasno pokazuju da je deci sa smetnjama u razvoju prvenstveno ugroženo pravo na život, pa za njim i ostala garantovana prava. U izveštaju su prikazani slučajevi teškog zanemarivanja i manjka zdravstvene nege koji su rizični po život i zdravlje deteta.

Posebno zabrinjava i dalje prisutno smeštanje novorođenčadi i male dece u institucije uprkos načelnoj zabrani smeštaja dece mlađe od tri godine. Dokazano je da je smeštaj u rezidencijalnim ustanovama u Srbiji i odrastanje bez ljubavi i individualne pažnje u okviru porodice opasan po psihičko i fizičko zdravlje deteta i neminovno vodi javljanju i pogoršanju poteškoća u razvoju. 

Iako se Republika Srbija formalno zalaže za ostvarivanje procesa deinstitucionalizacije kojim bi se zaustavilo sistemsko zlostavljanje, pregledom najskorijih nacrta relevantnih zakona i strategije deinstitucionalizacije jasno je da ne postoji namera da se ovaj proces sprovode u skorijoj budućnosti. U praksi, Srbija i dalje najveća ulaganja usmerava ka „jačanju kadrovskih kapaciteta [ustanova socijalne zaštite], ali i infrastrukturnih, od izgradnje novih objekata, do rekonstrukcije i adaptacije postojećih,“ što potvrđuje izjava ministarke Kisić Tepavčević od 22. Juna 2021. godine.

Znajući da su vlasti dobro upoznate sa kršenjem prava dece i odraslih u institucijama, Platforma izražava posebnu zabrinutost zbog ćutanja administracije i odbijajanja da o nalazima istraživanja razgovara sa organizacijama civilnog društva, kao i da preuzme odgovornost za postojeće stanje.

S obzirom na prikazano alarmantno stanje u institucijama socijalne zaštite, Platforma organizacija za saradnju sa mehanizmima UN za ljudska prava zahteva hitnu reakciju Vlade Republike Srbije uključujući javno preuzimanje odgovornosti, kao i da bez odlaganja počne sa sprovođenjem mera koje će doprineti zaštiti ljudskih prava dece i odraslih u institucijama, što podrazumeva:

  • Zagarantovati i ostvariti pravo na život u porodici za svu decu u skladu sa obavezama prema tumačenju Komiteta za prava osoba sa invaliditetom u Opštem komentaru br. 5 uz Konvenciju. Zakon u Srbiji mora garantovati pravo svoj deci da žive i odrastaju u porodici i da usluge i podrška budu na raspolaganju porodicama kako bi se osiguralo da nijedna porodica ne bude primorana da napusti dete zbog siromaštva ili invaliditeta.
  • Pružiti adekvatnu stručnu i finansijsku podršku porodicama kako bi se sprečilo razdvajanje i institucionalizacija i zaštititi pravo roditelja sa invaliditetom da zadrže svoje dete. Programe treba kreirati tako da pomognu porodicama koje se nalaze pod najvećim rizikom – uključujući porodice dece sa smetnjama u razvoju, samohrane majke i decu koja žive u siromaštvu.
  • Osigurati svoj deci jednake mogućnosti za život u proširenoj, srodničkoj ili hraniteljskoj porodici kada roditelji nisu u mogućnosti da brinu o detetu. Država ima obavezu da učini dostupnim širok dijapazon usluga podrške koje će pomoći porodicama i potencijalnim hraniteljima da se adekvatno staraju o detetu.
  • Ulaganja treba usmeriti ka prevenciji institucionalizacije, a ne ka osnaživanju institucija. Srbija ima neposrednu obavezu da sva raspoloživa sredstva usmeri na podršku porodici i razvoj usluga u zajednici, a ne na premeštanje dece iz većih u manje institucije.
    Potrebno je :
    • Izmeniti Zakon o socijalnoj zaštiti tako da zabrani prijem dece u institucije, uključujući decu sa smetnjama u razvoju.
    • Napustiti planove za uspostavljanje „malih domskih zajednica“ s obzirom da oni podrivaju dalje napore za ostvarivanje prava deteta.
    • Hitno izraditi planove za zatvaranje ustanova i izdvajanje sredstava za održive službe podrške za porodice kako bi se obezbedila adekvatna zaštita dece u okviru zajednice.
  • Osigurati deci sa smetnjama u razvoju pristup svim uslugama u zajednici bez diskriminacije, što uključuje:
    • Pristup adekvatnoj medicinskoj zaštiti i nesmetan i hitan pristup neophodnim tretmanima od životne važnosti, kao i adekvatnom lečenju kako bi se umanjio bol.
    • Jednak pristup inkluzivnom obrazovanju za svu decu sa smetnjama u razvoju i invaliditetom širom zemlje.
  • Zaustaviti torturu i druge vidove zloupotrebe u rezidencijalnim ustanovama.
  • Zaštiti devojčice i žene sa invaliditetom od seksualnog zlostavljanja i uskraćivanja reproduktivnih prava i kriminalizovati abortuse i sterilizaciju nad ženama u institucijama.
  • Zaštiti decu od institucionalizacije tokom odrastanja i obezbediti podršku za samostalan život u zajednici.
  • Na kraju zahtevamo da Vlada Republike Srbije nevladinim organizacijama, a naročito organizacijama osoba sa invaliditetom, omogući stalan pristup institucijama u cilju obavljanja preventivnog nenajavljenog i nezavisnog stručnog nadzora, a u skladu sa članom 33. Konvencije UN o pravima osoba sa invaliditetom.

Centar za prava deteta je potpisao saopštenje kao deo Platforme zajedno sa sledećim organizacijama:

Komitet pravnika za ljudska prava – Yucom
A11 – Inicijativa za ekonomska i socijalna prava
Inicijativa za prava osoba sa mentalnim invaliditetom MDRI-S
Međunarodna mreža pomoći IAN
Mreža organizacija za decu MODS
Yurom centar
Beogradski centar za ljudska prava
NVO Atina

Medijske objave povodom saopštenja:

Nova S
Radio Slobodna Evropa

Stop Violence Against Children

The Child Rights Center strongly condemns the sexual harassment and violence against girls that took place at the Petnica Research Station, and calls on the competent authorities to react urgently, in accordance with their powers, to hold the responsible persons accountable.

It is worrying that this act took place in one of the prestigious European institutions for additional scientific education of young people. The shameful excuses by former director Vigor Majic, excusing his colleague’s behaviour because he is a “difficult, suicidal man”, suggests that violence against girls has been continuously covered up and denied.

Increasingly frequent reports of sexual violence against children in our society indicate the need to take urgent institutional measures to prevent such cases in the future, to encourage victims to report cases of violence, and to feel protected and safe in proceedings. In order to obtain that, the Law on the Rights of the Child should be adopted urgently, and the establishment of the Institution of the Protector of the Rights of the Child should begin. This would enable early intervention, more efficient work of judicial bodies and implementation of child-friendly procedures.

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ChildHub Platform

Centar za prava deteta održao vebinar „Umeće roditeljstva”

Deca su  poput tečnosti, koja poprima oblik suda u koji se stavi.”, Radmila Vulić Bojović, psihološkinja i porodična psihoterapeutkinja

Centar za prava deteta održao je  besplatan vebinar za roditelje “Umeće roditeljstva”, na kom se razgovaralo o izazovima roditeljstva tokom pandemije, promenama u školskom sistemu koje su dodatno opteretile roditelje, saradnji institucija i roditelja, savremenom načinu života koji zahteva vešto žongliranje između posla i porodice i mnogim drugim dilemama u vezi sa primenom pozitivnih metoda vaspitanja i postavljanju jasnih granica u svim uzrastima dece.

O ovim temama, roditelji su imali priliku da razgovaraju sa Centrovim saradnicama Radmilom Vulić Bojović, psihološkinjom i porodičnom psihoterapeutkinjom, i Nadeždom Vlajković, profesorkom italijanskog jezika i književnosti i, a razgovor je moderirao Miša Stojiljković, novinar.

Do sada je vebinar ispratilo preko 1 500 roditelja, a snimak je dostupan na zvaničnoj Fejsbuk stranici Centra i onima koji su propustili priliku da prisustvuju u momentu emitovanja vebinara.

Centar u okviru kampanje za promociju koncepta pozitivnog roditeljstva, pruža podršku roditeljima i organizovanjem edukativnih radionica u školama širom Srbije.  

U Srbiji je fizičko kažnjavanje dece i dalje veoma rasprostranjeno, a određene patrijarhalne norme i vrednosti koje opstaju u našem društvu predstavljaju jedan od glavnih razloga zašto se telesno kažnjavanje i dalje smatra legitimnim načinom vaspitavanja dece. Međunarodni standardi u oblasti prava deteta obavezuju države da osiguraju zaštitu dece od telesnog kažnjavanja u svim sredinama, uključujući i porodičnu.

Vebinar je održan u okviru projekta „Prava deteta u politikama i praksi“ koji Centar za prava deteta sprovodi u partnerstvu sa Save the Children International, a uz finansijsku podršku Vlade Švedske, čiji je cilj unapređivanje sistema zaštite dece u Srbiji.

Medijske objave:
Blic Žena

Koalicija za monitoring prava deteta u Republici Srbiji podnela prilog za Izveštaj Evropske komisije o napretku RS

Koalicija za monitoring prava deteta u Republici Srbiji je sredinom aprila 2021. godine podnela prilog Evropskoj komisiji za Izveštaj o napretku RS ukazujući na stanje prava deteta i položaj dece tokom 2020. godine, kao i na neke od glavnih nedostataka u ostvarivanju prava deteta. Koalicija se osvrnula na normativni okvir, nacionalnu politiku usmerenu na decu i koordinaciju primene prava deteta, kao i na specifične oblasti kao što su: nasilje nad decom, trgovina ljudima (trendovi i reakcije), deca izbeglice, pristup uslugama tokom pandemije KOVID-19, obrazovanje, obrazovanje o ljudskim pravima i pravima deteta, pravosuđe po meri deteta, kao i pitanje ratifikacije Trećeg opcionog protokola o komunikacijskim procedurama uz Konvenciju o pravima deteta UN.

Kao jedan od glavnih nedostataka, Koalicija ukazuje na nepostojanje sveobuhvatnog Zakona o pravima deteta i Zaštitniku prava deteta, čije usvajanje bi doprinelo usaglašavanju celokupnog pravnog sistema u oblasti prava deteta, usklađivanju zakonskih rešenja ovog zakona sa drugim zakonima, kao i boljoj koordinaciji svih ključnih sektora. Takođe, ukazano je na neophodnost donošenja nacionalnog strateškog dokumenta u oblasti prava deteta, jer je prethodni Nacionalni plan akcije za decu istekao 2015. godine.

Ono što je obeležilo 2020. godinu je pandemija KOVID-19 virusa, a povodom toga proglašenje vanrednog stanja u Srbiji i uvođenje mera za vreme vanrednog stanja, kada je koordinacija politika u oblasti prava deteta potpuno bila upitna. Tako je nakon usvajanja mera prevencije virusa KOVID-19 došlo od suspenzije ili prekida rada službi za prevenciju i odgovor na nasilje nad decom. Pandemija je takođe produbila postojeće probleme žena i dece koji su inače u riziku od seksualne eksploatacije. Mere novčane pomoći, kaoo odgovor Vlade na krizu, nisu bile fokusirane na siromaštvo dece u Srbiji.

Kvalitet obrazovanja dece je znatno degradiran tokom pandemije. Učenici, nastavnici i roditelji su se suočavali sa brojnim poteškoćama zbog prelaska na onlajn nastavu. To je dovelo do smanjenja pristupa obrazovanju dece iz osetljivih grupa, a posebno romske dece iz podstandardnih naselja i dece smeštenih u centrima za azil. Takođe, za vreme vandrednog stanja, deci sa invaliditetom koja žive u institucijama praktično je bio uskraćen pristup obrazovanju.

Pored toga, proglašenje vanrednog stanja i uvođenje mera za vreme vanrednog stanja, štetno su uticali na decu lišenu slobode, kako na one prema kojima se realizuje mera pritvora, tako i na one koji su na izvršenju krivičnih sankcija u zavodima. Oni su se susreli sa potpunim zatvaranjem i izolovanjem. Zabranjene su posete, prijem pošiljki, i nije postojala mogućnost napuštanja ustanove. Prelazak nastave na elektronske medije, dovodi do poremećaja pohađanja nastave u zavodima za vaspitanje dece i omladine, s obzirom na neadekvatnu tehničku opremljenost. Osećaj izolovanosti, u kombinaciji sa strahom i brigom za svoje bližnje, kao i gubitkom dnevnih rutina usled prekida školskih, radnih, sportskih i kulturno-zabavnih aktivnosti, negativno je uticalo na psiho-socijalno stanje dece u institucijama. Mere zaštite od epidemije u okružnim zatvorima i pritvorskim jedinicama bile su jednake kao i mere u zavodima. Zabrinjavajuće je što je prekid obrazovanja maloletnika u pritvoru prisutan i van uvedenih mera, sem u slučaju kad se samostalno pripremaju za polaganje ispita ili odgovaranje. Takođe, ne postoji organizovana nastava za učenike osnovne škole, koja je po zakonu obavezna.

Prilog pogledajte na linku.

Child justice professionals in Europe learn how to FOCUS on children’s needs and strengths

Source: ChildHub – Child Protection Hub

Every child is different, so must be the support we offer them.

In theory, everyone agrees. In practice, too often the needs of children involved in criminal proceedings are not properly assessed or considered.

And yet, EU laws guarantee that every time children are in contact with the law, their needs and best interest should be assessed on an individual basis as a top priority.

It’s a children’s right: all professionals involved must ensure that it is always the children’s reality.

When asked what child-friendly justice is, a 16-years old Serbian boy replied:
“A system adjusted to every child, where an individual counts.”

This is the essence of FOCUS on my needs: working together for children in criminal proceedings, a two-year project led by Terre des Hommes in collaboration with Child Circle, Child Rights Centre (Serbia); Defence for Children (The Netherlands); Institute of Social Activities and Practices (Bulgaria); Terre des hommes Romania and Terre des hommes Hellas. The project is co-funded by the Rights, Equality, Citizenship Programme 2014-2020 of the European Union.

Mixing research, training, knowledge sharing and children’s empowerment, FOCUS uses an innovative, hands-on approach to strengthen the use of multidisciplinary Individual need assessment among child justice professionals. 

When a child is involved in criminal proceedings, as a victim or offender, relevant professionals in the field of child justice and protection should act and analyze together all aspects of the child’s life, identifying his or her strengths and vulnerabilities.

An individual needs assessment is a precious tool to achieve child-centred justice, as it ensures that each case management starts from and focuses on the child’s needs, improving access to fair, child-friendly justice.

Through the FOCUS project, Terre des hommes (Tdh) and its partners are developing quality standards and assessment tools for professionals and building their capacity to work in a multidisciplinary way on individual assessments of children involved in criminal proceedings, starting from the experiences shared by the children.

For instance, children and young people in contact with the law recounted how, in some cases, they have been physically and emotionally mistreated, could not contact family members or had to wait even for months to get psychological assistance, highlighting the need for training on child-friendly and child-centred justice.

“Often the police or law enforcement officers forget that they are dealing with minors”, says Mihai Enache, project manager of the FOCUS project for Romania “Each specialist interrogates them separately, so children or teens become intimidated and can tell a slightly different version each time, which makes the interrogator even more aggressive. The circle of violence and re-victimization is thus encouraged without taking into account the rights of children”.

In Romania, more than 50 professionals have been trained, while 63 experts attended the training in Serbia, and 23 in the Netherlands, including judges, prosecutors, social workers, psychologists, and Ministries representatives.

In the Netherlands, children actively participated in the trainings. In fact, children are not mere beneficiaries of the FOCUS project: they are agents of change. Children have a voice in every step of the process, thanks to the Child Advisory Boards (CABs) set in the focus countries (Greece, Bulgaria, Serbia, Romania, The Netherlands) and comprised of children and young people typically aged between 12 and 25 years, with various experiences with the justice system. They share their experiences, review the assessment methodology and lead the creation of advocacy materials on children’s rights, becoming their own advocates among professionals and peers alike. The members of the Dutch Child Advisory Board created a video showed during the training, and four of them attended one session during which they asked the enthusiastic professionals to share their ideas and insights on when they think young people feel being heard, and answered questions on how to start an advisory board in their own organization and what is needed to do an assessment with children.

More online and face-to-face trainings are planned in Bulgaria and in Greece and will follow a similar, hands-on approach: the sessions mix theory and practices, offer pragmatic solutions to real-life issues and allow space for discussion and group work on how to improve access to justice for every child. For instance, during the Dutch training, the participants decided to organize a monthly meeting and decided the topics to be discussed for each of them.

This idea is yet another confirmation that professionals need to create a space for them to meet and discuss good practices, experiences, challenges and ways to overcome them.

To respond to this need, and to keep providing training and guidance beyond the project duration and in-person reach, FOCUS partners are working on a multilingual online platform connected with ChildHub and Justice with Children. The platform will host e-learning modules, relevant tools and resources to improve and systematize individual needs assessment among child law practitioners and an online forum for professionals to connect, share their knowledge and discuss their issues.

For more information about the FOCUS project, please contact Orinda Gjoni, FOCUS Project Coordinator, orinda.gjoni@tdh

Request for removal of shortcomings of anti-discrimination laws

Civil society organizations demand from the competent authorities to remove the shortcomings contained in the draft Law on Amendments to the Law on Prohibition of Discrimination and the draft Law on Same-Sex Unions, in accordance with the recommendations of civil society and the issued opinion of the Protector of Citizens.

During and after the public debate on the amendments to the Law on Prohibition of Discrimination, the Ministry of Human and Minority Rights and Social Dialogue has, without providing any justification and contrary to the recommendations of civil society organizations, formulated provisions that deviate from the legal standards of the Council of Europe, and in particular the European Court of Human Rights and the European Commission against Racism and Intolerance. It has also deviated from European Union standards regarding the prohibition of discrimination in the field of labour and employment. Shortcomings have also been identified in the other provisions of the draft law, including those that are not in line with other systemic laws, such as the Law on General Administrative Procedure and the Law on Personal Data Protection.

The Government of the Republic of Serbia adopted the draft Law on Amendments to the Law on Prohibition of Discrimination on April 22, 2021. This text is burdened with the same shortcomings as the draft Law.

In the draft Law on Same-Sex Unions the Ministry included provisions that are not based on the recommendations of LGBT organizations regarding obstacles to the registration of same-sex unions, the relationship between a partner and a child of another partner and their mutual subsistence, as well as conditions for the recognition of an unregistered union. In addition, the draft law is burdened with numerous other flaws.

As the body responsible for the protection of human rights on the basis of the Constitution of the Republic of Serbia, the Protector of Citizens also informed the Ministry of Human and Minority Rights and Social Dialogue about the above-mentioned shortcomings in the opinion he issued.

Human rights organizations demand that the Ministry take into account the recommendations of the Protector of Citizens and civil society and remove the shortcomings of the draft Law on Same-Sex Unions. We expect the Government of Serbia to ensure that the above-mentioned shortcomings are removed before making any final decision on the text of the draft law. We appeal to the members of the National Assembly (MPs) to remove the identified shortcomings of the draft Law on Amendments to the Law on Prohibition of Discrimination through the submission of amendments.

This request has been supported by: Center for Advanced Legal Studies (CUPS), Civil Rights Defenders, Praxis, Independent Journalists’ Association of Serbia (IJAS), Independent Journalists’ Association of Vojvodina (IJAV), Heartefuct fund, Pride Society, Association of Students with Handicap, Geten, Youth Initiative for Human Rights (YIHR), Humanitarian Law Center, Sandzak Committee for Protection of Human Rights, CHRIS Network of Human Rights Committees in Serbia, Labris, Child Rights Centre, Standing Conference of the Roma Associations of the Citizens (60 orgnisations), the Network of Organisations for Children of Serbia (103 organisations).


“You are telling us that we are the future, but how are we supposed be the future if our present is threatened?” – Una Ljiljak, member of the Child Rights Centre’s DX Club

On the occasion of Earth Day, which is on 22 April, in order to draw public attention to the importance of preserving and protecting the environment, but also to a large number of environmental challenges, the Child Rights Centre (CRC) held a conference entitled “Realising the child’s rights to a healthy environment.”

The conference gathered a significant number of experts who presented their experiences and challenges in realising the child’s right to a healthy environment, thus raising many important issues in this area. The participants had the opportunity to hear also the opinions of children and young people about the degree of exercising their rights.

At the very beginning, Jasmina Miković, CPD Director, pointed out an unbreakable link between the child’s rights and the environment, including climate change. She emphasized the insufficient understanding of the relationship between children’s rights and the environment, despite the growing interest in the past few years, at the international and national level, to recognise children’s rights to a healthy and sustainable environment, but also to protect and prevent violations of the children’s rights resulting from environmental damage.

Ana Prodanović from UNICEF spoke about the lifelong impact of climate change on children’s health and stressed the importance of intensive and joint action of all stakeholders, particularly young people in every phase of the environmental protection process. Gordana Ilić, representative of the Protector of Citizens, also highlighted the importance of children’s participation and presented some of the participatory activities performed by the Protector of Citizens.

Zorica Milosavljević, President of Citizens’ Association Zlatiborski krug and biology teacher in the Primary School Dimitrije Tucović from Čajetina, and Milan Dakić, representative of the Provincial Protector of Citizens, said that environmental education must be included in the compulsory curriculum of regular education and that children had the right to be acquainted with the right to a healthy environment. Natalia Novikova from “Fridays for Future” pointed out the necessity to stop perceiving ecology as a hobby, instead of as a compulsory school subject, and also raised the issue of how to motivate decision makers to start changing our joint future, asking “What is the point of getting education for a future we will not have?”.

The importance of connecting children with nature was especially stressed, along with the role of parents in developing their children’s love for nature and environmental empathy. Mina Mirić from the World Wildlife Fund pointed out that empathy for nature was the basis for building environmentally aware individuals. The representatives of children and youth agreed with that and said that “we must not resent Mother Nature, because it will come back to us two times worse.”

Prof. Vladimir Đurđević Ph.D. from the Faculty of Physics, University of Belgrade, speaking from the perspective of his multi-year experience in the field of climate change impact on the environment, emphasized the seriousness of this topic, believing that as a society we would have to face serious consequences of irresponsible behaviour. He pointed out that children and youth had a very high interest in environmental protection and that it was necessary for adults and decision makers to use that impulse and direct it in the right way. Ognjan Pantić from the Belgrade Open School agreed with that view and stressed the importance of supporting young people in their will and desire to protect nature.

Simon Ilse, Office Director, Heinrich Böll Foundation, Belgrade, expressed his satisfaction with the fact that the topic of environmental protection was gaining an increasing importance in Serbia, because, as he stated, “we do not have a planet B”. Referring to the constitutional obligation of Serbia to inform every citizen about the state of the environment, he pointed out that the Heinrich Böll Foundation sought to contribute to this through the Shadow Report of Coalition 27 which, although it did not contain a special section on children, obviously recognised the importance of children’s rights to a healthy environment.

The children and young people spoke about the degree of realisation of children’s rights from their point of view, about the importance of children being informed and launching initiatives in their schools and communities. They stressed the importance of the participation of children and youth in policy-making, the harmfulness of medical waste, deforestation, and the greenhouse effect. The children mentioned that they needed adults to believe in them and their readiness to be informed, educated and proactive, because, as Natalija Cvetković from the DX Club said, “by pointing out the problem, we do not criticise adults, but call for a common solution.”

Milena Banić, associate of the Child Rights Centre, presented the findings of the research conducted by the Child Rights Centre in March and April 2021 in order to map the challenges in the exercising of child’s right to a healthy environment in Serbia.  The research covered 432 children and young people 12-18 years old from over 20 municipalities and towns in Serbia. The research findings showed that children and young people considered that air and water pollution, poor waste management, illegal deforestation, extinction of plant and animal species, as well as food pollution, were the biggest problems of environmental pollution in their municipalities and cities. Over 80% of young people pointed to the problem of air and water pollution, and saw traffic, waste incineration, industry and the poor system of state control as the biggest causes of environmental pollution. The fact that only 20% of children and youth believed that there were enough parks, greenery and trees in the places where they lived is worrying. As many as 50% of respondents considered that children and young people did not spend enough time outdoors and in nature, and 55% believed that countries were not sufficiently committed to fighting the climate crisis. In addition, the research showed that children and youth were not sufficiently recognised in the strategic policies related to the improvement of environmental protection, or sufficiently involved in the local policy-making process. A series of strategic policies lack in this area, including policies for sustainable and child-friendly cities, sustainable nutrition, production and consumption as well as climate change and noise protection.

At the very end, Prof. Nevena Vučković Šahović, President of the Child Rights Centre’s Board of Directors, summarised the conclusions of the conference, referring first to the obligations of Serbia undertaken by ratifying the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. She noted that the first necessary step was to map the situation in the field of child’s rights in Serbia in order to establish the level of harmonisation of national and international laws. She pointed out that an important precondition for respecting the child’s right to a healthy environment was passing the Law on the Rights of the Child, the draft of which included the section on the protection of child’s rights. It was also necessary to analyse the judicial practice and initiate a multisectoral dialogue at all levels. It was important to motivate decision makers, because young people were ready to get involved in the process of change, because, as Olga Dević, a member of the CPD Board of Directors and of the DX Club, said “when, if not now?”.

The conference was held as part of the project “Children’s Rights in Policies and Practice” implemented by the Child Rights Centre in partnership with Save the Children International, and funded by the Government of Sweden.

The recording of the conference is available on the CPD’s Facebook page.

The CRC Published Video “Child-Friendly Justice from the Perspective of Children and Youth”

Child Rights Centre Published a Video “Child-Friendly Justice from the Perspective of Children and Youth” in order to point out at the importance of informing children and youth on their rights in case they come into contact with justice system.

The children and youth from DX Club as part of the Child Rights Centre participated in the development of the video, given that child participation, as one of the basic principles of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, is a very important component of the project. Since May 2020, members of DX Club have been educated on the international standards on child-friendly justice and empowered to advocate for their implementation in practice.

The results of the research “Child Friendly Justice – the Perspectives of Children and Youth” conducted by the Child Rights Center in the period from March to September 2020, indicate that children and youth from general population are not informed about the rights they have when in contact with the justice system. Thus, 44% of children and youth are not informed at all about the rights they have if they come into contact with the justice system or are partially informed (28%). Only 3% of respondents believe that children and youth are fully informed about their rights in case they come into contact with the justice system. The results indicate the importance of informing children and youth about the rights of the child in the judicial system, which was the reason for making this video.

The CRC has made the video as part of the project “Rights of the Children in Serbia – Improving Outcomes for Children in the Serbian Justice System – CRIS” implemented in cooperation with the International Rescue Committee (IRC) and ASTRA – Anti-Trafficking Action, with financial support of the European Union through the “The Rights, Equality and Citizenship” Programme.  

Watch video on the link.

Media coverage:



Objavljen Bilten #2 u okviru projekta “Pozitivno roditeljstvo”

Povodom drugih šest meseci realizacije dvogodišnjeg projekta “Pozitivno roditeljstvo” koji Centar za prava deteta (CPD) sprovodi od 1. januara 2020. godine, uz finansijsku podršku EU u okviru programa Evropski instrument za demokratiju i ljudska prava u Srbiji, CPD je objavio Bilten #2 kako bi informisao javnost o sprovedenim i planiranim aktivnostima. Projekat sufinansira Kancelarija za saradnju sa civilnim društvom Vlade RS, a sprovodi se uz podršku Pravosudne akademije i Republičkog zavoda za socijalnu zaštitu.

U periodu od jula do decembra 2020. godine, CPD je razvio programe za obuke profesionalaca u socijalnoj zaštiti i pravosuđu i održao dva treninga za trenere „Pozitivno roditeljstvo“ i „Razvod roditelja i zaštita dece“. Nakon obuka, CPD je obezbedio supervizijsku podršku trenera/ica, kako bi se dodatno osnažili da dalje sprovode programe podrške porodicama, koji stimulišu i jačaju veštine pozitivnog roditeljstva, kao i da postupaju u najboljem interesu deteta u slučaju visokokonfliktnog razvoda. Kao deo gorepomenutih treninga za treninge, CPD je izradio Priručnik za trenere/ice „Pozitivno roditeljstvo“ i Priručnik za trenere/ice „Razvod roditelja i zaštita dece“, koji su dostupni svim stručnjacima u oblasti socijalne zaštite i pravosuđa koji su zainteresovani da unaprede svoja znanja. Takođe su pripremljeni i Vodič za facilitatore „Pozitivno roditeljstvo“ i Vodič za facilitatore „Razvod roditelja i zaštita dece“, koji nude praktične savete i vežbe stručnim radnicima u oblasti socijalne zaštite i pravosuđa, i predstavljaju važnu alatku u daljem širenju znaja i veština tokom rada sa decom i porodicama. U cilju promocije principa pozitivnog roditeljstva među nastavnicima i roditeljima, CPD je održao 15 info sesija u školama širom Srbije. Pored toga, održana su dva sastanka praktičara na temu pozitvnog roditeljstva i zaštite dece u slučajevima visokokonfliktnih razvoda u Beogradu i Kragujevcu, koji su okupili predstavnike centara za socijalni rad, obrazovnih institucija, Zaštitnika građana, Republičkog zavoda za socijalnu zaštitu, nevladinih organizacija, donatorske zajednice, kao i akademike i druge profesionalce koji deluju u oblasti zaštite dece.

Kao jako važan budući resurs stručnim radnicima u socijalnoj zaštiti i pravosuđu, CPD je izradio platformu za e-učenje, na kojoj se nalaze dva programa: „Pozitivno roditeljstvo“ i „Razvod roditelja i zaštita dece“, koji nude korisne materijale u ovim oblastima: priručnike, vodiče, stručne tekstove, izveštaje i youtube snimke.

Pored toga, CPD je vodio kontinuiranu kampanju podizanja svesti o značaju pozitivnog roditeljstva i štetnim posledicama visokokonfliktnih razvoda na razvoj deteta putem saopštenja, na društvenim mrežama i u medijima.

U narednom periodu, između ostalog, predstoji izrada publikacije koja će sadržati iskustva dece tokom visokokonfliktnih razvoda, i njeno predstavljanje na konferenciji koja će okupiti profesionalce u oblasti zaštite prava deteta iz zemlje i regiona.

Više o tome, pogledajte u Biltenu #2.

Personal story of Magdalena: ”How I Almost Lost Myself in the Justice System Maze”

An interview published on Confederation of European Probation website.

Hi, everyone. I am so pleased to be here today with you. I will try to tell you the story of my life, or better to say, how I almost lost my myself trying to have a normal life, first of a child, and then of a young girl.

My name is Magdalena. I am 20 years old, and I am from Serbia, a lovely place but with some injustice. That is why I decided to study law once I finished Grammar school. Now, I am at the second year of the Law Faculty. I am an active member of the Child Advisory Board established by the Child Rights Centre from Serbia, within the regional project FOCUS on my needs: Working together for children in criminal proceedings, which is implemented in the partnership with other European partners and coordinated by Terre des hommes Regional Office in Hungary.

Let me try lead you through the maze of my life.

So, first it started when I was a little girl. It was my first contact with justice system. My parents separated. My struggle started. I remember going from one social worker to another and kept answering their questions. A zillion of them! It was very exhausting. And very frustrating at the same time. They were focused on my parents’ story. I was thinking…and what about me, is there my story, or I am just a witness of my parents’ story. No one asked me how I felt.

When they finished their story, we went to the court. Yet another place of frustration! Still no one thinking about my feelings, my fears, my story. I felt so uncomfortable, scared, alone and lost. The judge decided that I should stay with my mother and live with her. And that I can see my father only at weekends which was a hard time for me.

I changed… Everything changed… My behaviour changed because of the situation and I was punished in the Grammar School for the things I did and the thing was that I acted like a bad child but no psychologist worked with me and I had to be alone with that and marked as a child with the bad behaviour. You can imagine how I felt.

It was just the beginning of my bad feelings and my loneliness in this struggle through the maze.

Once my dad and I were travelling to Austria. But at the Hungarian border, he was arrested for unpaid fine. And, again the same scenario, just other actors. This time police officers. They didn’t care about me, and I was just 13. My dad and I were 10 hours without food and water, because the focus again was on what my dad did, on his story, and I almost ended up in a place for homeless kids in Hungary. I was terrified. It was very traumatising. They didn’t call my mother. I again felt lost.

Teenage period was very difficult. Now I can see it better. Back in those days I just felt alone, scared, even angry and lost. When I was a teenager, it happened that I stole something from a store. It was a small thing and they said it was a little crime. I had a very uncomfortable situation at the store. The police officers were treating me very bad. They yelled at me and took me to the police station like the biggest criminal, and I was 17 and I didn’t know what I was doing. They took me to the police station, and they didn’t call my mother. I felt very uncomfortable sitting there with old people who did some crime and they’re yelling at me 4 hours. They were not acting professionally. They were angry with me, they sent me by Court to institution for teenagers who had problem with law where I was supposed to go occasionally.

Only there I met some psychologists who tried to help me. There were two professional psychologists who worked hard with me. And they did it. They helped me change my behaviour, they helped me deal with my trauma. A social worker was very nice to me and she worked so hard that I got through that traumatic maze of my life in the best possible way. As I finished my visits there, I stayed there for 2 years. My friends and I made a formal association to help kids like we were. I still go there and they still help me and talk to me and work with me even on those stuff that happened years ago.

One day, I will be a lawyer. One day there will be children whose parents will be separating. One day, I promise, no one will be suffering for my lack of understanding, for my lack of professionalism, for my negligence.

Thank you all!

Centar za prava deteta pokrenuo platformu “Roditeljstvo se uči”

Centar za prava deteta predstavlja platformu “Roditeljstvo se uči” koja je namenjena svim zainteresovanim roditeljima koji su motivisani da unaprede svoje roditeljske veštine kroz primenu pozitivnih roditeljskih praksi. Platforma nudi potencijalne tehnike pomoću kojih roditelji kod deteta mogu da izgrade i neguju samopoštovanje, kritičko razmišljanje, samopouzdanje i samostalno donošenje odgovornih odluka.

Biti roditelj je, najčešće istovremeno, najlepše iskustvo u životu i najizazovniji zadatak s kojim se roditelj suočava. I pored svih saveta i knjiga koje se mogu pročitati, ne postoji recept za idealnog roditelja zato što su svaki roditelj i svako dete jedinstveni, kao i odnos među njima. Mogu postojati smernice kojih se roditelji mogu pridržavati, ali samo ukoliko nikada ne zaborave da će morati da se prilagođavaju specifičnoj situaciji u kojoj se nalaze. Pitanje koje povezuje sve roditelje je: da li ću biti dobar roditelj i da li ću detetu/ deci uspeti da pružim sve što želim i što ona žele, čak i kada su vremena teška, a izazovi veliki.

Brojne naučne studije ukazuju na to da izlaganje dece nasilnom disciplinovanju ima štetne posledice, od neposrednih efekata do dugoročne štete koja se prenosi i u odraslo doba. Izloženost nasilju ometa uspešan razvoj deteta – psihički, emocionalni i kognitivni i može dovesti do fizičkih, emocionalnih i socijalnih poremećaja i iskrivljene slike o sebi. Najnovije istraživanje UNICEF-a u Srbiji pokazuje da je danas skoro svako drugo dete u Srbiji izloženo nasilnom disciplinovanju. Roditelji pribegavaju nasilnom disciplinovanju iz više razloga – između ostalog, zbog stečenih uverenja, karakternih crta i utiska da je takvo ponašanje društveno prihvatljivo. Dete ima pravo na brigu i vaspitanje koje uvažava njegovu individualnost, a roditelji bi trebalo da imaju pravo na podršku društva i države u ispunjavanju svoje uloge.

Ova digitalna platforma izrađena je u okviru projekta „Prava deteta u politikama i praksi” koji Centar za prava deteta sprovodi u partnerstvu sa Save the Children International i finansijsku podršku Vlade Švedske.

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Beogradska hronika – Roditeljstvo se uči